1 | mainmenu "JHALFS Build Script Configuration"
2 |
3 | choice
4 | prompt "Use BOOK"
5 | default BOOK_LFS
6 | help
7 | Select the BOOK/Build style you wish to configure.
8 |
9 | config BOOK_LFS
10 | bool "lfs"
11 | config BOOK_CLFS
12 | bool "clfs"
13 | config BOOK_CLFS2
14 | bool "clfs2"
15 | config BOOK_HLFS
16 | bool "hlfs"
17 | config BOOK_BLFS
18 | bool "blfs"
19 | endchoice
20 | config RUN_ME
21 | string
22 | default "./lfs" if BOOK_LFS
23 | default "./clfs" if BOOK_CLFS
24 | default "./clfs2" if BOOK_CLFS2
25 | default "./clfs3" if BOOK_CLFS3
26 | default "./hlfs" if BOOK_HLFS
27 | default "./blfs" if BOOK_BLFS
28 |
29 |
30 | #--- Book version
31 | #menu "Book Version"
32 | choice
33 | prompt "Release"
34 | default relSVN
35 | config relSVN
36 | bool "SVN"
37 | config WORKING_COPY
38 | bool "Working Copy"
39 | config BRANCH
40 | bool "Branch" if !BOOK_HLFS && !BOOK_CLFS2
41 | endchoice
42 |
43 | config BRANCH_ID
44 | string "Branch"
45 | default ""
46 | depends BRANCH
47 |
48 | config BOOK
49 | string "Loc of working copy"
50 | default "**EDIT ME**"
51 | depends WORKING_COPY
52 | #endmenu
53 |
54 | #-----------------------
55 |
56 | comment "--------CLFS specific params---------"
57 | depends on BOOK_CLFS || BOOK_CLFS2
58 |
59 | choice
60 | prompt "Target architecture"
61 | default ARCH_X86
62 | depends BOOK_CLFS || BOOK_CLFS2
63 | help
64 | Choose a base architecture
65 | config ARCH_X86
66 | bool "x86"
67 | config ARCH_MIPS
68 | bool "mips" if !BOOK_CLFS2
69 | config ARCH_PPC
70 | bool "ppc" if !BOOK_CLFS2
71 | config ARCH_SPARC
72 | bool "sparc" if !BOOK_CLFS2
73 | config ARCH_ALPHA
74 | bool "alpha" if !BOOK_CLFS2
75 | config ARCH_ARM
76 | bool "arm" if !BOOK_CLFS
77 | endchoice
78 |
79 | choice
80 | prompt "Library"
81 | depends (BOOK_CLFS || BOOK_CLFS2)
82 | default DATA_32 if !ARCH_ALPHA
83 | default DATA_64 if ARCH_ALPHA
84 | config DATA_32
85 | bool "32-bit" if !ARCH_ALPHA
86 | config DATA_64
87 | bool "64-bit" if !ARCH_PPC && !ARCH_ARM && !(BOOK_CLFS2 && ARCH_X86)
88 | config DATA_MULTI
89 | bool "multilib" if !ARCH_ALPHA && !ARCH_ARM && !(BOOK_CLFS2 && ARCH_X86)
90 | endchoice
91 |
92 | choice
93 | prompt "Target"
94 | depends (BOOK_CLFS || BOOK_CLFS2) && ((ARCH_X86 && DATA_32) || ARCH_MIPS)
95 | config PROC_i486
96 | bool "i486" if ARCH_X86 && DATA_32
97 | config PROC_i586
98 | bool "i586" if ARCH_X86 && DATA_32
99 | config PROC_i686
100 | bool "i686" if ARCH_X86 && DATA_32
101 | config PROC_mipsel
102 | bool "mips -little endian" if ARCH_MIPS
103 | config PROC_mips
104 | bool "mips" if ARCH_MIPS
105 | endchoice
106 |
107 |
108 | config TARGET
109 | string
110 | depends DATA_32
111 | default "i486-pc-linux-gnu" if ARCH_X86 && PROC_i486
112 | default "i586-pc-linux-gnu" if ARCH_X86 && PROC_i586
113 | default "i686-pc-linux-gnu" if ARCH_X86 && PROC_i686
114 | default "mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_MIPS && PROC_mipsel
115 | default "mips-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_MIPS && PROC_mips
116 | default "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_PPC
117 | default "sparc-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_SPARC
118 | default "arm-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_ARM
119 |
120 | config TARGET
121 | string
122 | depends DATA_64
123 | default "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_X86
124 | default "mips64el-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_MIPS && PROC_mipsel
