1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # $Id$
4 |
5 | set +e
6 |
7 | # VT100 colors
8 | declare -r BLACK=$'\e[1;30m'
9 | declare -r DK_GRAY=$'\e[0;30m'
10 |
11 | declare -r RED=$'\e[31m'
12 | declare -r GREEN=$'\e[32m'
13 | declare -r YELLOW=$'\e[33m'
14 | declare -r BLUE=$'\e[34m'
15 | declare -r MAGENTA=$'\e[35m'
16 | declare -r CYAN=$'\e[36m'
17 | declare -r WHITE=$'\e[37m'
18 |
19 | declare -r OFF=$'\e[0m'
20 | declare -r BOLD=$'\e[1m'
21 | declare -r REVERSE=$'\e[7m'
22 | declare -r HIDDEN=$'\e[8m'
23 |
24 | declare -r tab_=$'\t'
25 | declare -r nl_=$'\n'
26 |
27 | declare -r DD_BORDER="${BOLD}==============================================================================${OFF}"
28 | declare -r SD_BORDER="${BOLD}------------------------------------------------------------------------------${OFF}"
29 | declare -r STAR_BORDER="${BOLD}******************************************************************************${OFF}"
30 |
31 | # bold yellow > < pair
32 | declare -r R_arrow=$'\e[1;33m>\e[0m'
33 | declare -r L_arrow=$'\e[1;33m<\e[0m'
34 |
35 |
36 | usage() {
37 | cat <<- -EOF-
38 | ${DD_BORDER}
39 | ${BOLD}
40 | Usage: $0 ${BOLD}[OPTION]
41 |
42 | Options:
43 | ${BOLD} -h, --help${OFF}
44 | print this help, then exit
45 |
46 | ${BOLD} -V, --version${OFF}
47 | print version information, then exit
48 |
49 | ${BOLD} -B, --book VER${OFF}
50 | checkout VER version of the book. Supported versions at this time are:
51 | dev* | trunk | SVN aliases for Development {C,H,B}LFS
52 |
53 | ${BOLD} -D --directory DIR${OFF}
54 | use DIR directory for building ${BOLD}$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])${OFF}; all files jhalfs-X produces
55 | will be in the directory DIR/jhalfs.
56 | The current setting for BUILDDIR is "$BUILDDIR"
57 |
58 | ${BOLD} -G, --get-packages${OFF}
59 | download the packages and patches. This assumes that the server declared
60 | in the configuration file has the proper packages and patches for the
61 | book version being processed.
62 |
63 | ${BOLD} -T, --testsuites N ${OFF}
64 | Run test suites [0-3]
65 | 0 = none
66 | 1 = only chapter06 Glibc, GCC and Binutils testsuites
67 | 2 = all chapter06 testsuites (in BLFS, alias to 1)
68 | 3 = all chapter05 and chapter06 testsuites
69 | In BLFS, 2 and 3 are aliases to 1
70 | In CLFS, 3 is an alias to 2
71 |
72 | ${BOLD} -W, --working-copy DIR${OFF}
73 | use the local working copy placed in DIR as the $(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) book
74 | -EOF-
75 |
76 | [[ ${PROGNAME} != "blfs" ]] &&
77 | cat <<- -EOF-
78 |
79 | ${BOLD} -C, --comparasion TYPE${OFF}
80 | do iterative comparison analysis. That will take several time due that
81 | the final system packages wil be rebuilded the times defined in the
82 | ITERATIONS config option.
83 | Analisys types allowed are:
84 | ICA = do the ICA analysis designed by Greg Schafer
85 | farce = do the farce analysis designed by Ken Moffat
86 | both = perfom both ICA and farce analysis
87 |
88 | ${BOLD} -F, --fstab FILE${OFF}
89 | use FILE as the /etc/fstab file for the ${BOLD}$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])${OFF} system. If not specified,
90 | a default /etc/fstab file with dummy values is created.
91 |
92 | ${BOLD} -K, --kernel-config FILE${OFF}
93 | use the kernel configuration file specified in FILE to build the kernel.
94 | if the file is not found, or if not specified, the kernel build is skipped.
