2 |
3 |
4 | Normally JHALFS creates a Makefile containing only those scripts found in
5 | the {,B}LFS books. An automated construction tool cannot predict the
6 | needs of every individual and requests are made "Can you add xxxx package".
7 | Rather than adding numerous package scripts and switches for each request it
8 | was easier to add a tool for the user(s) to code their own package needs.
9 |
10 | There are two areas that can be customized: how the base system is built
11 | and what additional configurations and packages your hardware requires to be
12 | able to boot and run. Each of those areas are handled in a different way.
13 |
14 |
15 |
17 |
18 | There are two ways to alter how the base system will be built:
19 |
20 | - Using a working copy of the book sources and editing the XML files.
21 | This is the way used by book editors to test packages upgrades,
22 | command changes, build order changes. etc.
23 |
24 | This method requires you know very well the book sources and what
25 | files need be edited. It will not be discussed here.
26 |
27 | - Editing the generated build scripts to make any change you want.
28 | This is the method discussed below.
29 |
30 |
32 |
33 | To begin with, the build scripts should be generated with book defaults. To
34 | do that, configure jhalfs activating any option you want included, but do not
35 | select "Run the Makefile" option.
36 |
37 | Under the ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT}/${PROGNAME}-commands directory
38 | (using the defaults values to do an LFS build, that directory name is
39 | /mnt/build_dir/jhalfs/lfs-commands) you will find the default build scripts.
40 |
41 | If all you want is modify, add, or remove some command from a package
42 | installation, for example to change its ./configure line, just edit the related
43 | script. If changing or adding a patch, be sure to copy the new patch to the
44 | ${BUILD_DIR}/sources directory. When done, run 'make' from inside the
45 | ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT} directory.
46 |
47 |
49 |
50 | To remove a package from the system, just remove its script(s).
51 |
52 | To change the version of some package, or to build a newer or older version
53 | than that in the book, edit ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT}/pkg_tarball_list to
54 | change its tarball name and place the new tarball in the ${BUILD_DIR}/sources
55 | directory.
56 |
57 | To replace a package by an equivalent one, rename the replaced package script
58 | to reflect the new package name (for example, 102-man-db -> 102-man), edit the
59 | script to make the required commands changes, place the new tarball in the
60 | ${BUILD_DIR}/sources directory, and edit ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT}/pkg_tarball_list
61 | file to replace the removed package tarball name by the new package tarball
62 | name.
63 |
64 | To change the build order, rename the scripts changing the first 3-digits
65 | string until they are sorted in the way you want.
66 |
67 | To insert a new package, for example to build Cracklib in order to build
68 | Shadow with Cracklib support, you should first decide before what package it
69 | needs to be installed, in this example 107-shadow. Then create a new script
70 | containing the needed commands, using an existing one as template, and name it
71 | with the same 3-digits string used for that mentioned default package, but
72 | adding another 1-digit string. In our example, the new script to build Cracklib
73 | before Shadow will be named 107-1-cracklib. This naming scheme allows inserting
74 | up to 10 scripts before each of the existing scripts. Place the tarball for
75 | the new package and required patches, if any, in ${BUILD_DIR}/sources and edit
76 | ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT}/pkg_tarball_list to add the tarball name for that
77 | package.
78 |
79 | When ready, launch again the jhalfs configuration interface. Make sure that
80 | exactly the same options are selected as when generating the default build
81 | scripts. Be sure that "Rebuild files" is unselected and select "Run the
82 | Makefile" if you want. Then select "Rebuild the Makefile". This will create a
83 | new Makefile based on the changes you made to the build scripts.
84 |
85 |
87 |
88 | The installation of BLFS packages is handled via blfs-tool and activated
89 | when you select the appropriate menu option. See README and README.BLFS for
90 | more info.
91 |
92 | The feature described below was added so users could install remaining
93 | configuration files, build the packages necessary to access the Internet
94 | or to support specific hardware, or to install basic utilities that are
95 | needed from the beginning, and was not intended to replace the BLFS
96 | install system.
97 |
99 | A new directory has been added to JHALFS tree which contains the
100 | configuration scripts and a few examples. A switch has been added to the
101 | configuration file which enables/disables the inclusion of custom scripts.
102 |
103 | custom
104 | /config <-- where to put your scripts.
105 | /examples <-- a few example scripts
106 | template <-- ALL scripts MUST look like this
107 |
108 |
109 | NOTE::: You are responsible for including all dependencies and ensuring they
110 | are built in the right order.
111 |
112 | 1. To add a package to the final JHALFS Makefile you must first create a file
113 | in the custom/config directory.
114 | **All config files MUST follow the naming convention, xxx-PKG, where xxx
115 | is the order number and PKG is the name of the package. The file naming
116 | format is important as it defines the build order. The example shown
117 | below has an order number 950 and log files will list in alphabetical
118 | order in the /logs directory after blfs-tools scripts.
119 | The simplest method is to copy the template file into the config directory
120 | and rename it.
121 |
122 | 2. Populate the variables with the necessary values.
