1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 |
3 | <!-- $Id: gen_pkg_list.xsl 21 2012-02-16 15:06:19Z labastie $ -->
4 | <!-- Takes the blfs-full.xml file and extract a list
5 | of packages obeying packdesc.dtd + looks for already
6 | installed packages in the tracking file (stringparam
7 | 'installed-packages') -->
8 |
9 | <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
10 | version="1.0">
11 |
12 | <xsl:param name="installed-packages" select="'../lib/instpkg.xml'"/>
13 |
14 | <xsl:output method="xml"
15 | encoding='ISO-8859-1'
16 | doctype-system="./packdesc.dtd"/>
17 |
18 | <!-- specialCases.xsl is generated by a shell script:
19 | allows for cases where version begins with a letter
20 | and when there is no version (such as xorg7 packages) -->
21 | <xsl:include href="./specialCases.xsl"/>
22 |
23 | <xsl:template match="/">
24 | <princList>
25 | <xsl:text>

26 | <!-- How to have blfs-bootscripts versionned? Do not know, so
27 | avoid it (TODO ?) -->
28 | <xsl:apply-templates select="//part[not(@id='introduction')]"/>
29 | </princList>
30 | </xsl:template>
31 |
32 | <xsl:template match="part">
33 | <xsl:if test="count(.//*[contains(translate(@xreflabel,
34 | '123456789',
35 | '000000000'),
36 | '-0')
37 | ]) > 0">
38 | <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
39 | <list>
40 | <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
41 | <xsl:text>
42 | <xsl:element name="name">
43 | <xsl:value-of select="title"/>
44 | </xsl:element>
45 | <xsl:text>

46 | <xsl:apply-templates select="chapter"/>
47 | <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
48 | </list>
49 | <xsl:text>

50 | </xsl:if>
51 | </xsl:template>
52 |
53 | <xsl:template match="chapter">
54 | <xsl:if test="count(.//*[contains(translate(@xreflabel,
55 | '123456789',
56 | '000000000'),
57 | '-0')
58 | ]) > 0">
59 | <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
60 | <sublist>
61 | <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
62 | <xsl:text>
63 | <xsl:element name="name">
64 | <xsl:value-of select="title"/>
65 | </xsl:element>
66 | <xsl:text>
67 | <xsl:apply-templates select=".//sect1">
68 | <xsl:sort select="@id"/>
69 | </xsl:apply-templates>
70 | <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
71 | </sublist><xsl:text>

72 | </xsl:if>
73 | </xsl:template>
74 |
75 | <xsl:template match="sect1">
76 | <xsl:choose>
77 | <!-- This test is to find sections containing modules (PERL, Python
78 | DBus,...) -->
79 | <xsl:when
80 | test="not(contains(translate(@xreflabel,
81 | '123456789',
82 | '000000000'),
83 | '-0')) and
84 | count(descendant::node()[contains(translate(@xreflabel,
85 | '123456789',
86 | '000000000'),
87 | '-0')
88 | ]) > 0">
89 | <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
90 | <package><xsl:text>
91 | <xsl:element name="name">
92 | <xsl:value-of select="title"/>
93 | </xsl:element>
94 | <xsl:text>
95 | <!-- Do not use .//*, which would include self. -->
96 | <xsl:apply-templates
97 | select="descendant::node()[contains(translate(@xreflabel,
98 | '123456789',
99 | '000000000'),
100 | '-0')
101 | ]"
102 | mode="normal">
103 | <xsl:sort select="@id"/>
104 | </xsl:apply-templates>
105 | <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
106 | </package><xsl:text>

