1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # $Id$
4 |
5 | ###################################
6 | ### FUNCTIONS ###
7 | ###################################
8 |
9 |
10 | #############################################################
11 |
12 |
13 | #----------------------------#
14 | chapter4_Makefiles() { #
15 | #----------------------------#
16 | echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}Chapter4 ( SETUP ) ${R_arrow}"
17 |
18 | # If /home/$LUSER is already present in the host, we asume that the
19 | # lfs user and group are also presents in the host, and a backup
20 | # of their bash init files is made.
21 | (
22 | cat << EOF
23 | 020-creatingtoolsdir:
24 | @\$(call echo_message, Building)
25 | @mkdir \$(MOUNT_PT)/tools && \\
26 | rm -f /tools && \\
27 | ln -s \$(MOUNT_PT)/tools / && \\
28 | touch \$@ && \\
29 | echo " "\$(BOLD)Target \$(BLUE)\$@ \$(BOLD)OK && \\
30 | echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\$(WHITE)
31 |
32 | 021-addinguser: 020-creatingtoolsdir
33 | @\$(call echo_message, Building)
34 | @if [ ! -d /home/\$(LUSER) ]; then \\
35 | groupadd \$(LGROUP); \\
36 | useradd -s /bin/bash -g \$(LGROUP) -m -k /dev/null \$(LUSER); \\
37 | else \\
38 | touch luser-exist; \\
39 | fi;
40 | @chown \$(LUSER) \$(MOUNT_PT)/tools && \\
41 | chmod -R a+wt \$(MOUNT_PT)/\$(SCRIPT_ROOT) && \\
42 | chmod a+wt \$(SRCSDIR) && \\
43 | touch \$@ && \\
44 | echo " "\$(BOLD)Target \$(BLUE)\$@ \$(BOLD)OK && \\
45 | echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\$(WHITE)
46 |
47 | 022-settingenvironment: 021-addinguser
48 | @\$(call echo_message, Building)
49 | @if [ -f /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc -a ! -f /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc.XXX ]; then \\
50 | mv /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc.XXX; \\
51 | fi;
52 | @if [ -f /home/\$(LUSER)/.bash_profile -a ! -f /home/\$(LUSER)/.bash_profile.XXX ]; then \\
53 | mv /home/\$(LUSER)/.bash_profile /home/\$(LUSER)/.bash_profile.XXX; \\
54 | fi;
55 | @echo "set +h" > /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc && \\
56 | echo "umask 022" >> /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc && \\
57 | echo "LFS=\$(MOUNT_PT)" >> /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc && \\
58 | echo "LC_ALL=POSIX" >> /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc && \\
59 | echo "PATH=/tools/bin:/bin:/usr/bin" >> /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc && \\
60 | echo "export LFS LC_ALL PATH" >> /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc && \\
61 | echo "source $JHALFSDIR/envars" >> /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc && \\
62 | chown \$(LUSER):\$(LGROUP) /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc && \\
63 | touch envars && \\
64 | chown \$(LUSER) envars && \\
65 | touch \$@ && \\
66 | echo " "\$(BOLD)Target \$(BLUE)\$@ \$(BOLD)OK && \\
67 | echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\$(WHITE)
68 | EOF
69 | ) > $MKFILE.tmp
70 |
71 | chapter4=" 020-creatingtoolsdir 021-addinguser 022-settingenvironment"
72 | }
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 | #----------------------------#
77 | chapter5_Makefiles() {
78 | #----------------------------#
79 | echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}Chapter5 ( LUSER ) ${R_arrow}"
80 |
81 | for file in chapter05/* ; do
82 | # Keep the script file name
83 | this_script=`basename $file`
84 |
85 | # If no testsuites will be run, then TCL, Expect and DejaGNU aren't needed
86 | # Fix also locales creation when running chapter05 testsuites (ugly)
87 | case "${this_script}" in
88 | *tcl) [[ "${TEST}" = "0" ]] && continue ;;
89 | *expect) [[ "${TEST}" = "0" ]] && continue ;;
90 | *dejagnu) [[ "${TEST}" = "0" ]] && continue ;;
91 | *stripping) [[ "${STRIP}" = "n" ]] && continue ;;
92 | *glibc) [[ "${TEST}" = "3" ]] && \
93 | sed -i 's@/usr/lib/locale@/tools/lib/locale@' $file ;;
94 | esac
95 |
96 | # First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
97 | # the names of the targets in the Makefile
98 | # DO NOT append the changingowner script, it need be run as root.
