
Version 2 (modified by Xi Ruoyao, 11 months ago) ( diff )




Currently Pipewire is only used as a build dependency in the book. To make it really useful, we need to install a session manager. Wireplumber is the recommended session manager.

Wireplumber can be downloaded at

Required: Glib and Pipewire

Recommended: Lua

meson configure --prefix=/usr --buildtype=release -Dsystem-lua=true
ninja test
sudo ninja install

With Wireplumber we can run Pipewire daemon with

sudo systemctl --global enable pipewire
systemctl --user start pipewire

The screen recorder built-in GNOME shell should work now.

Replace Pulseaudio

With Wireplumber, Pipewire can function as a drop-in replacement of Pulseaudio.

sudo systemctl --global enable pipewire-pulse.socket
sudo systemctl --global disable pulseaudio

Then logout and login again.

Use Pipewire for ALSA-based applications

If Pipewire is running, it will occupy the sound card device and an ALSA-based application cannot use the card at the same time. To work around the issue, tell alsa-lib to use a virtual device provided by Pipewire:

sudo install -vdm755 /etc/alsa/conf.d
sudo ln -sfvr /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d/99-pipewire-default.conf /etc/alsa/conf.d

Bluetooth LDAC support

Install ldacBT before building Pipewire. The link to ldacBT is available on the book page. Installation process of ldacBT is CMMI.

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