95 |
96 | ${BOLD} -M, --run-make${OFF}
97 | run make on the generated Makefile
98 |
99 | ${BOLD} -R --rebuild${OFF}
100 | clean the build directory before to perfom any other task. The directory
101 | is cleaned only if it was populated by a previous jhalfs-X run.
102 | -EOF-
103 |
104 | [[ ${PROGNAME} = "clfs" ]] &&
105 | cat <<- -EOF-
106 |
107 | ${BOLD} -A, --arch ARCH ${OFF}
108 | Select the TARGET architecture, valid selections are:
109 | 32bit builds
110 | x86, i486, i586, ppc, mips, mipsel, sparc
111 | 64bit builds
112 | x86_64-64, mips64-64, mipsel64-64, sparc64-64, alpha
113 | 64bit multi-lib
114 | x86_64, mips64, mipsel64, sparc64, ppc64
115 |
116 | ${BOLD} --boot-config FILE ${OFF}
117 | The configuration file for the bootstrap kernel if method=boot
118 |
119 | ${BOLD} --method BUILDMETHOD ${OFF}
120 | Select the build method, chroot or boot
121 | -EOF-
122 |
123 | [[ ${PROGNAME} = "hlfs" ]] &&
124 | cat <<- -EOF-
125 |
126 | ${BOLD} --model STYLE ${OFF}
127 | Select the library model for the HLFS system
128 | Valid choices are: glibc or uclibc
129 | -EOF-
130 |
131 | [[ ${PROGNAME} = "blfs" ]] &&
132 | cat <<- -EOF-
133 |
134 | ${BOLD} --dependencies 0/1/2${OFF}
135 | add dependencies of type TYPE to the build tree.
136 | If not set, both required and recommended are used.
137 |
138 | Possible values are:
139 | 0 - required only required dependecies are used
140 | 1 - recommended both required a recommended dependencies are used
141 | 2 - optional all dependencies are used
142 | -EOF-
143 |
144 | cat <<- -EOF-
145 | ${DD_BORDER}
146 | -EOF-
147 | exit
148 | }
149 |
150 | version="
151 | ${BOLD} \"jhalfs-X\"${OFF} builder tool (experimental) \$Rev$
152 | \$Date$
153 |
154 | ${BOLD} \"${PROGNAME}\"${OFF} script module
155 |
156 | Written by George Boudreau,
157 | Manuel Canales Esparcia,
158 | Jeremy Huntwork
159 |
160 | This program is published under the ${BOLD}Gnu General Public License, Version 2.${OFF}
161 | "
162 |
163 |
164 | no_empty_builddir() {
165 | 'clear'
166 | cat <<- -EOF-
167 | ${DD_BORDER}
168 |
169 | ${tab_}${tab_}${BOLD}${RED}W A R N I N G${OFF}
170 | Looks like the \$BUILDDIR directory contains subdirectories
171 | from a previous HLFS build.
172 |
173 | Please format the partition mounted on \$BUILDDIR or set
174 | a different build directory before running jhalfs-X.
175 | ${OFF}
176 | ${DD_BORDER}
177 | -EOF-
178 | exit
179 | }
180 |
181 |
182 | help="${nl_}Try '$0 --help' for more information."