107 | </xsl:when>
108 | <xsl:otherwise>
109 | <!-- Calls the template of specialCases.xsl,
110 | which calls the "normal" template when the
111 | case is normal. -->
112 | <xsl:apply-templates select='.' mode="special">
113 | <xsl:sort select="@id"/>
114 | </xsl:apply-templates>
115 | </xsl:otherwise>
116 | </xsl:choose>
117 | </xsl:template>
118 |
119 | <xsl:template match="*" mode="normal">
120 | <xsl:variable name="version">
121 | <xsl:call-template name="version">
122 | <xsl:with-param name="label" select="./@xreflabel"/>
123 | </xsl:call-template>
124 | </xsl:variable>
125 | <xsl:choose>
126 | <!-- If there is a "sect1" ancestor, this means that
127 | we have a module -->
128 | <xsl:when test="ancestor::sect1">
129 | <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
130 | <module><xsl:text>
131 | <xsl:element name="name">
132 | <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
133 | </xsl:element>
134 | <xsl:text>
135 | <xsl:element name="version">
136 | <xsl:value-of select="$version"/>
137 | </xsl:element>
138 | <xsl:if
139 | test="document($installed-packages)//package[name=current()/@id]">
140 | <xsl:text>
141 | <xsl:element name="inst-version">
142 | <xsl:value-of
143 | select="document(
144 | $installed-packages
145 | )//package[name=current()/@id]/version"/>
146 | </xsl:element>
147 | </xsl:if>
148 | <!-- Dependencies -->
149 | <!-- First the case of python modules or d-bus bindings -->
150 | <xsl:if test="self::sect2">
151 | <!-- dependencies -->
152 | <xsl:apply-templates select=".//para[@role='required' or
153 | @role='recommended' or
154 | @role='optional']"
155 | mode="dependency"/>
156 | </xsl:if>
157 | <!-- For python modules, the preceding module is an optional dep -->
158 | <xsl:if test="ancestor::sect1[@id='python-modules']">
159 | <xsl:apply-templates
160 | select="preceding-sibling::sect2[@role='package']
161 | //listitem[para/xref/@linkend=current()/@id]"
162 | mode="prec-dep"/>
163 | </xsl:if>
164 | <!-- Now the case of perl modules: let us test our XSLT abilities.
165 | Well, "use the sibling, Luke" -->
166 | <xsl:if test="self::bridgehead">
167 | <xsl:apply-templates select="following-sibling::itemizedlist[1]
168 | /listitem/itemizedlist/listitem"
169 | mode="perlmod-dep">
170 | <xsl:sort select="position()"
171 | data-type="number"
172 | order="descending"/>
173 | </xsl:apply-templates>
174 | </xsl:if>
175 | <!-- End dependencies -->
176 | <xsl:text>
177 | </module><xsl:text>
178 | </xsl:when>
179 | <xsl:otherwise>
180 | <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
181 | <package><xsl:text>
182 | <xsl:element name="name">
183 | <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
184 | </xsl:element>
185 | <xsl:text>
186 | <xsl:element name="version">
187 | <xsl:value-of select="$version"/>
188 | </xsl:element>
189 | <xsl:if
190 | test="document($installed-packages)//package[name=current()/@id]">
191 | <xsl:text>
192 | <xsl:element name="inst-version">
193 | <xsl:value-of
194 | select="document(
195 | $installed-packages
196 | )//package[name=current()/@id]/version"/>
197 | </xsl:element>
198 | </xsl:if>
199 | <!-- Dependencies -->
200 | <!-- If in Xorg (not anymore) or KDE chapter, consider that the preceding
201 | package is the first dependency (not always noted in the book)-->
202 | <xsl:if test="ancestor::chapter[@id='kde4-core'
203 | or @id='xfce-core'
204 | or @id='lxqt-desktop'
205 | or @id='lxde-desktop']
206 | and preceding-sibling::sect1[1]">
207 | <xsl:text>
208 | </xsl:text>
209 | <xsl:element name="dependency">
210 | <xsl:attribute name="status">required</xsl:attribute>
211 | <xsl:attribute name="name">
212 | <xsl:value-of select="preceding-sibling::sect1[1]/@id"/>
213 | </xsl:attribute>
214 | <xsl:attribute name="type">ref</xsl:attribute>
215 | </xsl:element>
216 | </xsl:if>
217 | <xsl:apply-templates select=".//para[@role='required' or
218 | @role='recommended' or
219 | @role='optional']"
220 | mode="dependency"/>
221 | <!-- End dependencies -->
222 | <xsl:text>
223 | </package><xsl:text>
224 | </xsl:otherwise>
225 | </xsl:choose>
226 | </xsl:template>
227 |
228 | <xsl:template name="version">
229 | <xsl:param name="label" select="abc-2"/>
230 | <xsl:variable name="start" select="string-length(substring-before(translate($label,'123456789','000000000'),'-0'))+2"/>
231 | <xsl:variable name="prelim-ver" select="substring($label,$start)"/>
