

02:58 Ticket #847 (<search_replace> supports different modes) created by jwrober@…
That way we can append after the searched item, prepend before it, or …


03:39 Ticket #766 (DTD Syntax Doc: <patch> got <prefix> added to it) closed by jwrober@…
fixed: Finished in CVS 05-28-2004
03:39 Ticket #764 (DTD Syntax Doc: <make> got <prefix> added to it) closed by jwrober@…
fixed: Finished in CVS 05-28-2004
03:38 Ticket #762 (DTD Syntax Doc: <execute> got <prefix> added to it) closed by jwrober@…
fixed: Finished in CVS 05-28-2004
03:36 Ticket #757 (DTD Syntax Doc: <configure> & <prefix> need correct bash equivalent) closed by jwrober@…
fixed: Finished in CVS 05-28-2004
03:33 Ticket #805 (Syntax Doc: TOC needs more whitespace) closed by jwrober@…
wontfix: Not that bad.
03:33 Ticket #803 (DTD Syntax Doc: Chunks html version does not have the changelog) updated by jwrober@…
It does, but the link is incorrect.
03:32 Ticket #802 (DTD Syntax Doc: <prefix> needs to be filled in) closed by jwrober@…
fixed: Finished in CVS 05-28-2004


13:18 Ticket #843 (problems with chowning the package dir) updated by archaic@…
I don't know why it formatted that way. I'll redo it: Chown …
13:15 Ticket #843 (problems with chowning the package dir) created by archaic@…
Chown --recursive in addinguser.xml is at best unnecessary and at …


12:33 Ticket #835 (linux-libc-headers filename) updated by Thomas
Fixed, Thanks.
10:29 Ticket #835 (linux-libc-headers filename) created by stryhal@…
In profile-LFS-unstable.tar.bz2 from 5th May 2004 In file …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.