125 | default "mips64-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_MIPS && PROC_mips
126 | default "sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_SPARC
127 | default "alpha-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_ALPHA
128 |
129 | config TARGET
130 | string
131 | depends DATA_MULTI
132 | default "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_X86
133 | default "mips64el-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_MIPS && PROC_mipsel
134 | default "mips64-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_MIPS && PROC_mips
135 | default "sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_SPARC
136 | default "powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_PPC
137 |
138 |
139 | config TARGET32
140 | string
141 | depends DATA_MULTI
142 | default "i686-pc-linux-gnu" if ARCH_X86
143 | default "mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_MIPS && PROC_mipsel
144 | default "mips-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_MIPS && PROC_mips
145 | default "sparc-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_SPARC
146 | default "powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu" if ARCH_PPC
147 |
148 | config ARCH
149 | string
150 | depends DATA_32
151 | default "x86" if ARCH_X86
152 | default "ppc" if ARCH_PPC
153 | default "mips" if ARCH_MIPS
154 | default "sparc" if ARCH_SPARC
155 | default "arm" if ARCH_ARM
156 |
157 | config ARCH
158 | string
159 | depends DATA_64
160 | default "x86_64-64" if ARCH_X86
161 | default "mips64-64" if ARCH_MIPS
162 | default "sparc64-64" if ARCH_SPARC
163 | default "alpha" if ARCH_ALPHA
164 |
165 | config ARCH
166 | string
167 | depends DATA_MULTI
168 | default "x86_64" if ARCH_X86
169 | default "mips64" if ARCH_MIPS
170 | default "sparc64" if ARCH_SPARC
171 | default "ppc64" if ARCH_PPC
172 |
173 |
174 | choice
175 | prompt "Build method"
176 | depends BOOK_CLFS
177 | help
178 | #--- What build method should be used: a chroot jail or minimal boot system
179 | # Review the Cross-LFS book chap6 "TO BOOT OR CHROOT" for a full explanation.
180 | config BUILD_CHROOT
181 | bool "chroot"
182 | config BUILD_BOOT
183 | bool "boot"
184 | endchoice
185 | config METHOD
186 | string
187 | default "" if !BUILD_CHROOT && !BUILD_ROOT
188 | default "chroot" if BUILD_CHROOT
189 | default "boot" if BUILD_ROOT
190 |
191 | config BOOT_CONFIG
192 | string "BOOT kernel config file (manditory)"
193 | default ""
194 | depends on BUILD_BOOT
195 | help
196 | #--- If METHOD=boot, location of boot-kernel config file
197 | # The config file will be copied to ${BUILD_DIR}/sources
198 | # and renamed 'bootkernel-config'
199 | # NOTE: this setting is required
200 |
201 | config BOOT_KEYMAP
202 | string "BOOT kernel keyboard map (see help)"
203 | default "none"
204 | depends on BUILD_BOOT
205 | help
206 | #--- Include the keymap in the kernel if defined. Path to the
207 | # keymap file relative to /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/
208 | # (e.g., i386/qwerty/us.map.gz) or "none" if you do not want
209 | # a keymap included in the kernel
210 |
211 | comment "----------------------------------------"
212 | depends on BOOK_CLFS || BOOK_CLFS2
213 |
214 |
215 | comment "--------HLFS specific params---------"
216 | depends on BOOK_HLFS
217 |
218 | config GRSECURITY_HOST
219 | bool "Building on grsecurity enabled host?"
220 | default n
221 | depends on BOOK_HLFS
222 | help
223 | #--- If your build system has grsecurity patches applied
224 | # you MUST enable this switch.