232 | <xsl:choose>
233 | <xsl:when test="contains($prelim-ver,'onfiguration')"/>
234 | <xsl:when test="contains($prelim-ver,'escription')"/>
235 | <xsl:when test="contains($prelim-ver,'EggDBus')">
236 | <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($prelim-ver,' (EggDBus)')"/>
237 | </xsl:when>
238 | <xsl:when test="contains($label,'JDK')">
239 | <xsl:value-of select="translate($prelim-ver,' ','_')"/>
240 | </xsl:when>
241 | <xsl:otherwise>
242 | <xsl:value-of select="$prelim-ver"/>
243 | </xsl:otherwise>
244 | </xsl:choose>
245 | </xsl:template>
246 |
247 | <xsl:template match="para" mode="dependency">
248 | <xsl:variable name="status" select="./@role"/>
249 | <!-- First internal dependencies -->
250 | <xsl:for-each select="./xref">
251 | <xsl:choose>
252 | <!-- Avoid depending of myself -->
253 | <xsl:when test="ancestor::*[@id=current()/@linkend]"/>
254 | <!-- Call list expansion when we have an xorg7 series of packages -->
255 | <xsl:when test="contains(@linkend,'xorg7-')">
256 | <xsl:call-template name="expand-deps">
257 | <xsl:with-param name="section">
258 | <xsl:value-of select="@linkend"/>
259 | </xsl:with-param>
260 | <xsl:with-param name="status">
261 | <xsl:value-of select="$status"/>
262 | </xsl:with-param>
263 | </xsl:call-template>
264 | </xsl:when>
265 | <xsl:otherwise>
266 | <xsl:text>
267 | </xsl:text>
268 | <xsl:element name="dependency">
269 | <xsl:attribute name="status">
270 | <xsl:value-of select="$status"/>
271 | </xsl:attribute>
272 | <xsl:attribute name="name">
273 | <xsl:value-of select="@linkend"/>
274 | </xsl:attribute>
275 | <xsl:attribute name="type">ref</xsl:attribute>
276 | </xsl:element>
277 | </xsl:otherwise>
278 | </xsl:choose>
279 | </xsl:for-each>
280 | <!-- then external dependencies -->
281 | <xsl:for-each select="./ulink">
282 | <xsl:text>
283 | </xsl:text>
284 | <xsl:element name="dependency">
285 | <xsl:attribute name="status">
286 | <xsl:value-of select="$status"/>
287 | </xsl:attribute>
288 | <xsl:attribute name="name">
289 | </xsl:attribute>
290 | <xsl:value-of select="translate(normalize-space(text()),' ','-')"/>
291 | <xsl:attribute name="type">link</xsl:attribute>
292 | </xsl:element>
293 | </xsl:for-each>
294 | </xsl:template>
295 |
296 | <xsl:template match="listitem" mode="prec-dep">
297 | <xsl:if test="preceding-sibling::listitem">
298 | <xsl:text>
299 | </xsl:text>
300 | <xsl:element name="dependency">
301 | <!-- the dep on the preceding package used to be required for python.
302 | It seems optional now -->
303 | <xsl:attribute name="status">optional</xsl:attribute>
304 | <xsl:attribute name="name">
305 | <xsl:value-of select="preceding-sibling::listitem[1]//@linkend"/>
306 | </xsl:attribute>
307 | <xsl:attribute name="type">ref</xsl:attribute>
308 | </xsl:element>
309 | </xsl:if>
310 | </xsl:template>
311 |
312 | <xsl:template match="listitem" mode="perlmod-dep">
313 | <xsl:param name="glue" select="'
314 | <xsl:choose>
315 | <xsl:when test="para/xref|para[@id]/ulink">
316 | <xsl:value-of select="$glue"/>
317 | <xsl:element name="dependency">
318 | <xsl:attribute name="status">
319 | <xsl:choose>
320 | <xsl:when
321 | test="count(./para/text()[contains(string(),
322 | 'ptional')
323 | ]
324 | )>0">optional</xsl:when>
325 | <xsl:otherwise>required</xsl:otherwise>
326 | </xsl:choose>
327 | </xsl:attribute>
328 | <xsl:attribute name="name">
329 | <xsl:if test="para/xref">
330 | <xsl:value-of select="para/xref/@linkend"/>
331 | </xsl:if>
332 | <xsl:if test="para/ulink">
333 | <xsl:value-of select="para/@id"/>
334 | </xsl:if>
335 | </xsl:attribute>
336 | <xsl:attribute name="type">
337 | <xsl:if test="para/xref">ref</xsl:if>
338 | <xsl:if test="para/ulink">link</xsl:if>
339 | </xsl:attribute>
340 | <xsl:apply-templates select="itemizedlist/listitem"
341 | mode="perlmod-dep">
342 | <xsl:sort select="position()"
343 | data-type="number"
344 | order="descending"/>
345 | <xsl:with-param name="glue" select="concat($glue,' ')"/>
346 | </xsl:apply-templates>
347 | </xsl:element>
348 | </xsl:when>
349 | <xsl:otherwise>
350 | <xsl:apply-templates select="itemizedlist/listitem"
351 | mode="perlmod-dep">
352 | <xsl:sort select="position()"
353 | data-type="number"
354 | order="descending"/>
355 | <xsl:with-param name="glue" select="$glue"/>
356 | </xsl:apply-templates>
357 | </xsl:otherwise>
358 | </xsl:choose>
359 | </xsl:template>
360 |
361 | </xsl:stylesheet>