99 | # A hack is necessary: create script in chap5 BUT run as a dependency for
100 | # SUDO target
101 | case "${this_script}" in
102 | *changingowner) runasroot="$runasroot ${this_script}" ;;
103 | *) chapter5="$chapter5 ${this_script}" ;;
104 | esac
105 |
106 | # Grab the name of the target (minus the -pass1 or -pass2 in the case of gcc
107 | # and binutils in chapter 5)
108 | name=`echo ${this_script} | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' -e 's@-pass[0-9]\{1\}@@'`
109 |
110 | # Set the dependency for the first target.
111 | if [ -z $PREV ] ; then PREV=022-settingenvironment ; fi
112 |
113 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
114 | # >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
115 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
116 | #
117 | # Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
118 | # as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
119 | LUSER_wrt_target "${this_script}" "$PREV"
120 |
121 | # Find the version of the command files, if it corresponds with the building of
122 | # a specific package
123 | pkg_tarball=$(get_package_tarball_name $name)
124 |
125 | # If $pkg_tarball isn't empty, we've got a package...
126 | if [ "$pkg_tarball" != "" ] ; then
127 | # Insert instructions for unpacking the package and to set the PKGDIR variable.
128 | LUSER_wrt_unpack "$pkg_tarball"
129 | # If the testsuites must be run, initialize the log file
130 | [[ "$TEST" = "3" ]] && LUSER_wrt_test_log "${this_script}"
131 | # If using optimizations, write the instructions
132 | [[ "$OPTIMIZE" = "2" ]] && wrt_optimize "$name" && wrt_makeflags "$name"
133 | fi
134 |
135 | # Insert date and disk usage at the top of the log file, the script run
136 | # and date and disk usage again at the bottom of the log file.
137 | # The changingowner script must be run as root.
138 | case "${this_script}" in
139 | *changingowner) wrt_RunAsRoot "$file" ;;
140 | *) LUSER_wrt_RunAsUser "$file" ;;
141 | esac
142 |
143 | # Remove the build directory(ies) except if the package build fails
144 | # (so we can review config.cache, config.log, etc.)
145 | if [ "$pkg_tarball" != "" ] ; then
146 | LUSER_RemoveBuildDirs "$name"
147 | fi
148 |
149 | # Include a touch of the target name so make can check
150 | # if it's already been made.
151 | wrt_touch
152 | #
153 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
154 | # >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
155 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
156 |
157 | # Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
158 | PREV=${this_script}
159 | done # end for file in chapter05/*
160 | }
161 |
162 |
163 | #----------------------------#
164 | chapter6_Makefiles() {
165 | #----------------------------#
166 |
167 | # Set envars and scripts for iteration targets
168 | if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then
169 | local N=""
170 | else
171 | local N=-build_$1
172 | local chapter6=""
173 | mkdir chapter06$N
174 | cp chapter06/* chapter06$N
175 | for script in chapter06$N/* ; do
176 | # Overwrite existing symlinks, files, and dirs
177 | sed -e 's/ln -sv/&f/g' \
178 | -e 's/mv -v/&f/g' \
179 | -e 's/mkdir -v/&p/g' -i ${script}
180 | # Rename the scripts
181 | mv ${script} ${script}$N
182 | done
183 | # Remove Bzip2 binaries before make install
184 | sed -e 's@make PREFIX=/usr install@rm -vf /usr/bin/bz*\n&@' -i chapter06$N/*-bzip2$N
185 | fi
186 |
187 | echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}Chapter6$N ( CHROOT ) ${R_arrow}"
188 |
189 | for file in chapter06$N/* ; do
190 | # Keep the script file name
191 | this_script=`basename $file`
192 |
193 | # We'll run the chroot commands differently than the others, so skip them in the
194 | # dependencies and target creation.
195 | # Skip also linux-headers in iterative builds.
196 | case "${this_script}" in
197 | *chroot) continue ;;
198 | *stripping*) [[ "${STRIP}" = "n" ]] && continue ;;
199 | *linux-headers*) [[ -n "$N" ]] && continue ;;
200 | esac
201 |
202 | # Grab the name of the target.
203 | name=`echo ${this_script} | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' -e 's,'$N',,'`
204 |
205 | # Find the version of the command files, if it corresponds with the building of
206 | # a specific package. We need this here to can skip scripts not needed for
207 | # iterations rebuilds
208 | pkg_tarball=$(get_package_tarball_name $name)
209 |
210 | if [[ "$pkg_tarball" = "" ]] && [[ -n "$N" ]] ; then
211 | case "${this_script}" in
212 | *stripping*) ;;
213 | *) continue ;;
214 | esac
215 | fi
216 |
217 | # Append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
218 | # the names of the targets in the Makefile)
219 | # The kernfs script must be run as part of SUDO target.