183 |
184 |
185 | exit_missing_arg="\
186 | echo \"Option '\$1' requires an argument\" >&2
187 | echo \"\$help\" >&2
188 | exit 1"
189 |
190 | no_dl_client="\
191 | echo \"Could not find a way to download the ${BOLD}$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])${OFF} sources.\" >&2
192 | echo \"Attempting to continue.\" >&2"
193 |
194 | HEADER="# This file is automatically generated by jhalfs-X
196 | #
197 | # Generated on `date \"+%F %X %Z\"`"
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 | #----------------------------------#
202 | wrt_target() { # Create target and initialize log file
203 | #----------------------------------#
204 | local i=$1
205 | local PREV=$2
206 | case $i in
207 | iteration* ) local LOGFILE=$this_script.log ;;
208 | * ) local LOGFILE=$this_script ;;
209 | esac
210 | (
211 | cat << EOF
212 |
213 | $i: $PREV
214 | @\$(call echo_message, Building)
215 | @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=jhalfs \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >logs/$LOGFILE
216 | EOF
217 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
218 | }
219 |
220 |
221 | #----------------------------------#
222 | wrt_unpack() { # Unpack and set 'ROOT' var
223 | #----------------------------------#
224 | local FILE=$1
225 | (
226 | cat << EOF
227 | @\$(call unpack,$FILE)
228 | @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\
229 | echo "export PKGDIR=\$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > envars && \\
230 | chown -R lfs \$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT
231 | EOF
232 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
233 | }
234 |
235 |
236 | #----------------------------------#
237 | wrt_unpack2() { #
238 | #----------------------------------#
239 | local FILE=$1
240 | (
241 | cat << EOF
242 | @\$(call unpack2,$FILE)
243 | @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\
244 | echo "export PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > envars
245 | EOF
246 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
247 | }
248 |
249 |
250 | #----------------------------------#
251 | wrt_unpack3() { #
252 | #----------------------------------#
253 | local FILE=$1
254 | (
255 | cat << EOF
256 | @\$(call unpack3,$FILE)
257 | @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\
258 | echo "export PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > envars
259 | EOF
260 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
261 | }
262 |
263 |
264 | #----------------------------------#
265 | wrt_target_vars() { # Target vars for hlfs (cross-build method)
266 | #----------------------------------#
267 | (
268 | cat << EOF
269 | @echo "export target=$(uname -m)-${TARGET}" >> envars && \\
270 | echo "export ldso=/lib/${LOADER}" >> envars
271 | EOF
272 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
273 |
274 | }
275 |
276 |
277 | #----------------------------------#
278 | wrt_optimize() { # Apply pkg specific opt's to build
279 | #----------------------------------#
280 | local pkg=$1
281 | local optLvl optVal OPT_VAR
282 |
283 | optLvl=`awk -v pkg="$pkg" '$1 == pkg { print $2 }' $JHALFSDIR/opt_override`
284 | if [[ "$optLvl" = "" ]] ; then
285 | optLvl=$DEF_OPT_LVL;
286 | fi
287 |
289 | eval optVal=\$${OPT_VAR}_$optLvl
290 |
291 | if [[ "$optVal" != "unset" ]]; then
292 | case $pkg in
293 | *zlib* ) [[ "$OPT_VAR" != "LDFLAGS" ]] && optVal="$optVal -fPIC" ;;
294 | esac
295 | (
296 | cat << EOF
297 | @echo "export $OPT_VAR=\"$optVal\"" >> envars
298 | EOF
299 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
300 | else
301 | continue
302 | fi
303 | done
304 | }
305 |
306 |
307 | #----------------------------------#
308 | wrt_run_as_su() { # Execute script inside time { }, footer to log file
309 | #----------------------------------#
310 | local this_script=$1
311 | local file=$2
312 | (
313 | cat << EOF
314 | @( time { su - lfs -c "source /home/lfs/.bashrc && $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands/$file" >>logs/$this_script 2>&1 ; } ) 2>>logs/$this_script && \\
315 | echo -e "\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=jhalfs \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/$this_script
316 | EOF
317 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
318 | }
319 |
320 |
321 | #----------------------------------#
322 | wrt_run_as_root() { # Some scripts must be run as root..