123 | Variable function is self explanatory. PATCH variables must be
124 | numbered, starting at PATCH1 (up to PATCH10). If the md5 checksum value
125 | is known, it can be added after the URL as in (quotes needed):
126 | PATCH1="http://patch-host/patch-path xxxxxxx..."
127 |
128 | 3. Build commands
129 | If the package you want to include is found in the BLFS
130 | book then you only need to copy/paste the commands between the xEOFx
131 | text, otherwise you will need to define the commands yourself.
132 | NOTE::: This script you just created is not usable directly but contains
133 | all the information necessary for jhalfs to create a build script
134 | and an entry in the jhalfs Makefile.
135 |
136 | 4. As mentioned previously the build order is dictated by the 3 digit number
137 | in the file name. If a package has dependencies it must be numerically
138 | larger than the dependency files.
139 | e.g. The package mc has glib as a dependency, so the build order is:
140 | 950-glib
141 | 951-mc
142 |
143 | 5. A config file for BLFS-bootscripts is already created as 999-blfs_bootscripts.
144 | If a package requires a bootscript to be installed add the cmd to this
145 | file and NOT in the package script. The gpm script is included as an
146 | example of patch file and the need for a blfs bootscript.
147 |
148 |
150 |
151 | Other examples can be found in custom/examples. They are dated and
152 | unmaintained, but can be useful for creating your own scripts.
153 |
154 |
155 | #--------- GLIB example -----------
156 |
157 | #
158 | # Filename syntax xxx-PKG ie. 950-glibc
159 | # Create a file in the custom/config directory
160 | # Populate the file using the following script as an example
161 | #
162 |
163 | PKG="glib"
164 | PKG_VERSION="1.2.10"
165 | PKG_FILE="glib-1.2.10.tar.gz"
166 | URL="http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/graphics/gimp/gtk/v1.2/${PKG_FILE}"
167 | MD5="6fe30dad87c77b91b632def29dd69ef9"
168 |
169 | # The following code removes previously defined PATCHx variables
170 | for i in PATCH{1..10}; do
171 | unset $i
172 | done
173 | # Patches are named PATCH[1..10]
174 | # This information is used to download the patch only
175 | PATCH1="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/glib-1.2.10-gcc34-1.patch 0077a1cce5e8a2231ac5a9b08c6263ba"
176 |
177 |
178 | # NOTE::
179 | # The convoluted scheme used to write out a temporary file is
180 | # a work-around for embedded single and double quotes.
181 |
182 | ( cat << "xEOFx"
183 |
184 | patch -Np1 -i ../glib-1.2.10-gcc34-1.patch &&
185 | ./configure --prefix=/usr &&
186 | make
187 | make install &&
188 | chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libgmodule-1.2.so.0.0.10
189 |
190 | xEOFx
191 | ) > tmp
192 |
193 |
194 | #--------- GPM example -----------
195 |
196 |
197 | PKG="gpm"
198 | PKG_VERSION="1.20.1"
199 | PKG_FILE="gpm-1.20.1.tar.bz2"
200 | URL="ftp://arcana.linux.it/pub/gpm/gpm-1.20.1.tar.bz2"
201 | MD5="2c63e827d755527950d9d13fe3d87692"
202 | for i in PATCH{1..10}; do
203 | unset $i
204 | done
205 | PATCH1=" http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/gpm-1.20.1-segfault-1.patch"
206 | PATCH2=" http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/gpm-1.20.1-silent-1.patch"
207 |
208 |
209 | ( cat << "xEOFx"
210 |
211 | patch -Np1 -i ../gpm-1.20.1-segfault-1.patch &&
212 | patch -Np1 -i ../gpm-1.20.1-silent-1.patch &&
213 | ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc &&
214 | LDFLAGS="-lm" make
215 |
216 | make install &&
217 | cp -v conf/gpm-root.conf /etc &&
218 | ldconfig
219 |
220 | # The normal cmd to install the boot script for gpm
221 | # --- PUT THIS CMD INSIDE 999-blfs_bootscripts
222 | #make install-gpm
223 |
224 | cat > /etc/sysconfig/mouse << "EOF"
225 | # Begin /etc/sysconfig/mouse
226 |
227 | MDEVICE="/dev/psaux"
228 | PROTOCOL="imps2"
229 | GPMOPTS=""
230 |
231 | # End /etc/sysconfig/mouse
232 | EOF
233 |
234 | xEOFx
235 | ) > tmp
236 |
237 |
238 | #--------- CMDS ONLY example -----------
239 | # This is an example of a self contained cmd script
240 | # There are no referenced to a package or package dir.
241 | # This method is useful for creating user files/profiles/etc
242 | # at build time.
243 |
244 |
245 | PKG=""
246 | PKG_VERSION=""
247 | PKG_FILE=""
248 | URL=""
249 | MD5=""
250 | for i in PATCH{1..10}; do
251 | unset $i
252 | done
253 | PATCH1=""
254 |
255 |
256 | ( cat << "xEOFx"
257 |
259 |
260 | xEOFx
261 | ) > tmp