220 | case "${this_script}" in
221 | *kernfs) runasroot="$runasroot ${this_script}" ;;
222 | *) chapter6="$chapter6 ${this_script}" ;;
223 | esac
224 |
225 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
226 | # >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
227 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
228 | #
229 | # Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
230 | # as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
231 | # In the mount of kernel filesystems we need to set LFS
232 | # and not to use chroot.
233 | case "${this_script}" in
234 | *kernfs) LUSER_wrt_target "${this_script}" "$PREV" ;;
235 | *) CHROOT_wrt_target "${this_script}" "$PREV" ;;
236 | esac
237 |
238 | # If $pkg_tarball isn't empty, we've got a package...
239 | # Insert instructions for unpacking the package and changing directories
240 | if [ "$pkg_tarball" != "" ] ; then
241 | CHROOT_Unpack "$pkg_tarball"
242 | # If the testsuites must be run, initialize the log file
243 | case $name in
244 | binutils | gcc | glibc )
245 | [[ "$TEST" != "0" ]] && CHROOT_wrt_test_log "${this_script}"
246 | ;;
247 | * )
248 | [[ "$TEST" = "2" ]] || [[ "$TEST" = "3" ]] && CHROOT_wrt_test_log "${this_script}"
249 | ;;
250 | esac
251 | # If using optimizations, write the instructions
252 | [[ "$OPTIMIZE" != "0" ]] && wrt_optimize "$name" && wrt_makeflags "$name"
253 | fi
254 |
255 | # In the mount of kernel filesystems we need to set LFS
256 | # and not to use chroot.
257 | case "${this_script}" in
258 | *kernfs) wrt_RunAsRoot "$file" ;;
259 | *) CHROOT_wrt_RunAsRoot "$file" ;;
260 | esac
261 |
262 | # Remove the build directory(ies) except if the package build fails.
263 | if [ "$pkg_tarball" != "" ] ; then
264 | CHROOT_wrt_RemoveBuildDirs "$name"
265 | fi
266 |
267 | # Include a touch of the target name so make can check
268 | # if it's already been made.
269 | wrt_touch
270 | #
271 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
272 | # >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
273 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
274 |
275 | # Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
276 | PREV=${this_script}
277 | # Set system_build envar for iteration targets
278 | system_build=$chapter6
279 | done # end for file in chapter06/*
280 | }
281 |
282 | #----------------------------#
283 | chapter78_Makefiles() {
284 | #----------------------------#
285 | echo "${tab_}${GREEN}Processing... ${L_arrow}Chapter7/8 ( BOOT ) ${R_arrow}"
286 |
287 | for file in chapter0{7,8}/* ; do
288 | # Keep the script file name
289 | this_script=`basename $file`
290 |
291 | # Grub must be configured manually.
292 | # Handle fstab creation.
293 | # If no .config file is supplied, the kernel build is skipped
294 | case ${this_script} in
295 | *grub) continue ;;
296 | *fstab) [[ ! -z ${FSTAB} ]] && cp ${FSTAB} $BUILDDIR/sources/fstab ;;
297 | *kernel) [[ -z ${CONFIG} ]] && continue
298 | cp ${CONFIG} $BUILDDIR/sources/kernel-config ;;
299 | esac
300 |
301 | # First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become
302 | # the names of the targets in the Makefile
303 | chapter78="$chapter78 ${this_script}"
304 |
305 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
306 | # >>>>>>>> START BUILDING A Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
307 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
308 | #
309 | # Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target
310 | # as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function.
311 | CHROOT_wrt_target "${this_script}" "$PREV"
312 |
313 | # Find the bootscripts and kernel package names
314 | case "${this_script}" in
315 | *bootscripts)
316 | name="lfs-bootscripts"
317 | pkg_tarball=$(get_package_tarball_name $name)
318 | CHROOT_Unpack "$pkg_tarball"
319 | ;;
320 | *kernel)
321 | name="linux"
322 | pkg_tarball=$(get_package_tarball_name $name)
323 | CHROOT_Unpack "$pkg_tarball"
324 | ;;
325 | esac
326 |
327 | # Check if we have a real /etc/fstab file
328 | case "${this_script}" in
329 | *fstab) if [[ -n $FSTAB ]]; then
330 | CHROOT_wrt_CopyFstab
331 | else
332 | CHROOT_wrt_RunAsRoot "$file"
333 | fi
334 | ;;
335 | *) CHROOT_wrt_RunAsRoot "$file"
336 | ;;
337 | esac
338 |
339 | case "${this_script}" in
340 | *bootscripts) CHROOT_wrt_RemoveBuildDirs "dummy" ;;
341 | *kernel) CHROOT_wrt_RemoveBuildDirs "dummy" ;;
342 | esac
343 |
344 | # Include a touch of the target name so make can check
345 | # if it's already been made.