323 | #----------------------------------#
324 | local this_script=$1
325 | local file=$2
326 | (
327 | cat << EOF
328 | @( time { export LFS=\$(MOUNT_PT) && ${PROGNAME}-commands/$file >>logs/$this_script 2>&1 ; } ) 2>>logs/$this_script && \\
329 | echo -e "\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=jhalfs \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/$this_script
330 | EOF
331 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
332 | }
333 |
334 |
335 | #----------------------------------#
336 | wrt_run_as_root2() { #
337 | #----------------------------------#
338 | local this_script=$1
339 | local file=$2
340 | (
341 | cat << EOF
342 | @( time { source envars && ${PROGNAME}-commands/$file >>logs/$this_script 2>&1 ; } ) 2>>logs/$this_script && \\
343 | echo -e "\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=jhalfs \`\n" >>logs/$this_script
344 | EOF
345 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
346 | }
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 | #----------------------------------#
351 | wrt_run_as_chroot1() { #
352 | #----------------------------------#
353 | local this_script=$1
354 | local file=$2
355 | (
356 | cat << EOF
357 | @( time { \$(CHROOT1) 'cd /jhalfs && source envars && /jhalfs/${PROGNAME}-commands/$file >>/jhalfs/logs/${this_script} 2>&1' ; } ) 2>>logs/$this_script && \\
358 | echo -e "\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=jhalfs \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/${this_script}
359 | EOF
360 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
361 | }
362 |
363 |
364 | #----------------------------------#
365 | wrt_run_as_chroot2() { #
366 | #----------------------------------#
367 | local this_script=$1
368 | local file=$2
369 | (
370 | cat << EOF
371 | @( time { \$(CHROOT2) 'cd /jhalfs && source envars && /jhalfs/${PROGNAME}-commands/$file >>/jhalfs/logs/${this_script} 2>&1' ; } ) 2>>logs/$this_script && \\
372 | echo -e "\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude=jhalfs \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/${this_script}
373 | EOF
374 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
375 | }
376 |
377 |
378 | #----------------------------------#
379 | wrt_copy_fstab() { #
380 | #----------------------------------#
381 | local i=$1
382 | (
383 | cat << EOF
384 | @cp -v $FSTAB \$(MOUNT_PT)/etc/fstab >>logs/$i 2>&1
385 | EOF
386 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
387 | }
388 |
389 | #----------------------------------#
390 | wrt_copy_fstab2() { #
391 | #----------------------------------#
392 | local i=$1
393 | (
394 | cat << EOF
395 | @cp -v /sources/fstab /etc/fstab >>logs/$i 2>&1
396 | EOF
397 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
398 | }
399 |
400 |
401 | #----------------------------------#
402 | wrt_remove_build_dirs() { #
403 | #----------------------------------#
404 | local name=$1
405 | (
406 | cat << EOF
407 | @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\
408 | rm -r \$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\
409 | if [ -e \$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\
410 | rm -r \$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/$name-build; \\
411 | fi;
412 | EOF
413 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
414 | }
415 |
416 |
417 | #----------------------------------#
418 | wrt_remove_build_dirs2() { #
419 | #----------------------------------#
420 | local name=$1
421 | (
422 | cat << EOF
423 | @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\
424 | rm -r \$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\
425 | if [ -e \$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\
426 | rm -r \$(SRC)/$name-build; \\
427 | fi;
428 | EOF
429 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
430 | }
431 |
432 |
433 | #----------------------------------#
434 | wrt_report() { #
435 | #----------------------------------#
436 | (
437 | cat << EOF
438 |
439 | create-sbu_du-report: $PREV
440 | @\$(call echo_message, Building)
441 | @./create-sbu_du-report.sh logs $VERSION
442 | @\$(call echo_report,$VERSION-SBU_DU-$(date --iso-8601).report)
443 | @touch \$@
444 | EOF
445 | ) >> $MKFILE.tmp
446 |
447 | chapter789="$chapter789 create-sbu_du-report"
448 | }
449 |
450 |
451 | #----------------------------#
452 | run_make() { #
453 | #----------------------------#
454 | # Test if make must be run.
455 | if [ "$RUNMAKE" = "1" ] ; then
456 | # Test to make sure we're running the build as root
457 | if [ "$UID" != "0" ] ; then
458 | echo "You must be logged in as root to successfully build the system."
459 | exit 1
460 | fi
461 | # Build the system
462 | if [ -e $MKFILE ] ; then
463 | echo -ne "Building the system...\n"
464 | cd $JHALFSDIR && make
465 | echo -ne "done\n"
466 | fi
467 | fi
468 | }
469 |
470 |
471 | #----------------------------#
472 | clean_builddir() { #
473 | #----------------------------#
474 | # Test if the clean must be done.
475 | if [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ] ; then
476 | # Test to make sure we're running the clean as root
477 | if [ "$UID" != "0" ] ; then
478 | echo "You must be logged in as root to clean the build directory."
479 | exit 1
480 | fi
481 | # Test to make sure that the build directory was populated by jhalfs
482 | if [ ! -d $JHALFSDIR ] || [ ! -d $BUILDDIR/sources ] ; then
483 | echo "Looks like $BUILDDIR was not populated by a previous jhalfs-X run."
