
Version 5 (modified by Xi Ruoyao, 12 months ago) ( diff )



dav1d is an AV1 decoder which is much faster than libaom in BLFS. Note that unlike libaom, it does not contain an encoder.

Download link:

Build process is simple MNNI.

Test the package:

` git clone ../tests/dav1d-test-data --depth 1 meson configure -Dtestdata_tests=true ninja test `

Use dav1d with libavif

Just append -DAVIF_CODEC_DAV1D=ON to the cmake command for libavif provided by the BLFS book.

Use dav1d with gstreamer

We need the gstreamer plugin for dav1d which is a part of gst-plugins-rs.

Download link:

Dependencies: dav1d, gst-plugins-base, rustc, and an Internet connection

Build and install process:

cd video/dav1d
cargo build --release
sudo install -vm755 ../../target/release/ /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0

Note: The build process downloads crates from and

With the dav1d plugin I can play 4K AV1 video smoothly, but with the libaom plugin many frames are dropped.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.