346 | wrt_touch
347 | #
348 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
349 | # >>>>>>>> END OF Makefile ENTRY <<<<<<<< #
350 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------#
351 |
352 | # Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies.
353 | PREV=${this_script}
354 | done # for file in chapter0{7,8}/*
355 |
356 | }
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 | #----------------------------#
361 | build_Makefile() { #
362 | #----------------------------#
363 |
364 | echo "Creating Makefile... ${BOLD}START${OFF}"
365 |
366 | cd $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands
367 |
368 | # Start with a clean Makefile.tmp file
369 | >$MKFILE
370 |
371 | chapter4_Makefiles
372 | chapter5_Makefiles
373 | chapter6_Makefiles
374 | # Add the iterations targets, if needed
375 | [[ "$COMPARE" = "y" ]] && wrt_compare_targets
376 | chapter78_Makefiles
377 | # Add the CUSTOM_TOOLS targets, if needed
378 | [[ "$CUSTOM_TOOLS" = "y" ]] && wrt_CustomTools_target
379 | # Add the BLFS_TOOL targets, if needed
380 | [[ "$BLFS_TOOL" = "y" ]] && wrt_blfs_tool_targets
381 |
382 | # Add a header, some variables and include the function file
383 | # to the top of the real Makefile.
384 | wrt_Makefile_header
385 |
386 | # Add chroot commands
387 | CHROOT_LOC="`whereis -b chroot | cut -d " " -f2`"
388 | i=1
389 | for file in chapter06/*chroot* ; do
390 | chroot=`cat $file | \
391 | sed -e "s@chroot@$CHROOT_LOC@" \
392 | -e '/#!\/bin\/bash/d' \
393 | -e 's@ \\\@ @g' | \
394 | tr -d '\n' | \
395 | sed -e 's/ */ /g' \
396 | -e 's|\\$|&&|g' \
397 | -e 's|exit||g' \
398 | -e 's|$| -c|' \
399 | -e 's|"$$LFS"|$(MOUNT_PT)|' \
400 | -e 's|set -e||' \
401 | -e 's|set +h||'`
402 | echo -e "CHROOT$i= $chroot\n" >> $MKFILE
403 | i=`expr $i + 1`
404 | done
405 |
406 | # Drop in the main target 'all:' and the chapter targets with each sub-target
407 | # as a dependency.
408 | (
409 | cat << EOF
410 |
411 | all: ck_UID mk_SETUP mk_LUSER mk_SUDO mk_CHROOT mk_BOOT create-sbu_du-report mk_CUSTOM_TOOLS mk_BLFS_TOOL
412 | @sudo make do_housekeeping
413 | @echo "$VERSION - jhalfs build" > lfs-release && \\
414 | sudo mv lfs-release \$(MOUNT_PT)/etc
415 | @\$(call echo_finished,$VERSION)
416 |
417 | ck_UID:
418 | @if [ \`id -u\` = "0" ]; then \\
419 | echo "--------------------------------------------------"; \\
420 | echo "You cannot run this makefile from the root account"; \\
421 | echo "--------------------------------------------------"; \\
422 | exit 1; \\
423 | fi
424 |
425 | mk_SETUP:
426 | @\$(call echo_SU_request)
427 | @sudo make SHELL=/bin/bash SETUP
428 | @touch \$@
429 |
430 | mk_LUSER: mk_SETUP
431 | @\$(call echo_SULUSER_request)
432 | @( sudo \$(SU_LUSER) "source .bashrc && cd \$(MOUNT_PT)/\$(SCRIPT_ROOT) && make SHELL=/bin/bash LUSER" )
433 | @sudo make restore-luser-env
434 | @touch \$@
435 |
436 | mk_SUDO: mk_LUSER
437 | @sudo make SHELL=/bin/bash SUDO
438 | touch \$@
439 | #
440 | # The convoluted piece of code below is necessary to provide 'make' with a valid shell in the
441 | # chroot environment. (Unless someone knows a different way)
442 | # Manually create the /bin directory and provide link to the /tools dir.
