1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
3 | version="1.0">
4 |
5 | <xsl:template name="process-prompt">
6 | <xsl:param name="instructions"/>
7 | <xsl:param name="root-seen"/>
8 | <xsl:param name="prompt-seen"/>
9 |
10 | <!-- Isolate the current instruction -->
11 | <xsl:variable name="current-instr" select="$instructions[1]"/>
12 |
13 | <xsl:choose>
14 | <!--============================================================-->
15 | <!-- First, if we have an empty tree, close everything and exit -->
16 | <xsl:when test="not($current-instr)">
17 | <xsl:if test="$prompt-seen">
18 | <xsl:call-template name="end-prompt"/>
19 | </xsl:if>
20 | <xsl:if test="$root-seen">
21 | <xsl:call-template name="end-root"/>
22 | </xsl:if>
23 | </xsl:when><!-- end empty tree -->
24 | <!--============================================================-->
25 | <xsl:when test="$current-instr[@role='root']">
26 | <xsl:choose>
27 | <xsl:when test="$current-instr//prompt">
28 | <xsl:if test="not($root-seen)">
29 | <xsl:call-template name="begin-root"/>
30 | </xsl:if>
31 | <xsl:text>
32 | <xsl:if test="not($prompt-seen)">
33 | <xsl:copy-of
34 | select="substring-before($current-instr//text()[1],'
35 | <xsl:text> << PROMPT_EOF
36 | </xsl:text>
37 | </xsl:if>
38 | <xsl:apply-templates
39 | select="$current-instr/userinput/node()[position()>1]"/>
40 | <xsl:call-template name="process-prompt">
41 | <xsl:with-param
42 | name="instructions"
43 | select="$instructions[position()>1]"/>
44 | <xsl:with-param name="root-seen" select="boolean(1)"/>
45 | <xsl:with-param name="prompt-seen" select="boolean(1)"/>
46 | </xsl:call-template>
47 | </xsl:when><!-- end prompt as root -->
48 | <!--____________________________________________________________ -->
49 | <xsl:otherwise><!-- we have no prompt -->
50 | <xsl:if test="$prompt-seen">
51 | <xsl:text>
52 | quit
53 | PROMPT_EOF</xsl:text>
54 | </xsl:if>
55 | <xsl:apply-templates
56 | select="$current-instr"
57 | mode="config"/>
58 | <!-- the above will call "end-root" if the next screen
59 | sibling is not role="root". We need to pass root-seen=false
60 | in this case. Otherwise, we need to pass root-seen=true.
61 | So create a variable -->
62 | <xsl:variable name="rs"
63 | select="$instructions[2][@role='root']"/>
64 | <xsl:call-template name="process-prompt">
65 | <xsl:with-param
66 | name="instructions"
67 | select="$instructions[position()>1]"/>
68 | <xsl:with-param name="root-seen" select="boolean($rs)"/>
69 | <xsl:with-param name="prompt-seen" select="boolean(0)"/>
70 | </xsl:call-template>
71 | </xsl:otherwise><!-- end no prompt -->
72 | <!--____________________________________________________________ -->
73 | </xsl:choose>
74 | </xsl:when><!-- role="root" -->
75 | <!--============================================================-->
76 | <xsl:otherwise><!-- no role -->
77 | <xsl:if test="$prompt-seen">
78 | <xsl:text>
79 | quit
80 | PROMPT_EOF</xsl:text>
81 | </xsl:if>
82 | <xsl:if test="$root-seen">
83 | <xsl:call-template name="end-root"/>
84 | </xsl:if>
85 | <xsl:apply-templates select="$current-instr/userinput"/>
86 | <xsl:call-template name="process-prompt">
87 | <xsl:with-param
88 | name="instructions"
89 | select="$instructions[position()>1]"/>
90 | <xsl:with-param name="root-seen" select="boolean(0)"/>
91 | <xsl:with-param name="prompt-seen" select="boolean(0)"/>
92 | </xsl:call-template>
93 | </xsl:otherwise><!-- no role -->
94 | <!--============================================================-->
95 | </xsl:choose>
96 | </xsl:template>
97 |
98 | <xsl:template match="prompt"/>
99 | </xsl:stylesheet>