484 | exit 1
485 | else
486 | # Clean the build directory
487 | echo -ne "Cleaning $BUILDDIR...\n"
488 | rm -rf $BUILDDIR/{bin,boot,dev,etc,home,lib,media,mnt,opt,proc,root,sbin,srv,sys,tmp,tools,cross-tools,usr,var}
489 | echo -ne "Cleaning $JHALFSDIR...\n"
490 | rm -rf $JHALFSDIR/{0*,1*,envars,sources-dir,*commands,logs,Makefile,*.xsl,makefile-functions,packages,patches}
491 | echo -ne "Cleaning remainig extracted sources in $BUILDDIR/sources...\n"
492 | rm -rf `find $BUILDDIR/sources/* -maxdepth 0 -type d`
493 | echo -ne "done\n"
494 | fi
495 | fi
496 | }
497 |
498 | #----------------------------#
499 | get_book() { #
500 | #----------------------------#
501 | cd $JHALFSDIR
502 |
503 | if [ -z $WC ] ; then
504 | # Check for Subversion instead of just letting the script hit 'svn' and fail.
505 | test `type -p svn` || eval "echo \"This feature requires Subversion.\"
506 | exit 1"
507 | echo -n "Downloading the $PROGNAME document, $LFSVRS version... "
508 |
509 | case $PROGNAME in
510 | lfs) svn_root="LFS" ;;
511 | hlfs) svn_root="HLFS" ;;
512 | clfs) svn_root="cross-lfs" ;;
513 | blfs) svn_root="BLFS" ;;
514 | *) echo "BOOK not defined in function <get_book>"
515 | exit 1 ;;
516 | esac
517 | # Grab a fresh book if it's missing, otherwise, update it from the
518 | # repo. If we've already extracted the commands, move on to getting the
519 | # sources.
520 | if [ -d ${PROGNAME}-$LFSVRS ] ; then
521 | cd ${PROGNAME}-$LFSVRS
522 | if LC_ALL=C svn up | grep -q At && test -d $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands && \
523 | test -f $JHALFSDIR/packages ; then
524 | echo -ne "done\n"
525 | # Set the canonical book version
526 | cd $JHALFSDIR
527 | VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@<!ENTITY version "@@;s@">@@'`
528 | get_sources
529 | else
530 | echo -ne "done\n"
531 | # Set the canonical book version
532 | cd $JHALFSDIR
533 | VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@<!ENTITY version "@@;s@">@@'`
534 | extract_commands
535 | fi
536 | else
537 | case $LFSVRS in
538 | development)
539 | svn co $SVN/${svn_root}/trunk/BOOK ${PROGNAME}-$LFSVRS >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 ;;
540 | esac
541 | echo -ne "done\n"
542 | # Set the canonical book version
543 | cd $JHALFSDIR
544 | VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@<!ENTITY version "@@;s@">@@'`
545 | extract_commands
546 | fi
547 | else
548 | echo -ne "Using $BOOK as book's sources ...\n"
549 | # Set the canonical book version
550 | cd $JHALFSDIR
551 | VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@<!ENTITY version "@@;s@">@@'`
552 | extract_commands
553 | fi
554 | }
555 |
556 | #----------------------------#
557 | extract_commands() { #
558 | #----------------------------#
559 |
560 | # Check for libxslt instead of just letting the script hit 'xsltproc' and fail.
561 | test `type -p xsltproc` || eval "echo \"This feature requires libxslt.\"
562 | exit 1"
563 |
564 | cd $JHALFSDIR
565 | VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@<!ENTITY version "@@;s@">@@'`
566 |
567 | # Start clean
568 | if [ -d ${PROGNAME}-commands ]; then
569 | rm -rf ${PROGNAME}-commands
570 | mkdir -v ${PROGNAME}-commands
571 | fi
572 | echo -n "Extracting commands for"
573 |
574 | # Dump the commands in shell script form from the HLFS book.
