Custom Query (18691 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 18691)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#220 expat 1.95.6 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#221 readline-4.3 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#222 xine-lib 1-rc0a larry@… defect highest BOOK
#223 xine-ui 0.9.22 larry@… defect highest BOOK
#226 avifile-0.7.38 larry@… defect high BOOK
#227 gimp-1.2.5 larry@… defect highest BOOK
#228 chmod on ifup/down scripts does not use full path blfs-book@… defect normal BOOK
#229 libesmtp-1.0 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#231 bonobo-activation-2.2.2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#232 gnome-media-2.2.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#233 gnucash-1.8.7 larry@… defect highest BOOK
#234 evolution-1.4.4 larry@… defect highest BOOK
#235 balsa-2.0.14 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#236 /etc/profile and ~/.bash_* jwrober@… defect normal BOOK
#237 dhcpcd-1.3.22-pl4 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#238 gcc-2.95.3 (gcc2libs) tushar@… defect low BOOK
#239 duplicate text in balsa blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#240 bad url in mplayer blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#241 guile-1.6.4 blfs-book@… defect highest BOOK
#242 slib2d6 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#243 g-wrap-1.2.1 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#244 sgml-common-0.6.3 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#245 docbook-xsl-1.62.4 larry@… defect high BOOK
#246 gnome-print-0.37 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#247 libglade-0.17 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#248 db-3.3.11 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#249 gal-0.24/gal-1.99.8 blfs-book@… defect highest BOOK
#250 libcapplet-1.5.11 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#251 gtkhtml-1.1.10/gtkhtml-3.0.1 blfs-book@… defect highest BOOK
#252 libghttp-1.0.9 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#253 bonobo-1.0.22 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#254 guppi-0.40.3 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#255 bonobo-conf-0.16 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#256 soup-0.7.11/libsoup-1.99.12 blfs-book@… defect highest BOOK
#258 db-3.1.17 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#260 docbook-dsssl-1.78 larry@… defect high BOOK
#261 OpenSP-1.5 larry@… defect high BOOK
#262 openjade-1.3.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#263 wrong qt version larry@… defect high BOOK
#264 aalib-1.4rc5 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#265 xvid-0.9.2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#266 opendivx-"date"-cvs blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#267 ffmpeg-0.4.7 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#268 smbd/nmbd won't start blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#269 transcode-0.6.10 blfs-book@… defect highest BOOK
#270 sane-1.0.12, xsane-0.91 alex@… defect highest BOOK
#272 balsa depends on libgtkhtml blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#273 Some command on /etc/skel page wrap lines but miss the \ jwrober@… defect high BOOK
#274 sgml-dtd-3.1 larry@… defect high BOOK
#275 sgml-dtd-4.2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#276 pspell-.12.2 needs to be replaced by aspell-0.50.3.... blfs-book@… defect normal BOOK
#277 typo in pccts instructions blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#278 LPRng-3.8.20 larry@… defect high BOOK
#279 bad file name in cups instruction blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#280 no ./configure in gsview blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#281 wrong url in xpdf instruction blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#282 wrong url in xine blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#283 aspell-0.50.3 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#284 Ghostscript 8 shared library requires GTK mattrogers@… defect high BOOK
#285 Apache-2.0.47 blfs-book@… defect highest BOOK
#286 evolution 1.2.1 requires gal-0.22 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#287 Ghostscript 8.00 does not create CUPS pstoraster subsystem blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#288 daemontools-0.76: svscanboot contains /command/svc; telinit Q should come last blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#290 acme-2.4.1 larry@… defect normal BOOK
#291 file-roller-2.6.1 blfs-book@… defect normal BOOK
#292 gnome-icon-theme-1.0.6 larry@… defect high BOOK
#293 gnome-themes-2.2.2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#294 metacity-2.4.55 larry@… defect high BOOK
#295 startup-notification-0.5 larry@… defect high BOOK
#296 vte-0.10.29 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#297 gtk-thinice-engine-2.0.2 larry@… defect high BOOK
#298 nautilus-media-0.2.1 larry@… defect high BOOK
#300 gnet-1.1.8 larry@… defect high BOOK
#301 ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1rc2 mattrogers@… defect high BOOK
#302 openldap 2.1.22 blfs-book@… defect highest BOOK
#303 emacs 21.3 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#304 xpdf-2.02 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#307 tripwire-2.3.1 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#308 Qmail 1.03 and recent Glibc blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#309 Remove optimization flags from all instructions blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#310 info page issues blfs-book@… defect normal BOOK
#311 daemon tools patch apply blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#312 avifile and mplayer use /usr/lib/win32 for codecs, but the codecs are incompatible blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#313 typo in command explanation blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#314 psutils-p17: wrong installation command blfs-book@… defect normal BOOK
#315 Error in listed dependancies for gnome-libs-1.4.2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#316 Unimportant error in BLFS CVS book blfs-book@… defect lowest BOOK
#317 dillo-0.7.3 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#318 need netfs init script blfs-book@… defect normal BOOK
#320 Get rid of bad entry in /etc/hosts with dhcp client blfs-book@… defect normal BOOK
#321 OpenJade creates nochunk html without html tags blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#322 shadow-4.0.3 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#323 udf-tools-1.0.0b2 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#324 Use gnome-config/pkg-config to obtain the gnome-prefix blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#325 ncpfs-2.2.3 blfs-book@… defect lowest BOOK
#326 user is not secure blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#327 ProFTPD-1.2.8p blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#328 Adding $HISTIGNORE to /etc/profile blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#329 New package: Rsync 2.5.6 blfs-book@… defect high BOOK
#330 cdrdao-1.1.7 installation instructions are incomplete blfs-book@… defect normal BOOK
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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