225 |
226 | choice
227 | prompt "Library"
228 | depends on BOOK_HLFS
229 | help
230 | #--- Which library model to use: uClibc/glibc
231 | config LIB_GLIBC
232 | bool "glibc"
233 | config LIB_UCLIBC
234 | bool "uClibc"
235 | endchoice
236 | config MODEL
237 | depends on BOOK_HLFS
238 | string
239 | default "glibc" if LIB_GLIBC
240 | default "uclibc" if LIB_UCLIBC
241 |
242 | comment "-------------------------------------"
243 | depends on BOOK_HLFS
244 |
245 | #-----------------------
246 |
247 |
248 | config CONFIG_GETPKG
249 | bool "Retrieve source files"
250 | default n
251 | help
252 | #--- Download all packages and patches required by the book selected
253 | # NOTE: Looks for files in the local archive defined by SRC_ARCHIVE
254 | # first and if necessary retrieve them from the 'net.
255 | # Files will be transfered to $BUILDDIR/sources.
256 |
258 | bool "Always retrieve kernel package"
259 | default n
260 | help
261 | # Get the kernel package and patches even if no configuration file
262 | # has been supplied?
263 |
264 | config CONFIG_RUNMAKE
265 | bool "Run the makefile"
266 | default n
267 | help
268 | #--- Automatically run the makefile once it has been created
269 |
270 | config CONFIG_STRIP
271 | bool "Strip Installed Binaries/Libraries"
272 | default y
273 |
274 |
275 | config CONFIG_VIMLANG
276 | bool "Install vim-lang package"
277 | default y
278 | help
279 | #--- install the optional vim-lang package
280 |
281 |
282 | #------------------
283 | config CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
284 | bool "Use optimization "
285 | default n
286 | help
287 | # Actual optimzation flags are defined in ./optimize/*
288 | #
289 | # WARNING: The use of build optimizations may be dangerous.
290 | # You should know what you are doing and be sure that the
291 | # optimization settings listed below are what you want.
292 | # There are build issues or the system doesn't work as
293 | # expected, please rebuild without optimizations before
294 | # asking for support.
295 |
296 | choice
297 | prompt "OPT level "
298 | default OPT_1
299 | depends CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
300 | help
301 | ***Optimization values are set in optimize/* files
302 |
303 | config OPT_1
304 | bool "Final system only"
305 | config OPT_2
306 | bool "Both temp tools and final system"
307 | endchoice
308 | config OPTIMIZE
309 | int
310 | default "0" if !CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
311 | default "1" if OPT_1
312 | default "2" if OPT_2
313 |
314 | #------------------
315 | config CONFIG_COMPARE
316 | bool "Run comparison analysis on final stage"
317 | default n
318 | help
319 | #--- Should some iterative comparison analysis by made?
320 | # Unless you are familiar with ICA and/or FARCE do not select this option
321 | #
322 | # ICA and FARCE are analysis tools for comparing one
323 | # build to the next. Builds mays differ from one iteration
324 | # to another due to the build order and these tools try
325 | # to ferret out those differences by examining the stored
326 | # build logs and binary files.
327 | #
328 | # The scripts are well commented and can be found here ./extras/*
329 | #
330 |
331 | config ITERATIONS
332 | int "Number of test runs (2,3,4,5)"
333 | depends on CONFIG_COMPARE
334 | default 3
335 |
336 | config CONFIG_ICA
337 | bool "ICA testing"
338 | depends on CONFIG_COMPARE
339 | default y
340 | help
341 | #--- Run ICA testing
342 |
343 | config CONFIG_FARCE
344 | bool "farce testing"
345 | depends on CONFIG_COMPARE
346 | default n
347 | help
348 | #--- Run farce testing
349 | #------------------
350 |
351 | config CONFIG_TESTS
352 | bool "Run testsuites"
353 | default n
354 | help
355 | #--- Run test suites [1-3]
356 | # 1 = only chapter06 Glibc, GCC and Binutils testsuites
357 | # 2 = all chapter06 testsuites