443 | # Also change the original symlink creation to include (f)orce to prevent failure due to
444 | # pre-existing links.
445 | #
446 | mk_CHROOT: mk_SUDO
447 | @if [ ! -e \$(MOUNT_PT)/bin ]; then \\
448 | mkdir \$(MOUNT_PT)/bin; \\
449 | cd \$(MOUNT_PT)/bin && \\
450 | ln -sf /tools/bin/bash bash; ln -sf bash sh; \\
451 | sudo chown -R 0:0 \$(MOUNT_PT)/bin; \\
452 | fi;
453 | @sudo sed -e 's|^ln -sv |ln -svf |' -i \$(CMDSDIR)/chapter06/*-createfiles
454 | @\$(call echo_CHROOT_request)
455 | @( sudo \$(CHROOT1) "cd \$(SCRIPT_ROOT) && make CHROOT")
456 | @touch \$@
457 |
458 | mk_BOOT: mk_CHROOT
459 | @\$(call echo_CHROOT_request)
460 | @( sudo \$(CHROOT2) "cd \$(SCRIPT_ROOT) && make BOOT")
461 | @touch \$@
462 |
463 | mk_CUSTOM_TOOLS: create-sbu_du-report
464 | @if [ "\$(ADD_CUSTOM_TOOLS)" = "y" ]; then \\
465 | \$(call echo_PHASE,Building CUSTOM_TOOLS); \\
466 | \$(call echo_CHROOT_request); \\
467 | sudo mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}${TRACKING_DIR}; \\
468 | (sudo \$(CHROOT2) "cd \$(SCRIPT_ROOT) && make CUSTOM_TOOLS"); \\
469 | fi;
470 | @touch \$@
471 |
473 | @if [ "\$(ADD_BLFS_TOOLS)" = "y" ]; then \\
474 | \$(call echo_PHASE,Building BLFS_TOOL); \\
475 | \$(call echo_CHROOT_request); \\
476 | sudo mkdir -p $BUILDDIR$TRACKING_DIR; \\
477 | (sudo \$(CHROOT2) "cd \$(SCRIPT_ROOT) && make BLFS_TOOL"); \\
478 | fi;
479 | @touch \$@
480 |
481 |
482 | SETUP: $chapter4
483 | LUSER: $chapter5
484 | SUDO: $runasroot
485 | CHROOT: $chapter6
486 | BOOT: $chapter78
487 | CUSTOM_TOOLS: $custom_list
488 | BLFS_TOOL: $blfs_tool
489 |
490 |
491 | create-sbu_du-report: mk_BOOT
492 | @\$(call echo_message, Building)
493 | @if [ "\$(ADD_REPORT)" = "y" ]; then \\
494 | ./create-sbu_du-report.sh logs $VERSION; \\
495 | \$(call echo_report,$VERSION-SBU_DU-$(date --iso-8601).report); \\
496 | fi;
497 | @touch \$@
498 |
499 | restore-luser-env:
500 | @\$(call echo_message, Building)
501 | @if [ -f /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc.XXX ]; then \\
502 | mv -f /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc.XXX /home/\$(LUSER)/.bashrc; \\
503 | fi;
504 | @if [ -f /home/\$(LUSER)/.bash_profile.XXX ]; then \\
505 | mv /home/\$(LUSER)/.bash_profile.XXX /home/\$(LUSER)/.bash_profile; \\
506 | fi;
507 | @chown \$(LUSER):\$(LGROUP) /home/\$(LUSER)/.bash* && \\
508 | touch \$@ && \\
509 | echo " "\$(BOLD)Target \$(BLUE)\$@ \$(BOLD)OK && \\
510 | echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\$(WHITE)
511 |
512 | do_housekeeping:
513 | @-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/sys
514 | @-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/proc
515 | @-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/dev/shm
516 | @-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/dev/pts
517 | @-umount \$(MOUNT_PT)/dev
518 | @-rm /tools
519 | @-if [ ! -f luser-exist ]; then \\
520 | userdel \$(LUSER); \\
521 | rm -rf /home/\$(LUSER); \\
522 | fi;
523 |
524 |
525 | EOF
526 | ) >> $MKFILE
527 |
528 | # Bring over the items from the Makefile.tmp
529 | cat $MKFILE.tmp >> $MKFILE
530 | rm $MKFILE.tmp
531 | echo "Creating Makefile... ${BOLD}DONE${OFF}"
532 | }