575 | case ${PROGNAME} in
576 | clfs)
577 | echo -n " ${L_arrow}${BOLD}$ARCH${R_arrow} target architecture"
578 | xsltproc --nonet \
579 | --xinclude \
580 | --stringparam method $METHOD \
581 | --stringparam testsuite $TEST \
582 | --stringparam vim-lang $VIMLANG \
583 | --stringparam timezone $TIMEZONE \
584 | --stringparam page $PAGE \
585 | --stringparam lang $LANG \
586 | --stringparam keymap $KEYMAP \
587 | -o ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ $XSL $BOOK/$ARCH-index.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1
588 | ;;
589 | hlfs)
590 | echo -n " ${L_arrow}${BOLD}$MODEL${R_arrow} HLFS libc implementation"
591 | xsltproc --nonet \
592 | --xinclude \
593 | --stringparam model $MODEL \
594 | --stringparam testsuite $TEST \
595 | --stringparam timezone $TIMEZONE \
596 | --stringparam page $PAGE \
597 | --stringparam lang $LANG \
598 | --stringparam lc_all $LC_ALL \
599 | --stringparam keymap $KEYMAP \
600 | --stringparam grsecurity_host $GRSECURITY_HOST \
601 | -o ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ $XSL $BOOK/index.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1
602 | ;;
603 | lfs)
604 | echo -n " ${L_arrow}${BOLD}LFS${R_arrow} build"
605 | xsltproc --nonet \
606 | --xinclude \
607 | --stringparam testsuite $TEST \
608 | --stringparam vim-lang $VIMLANG \
609 | --stringparam timezone $TIMEZONE \
610 | --stringparam page $PAGE \
611 | --stringparam lang $LANG \
612 | -o ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ $XSL $BOOK/index.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1
613 | ;;
614 | blfs)
615 | echo -n " ${L_arrow}${BOLD}BLFS${R_arrow} build"
616 | xsltproc --nonet \
617 | --xinclude \
618 | --stringparam testsuite $TEST \
619 | --stringparam server $SERVER \
620 | -o ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ $XSL $BOOK/index.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1
621 | ;;
622 | *) exit 1 ;;
623 | esac
624 |
625 | echo " ...OK"
626 |
627 | # Make the scripts executable.
628 | chmod -R +x $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands
629 |
630 | # Create the packages file. We need it for proper Makefile creation
631 | rm -f packages
632 | case "${PROGNAME}" in
633 | clfs)
634 | echo -n "Creating <${PROGNAME}> specific packages file"
635 | grep "\-version " $BOOK/packages.ent | sed -e 's@<!ENTITY @@' \
636 | -e 's@">@"@' \
637 | -e '/generic/d' > packages
638 | echo " ...OK"
639 | ;;
640 |
641 | hlfs)
642 | echo -n "Creating <${PROGNAME}> specific packages file"
643 | grep "\-version" $BOOK/general.ent | sed -e 's@<!ENTITY @@' \
644 | -e 's@">@"@' \
645 | -e '/generic/d' >> packages
646 | echo " ...OK"
647 | ;;
648 |
649 | lfs)
650 | echo -n "Creating <${PROGNAME}> specific packages file"
651 | grep "\-version" $BOOK/general.ent | sed -e 's@<!ENTITY @@' \
652 | -e 's@">@"@' \
653 | -e '/generic/d' >> packages
654 | echo " ...OK"
655 | ;;
656 | esac
657 |
658 | # Done. Moving on...
659 | get_sources
660 | }
661 |
662 | #----------------------------#
663 | get_sources() { # Download file, write name to MISSING_FILES.DMP if an error
664 | #----------------------------#
665 | local saveIFS=$IFS
666 | local IFS line URL1 URL2 FILE MD5 HAVEMD5 fromARCHIVE
667 |
668 | # Test if the packages must be downloaded
669 | [ ! "$GETPKG" = "1" ] && return
670 |
671 | gs_wrt_message(){
672 | echo "${RED}$1${OFF}"
673 | echo "$1" >> MISSING_FILES.DMP
674 | }
675 | # Housekeeping
676 | [[ ! -d $BUILDDIR/sources ]] && mkdir $BUILDDIR/sources
677 | cd $BUILDDIR/sources
678 | [[ -f MD5SUMS ]] && rm MD5SUMS
679 | [[ -f MD5SUMS-$VERSION ]] && rm MD5SUMS-$VERSION
681 | [[ -f urls.lst ]] && rm urls.lst
682 |
683 | # Download a fresh MD5SUMS file
684 | wget $SERVER/pub/lfs/conglomeration/MD5SUMS
685 |
686 | # Generate URLs file
687 | create_urls
688 |
689 | IFS=$'\x0A' # Modify the 'internal field separator' to break on 'LF' only
690 | for line in `cat urls.lst`; do
691 | IFS=$saveIFS # Restore the system defaults
692 |
693 | # Skip some packages if they aren't needed
694 | case $line in
695 | */tcl* | */expect* | */dejagnu* | */tree* | */gcc-testsuite* )
696 | [[ "$TEST" = "0" ]] && continue
697 | ;;
698 | */vim-*-lang* )
699 | [[ "$VIMLANG" = "0" ]] && continue
700 | ;;
701 | esac
702 |
703 | # Locations
704 | URL1=`echo $line | cut -d" " -f2` # Preferred URL
705 | URL2=`echo $line | cut -d" " -f1` # Fallback Upstream URL
706 | FILE=`basename $URL2` # File name
707 |
708 | # Find the md5 sum for this package.