358 | # 3 = all chapter05 and chapter06 testsuites
359 | # (in CLFS, alias to 2)
360 |
361 | choice
362 | prompt "Tests ->"
363 | depends !BOOK_CLFS2 && CONFIG_TESTS
364 | default TEST_1
365 |
366 | config TST_1
367 | bool "Only chap06 Glibc/GCC/Binutils tests"
368 | config TST_2
369 | bool "All chap06 testsuites"
370 | config TST_3
371 | bool "All chap05/06 testsuites"
372 | endchoice
373 | config TEST
374 | int
375 | default "0" if !CONFIG_TEST
376 | default "1" if TST_1
377 | default "2" if TST_2
378 | default "3" if TST_3
379 |
380 | config CONFIG_REPORT
381 | bool "Create SBU and disk usage report"
382 | default y
383 |
384 | config TIMEZONE
385 | string "TimeZone"
386 | default "America/New_York"
387 | help
388 | This will be copied to /etc/localtime
389 |
390 |
391 | config LANG
392 | string "Language"
393 | default "$LANG"
394 | help
395 | #--- Language information in /etc/profile See <locale -a> for values
396 |
397 | config LC_ALL
398 | string "Language"
399 | default "$LC_ALL"
400 | depends on !BOOK_LFS
401 | help
402 | #--- Language information in /etc/profile See <locale -a> for values
403 |
404 | choice
405 | prompt "Groff page size"
406 | default PAGE_LETTER
407 | help
408 | #--- page definition for groff letter/A4
409 |
410 | config PAGE_LETTER
411 | bool "letter"
412 | config PAGE_A4
413 | bool "A4"
414 | endchoice
415 | config PAGE
416 | string
417 | default "letter" if PAGE_LETTER
418 | default "A4" if PAGE_A4
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 | config BUILDDIR
424 | string "Build Directory"
425 | default "/mnt/build_dir"
426 | help
427 | #--- The directory where the created system will be located.
428 |
429 | config SRC_ARCHIVE
430 | string "Package Archive Directory"
431 | default "$SRC_ARCHIVE"
432 | help
433 | #--- A local archive for packages/file (not BUILDDIR/sources)
434 | # Used only if GETPKG = 1
435 | # Any missing file will be downloaded and archived here,
436 | # if the user has the right priviledges.
437 |
438 | config FSTAB
439 | string "Fstab file (optional)"
440 | default ""
441 | help
442 | #--- Location of fstab file (if empty, a template is created)
443 |
444 | config CONFIG
445 | string "Kernel config file (optional)"
446 | default ""
447 | help
448 | #--- Fully qualified path to a kernel config file
449 | # The config file will be copied to ${BUILD_DIR}/sources
450 | # and renamed 'kernel-config'
451 | #
452 | # If no config file is specified the kernel is NOT compiled
453 |
454 | config KEYMAP
455 | string "Keyboard map"
456 | default "none"
457 | depends on !BOOK_LFS
458 | help
459 | #--- Include the keymap in the kernel if defined. Path to the
460 | # keymap file relative to /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/
461 | # (e.g., i386/qwerty/us.map.gz) or "none" if you do not want
462 | # a keymap included in the kernel
463 |
464 |
465 | # convert CONFIG_XXXX n/y to XXXX 0/1
466 |
467 | config COMPARE
468 | int
469 | default 0 if !CONFIG_COMPARE
470 | default 1 if CONFIG_COMPARE
471 |
472 | config GETPKG
473 | int
474 | default 0 if !CONFIG_GETPKG
475 | default 1 if CONFIG_GETPKG
476 |
477 | config GETKERNEL
478 | int
479 | default 0 if !CONFIG_GETKERNEL
480 | default 1 if CONFIG_GETKERNEL
481 |
482 | config RUNMAKE
483 | int
484 | default 0 if !CONFIG_RUNMAKE
485 | default 1 if CONFIG_RUNMAKE
486 |
487 | config STRIP
488 | int
489 | default 0 if !CONFIG_STRIP
490 | default 1 if CONFIG_STRIP
491 |
492 | config REPORT
493 | int
494 | default 0 if !CONFIG_REPORT
495 | default 1 if CONFIG_REPORT
496 |
497 | config VIMLANG
498 | int
499 | default 0 if !CONFIG_VIMLANG
500 | default 1 if CONFIG_VIMLANG
501 |
502 | config RUN_ICA
503 | int
504 | default 0 if !CONFIG_ICA
505 | default 1 if CONFIG_ICA
506 |
507 | config RUN_FARCE
508 | int
509 | default 0 if !CONFIG_FARCE
510 | default 1 if CONFIG_FARCE
511 |