709 | set +e
710 | HAVEMD5=1 # Always assume we have a MD5SUM
711 | MD5=`grep " $FILE" MD5SUMS`
712 | if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
713 | set -e
714 | gs_wrt_message "$FILE not found in MD5SUMS"
715 | # IMPORTANT:: There is no MD5SUM for this file.
716 | HAVEMD5=0
717 | fi
718 |
719 | set -e
720 | # If the file exists in the archive copy it to the
721 | # $BUILDDIR/sources dir. MD5SUM will be validated later.
722 | if [ ! -z ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] &&
723 | [ -d ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] &&
724 | [ -f ${SRC_ARCHIVE}/$FILE ]; then
725 | cp ${SRC_ARCHIVE}/$FILE .
726 | echo "$FILE: -- copied from $SRC_ARCHIVE"
727 | fromARCHIVE=1
728 | else
729 | echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}$FILE: not found in ${SRC_ARCHIVE}${OFF}"
730 | fromARCHIVE=0
731 | # If the file does not exist in /sources download a fresh one
732 | if [ ! -f $FILE ] ; then
733 | if ! wget $URL1 && ! wget $URL2 ; then
734 | gs_wrt_message "$FILE not found in the SRC_ARCHIVE or on any server..SKIPPING"
735 | continue
736 | fi
737 | fi
738 | fi
739 |
740 | # Is there a MD5SUM to validate the file against.
741 | if [[ "$HAVEMD5" = "1" ]] ; then
742 | # IF the md5sum does not match the existing files
743 | if ! echo "$MD5" | md5sum -c - >/dev/null ; then
744 | [[ $fromARCHIVE = "1" ]] && echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}MD5SUM did not match SRC_ARCHIVE copy${OFF}"
745 | [[ $fromARCHIVE = "0" ]] && echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}MD5SUM did not match REMOTE copy${OFF}"
746 | # Remove the old file and download a new one
747 | rm -fv $FILE
748 | # Force generation of MD5SUM and storage in SRC_ARCHIVE
749 | fromARCHIVE=0; HAVEMD5=0
750 | # Try and retrieve the file
751 | if ! wget -N $URL1 && ! wget -N $URL2 ; then
752 | gs_wrt_message "$FILE not found on the servers.. SKIPPING"
753 | continue
754 | fi
755 | fi
756 | fi
757 |
758 | # Validate the MD5SUM one last time
759 | if [[ "$HAVEMD5" = "1" ]] && ! echo "$MD5" | md5sum -c - >/dev/null ; then
760 | gs_wrt_message "$FILE does not match MD5SUMS value"
761 | fi
762 |
763 | # Generate a fresh MD5SUM for this file
764 | if [[ "$HAVEMD5" = "0" ]] ; then
765 | echo "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Generating a new MD5SUM for ${OFF}$FILE"
766 | echo "NEW MD5SUM $(md5sum $FILE)" >> MISSING_FILES.DMP
767 | fi
768 |
769 | # Good or bad we write the original md5sum to a file
770 | echo "$MD5" >> MD5SUMS-$VERSION
771 |
772 | # Copy the freshly downloaded file
773 | # to the source archive.
774 | if [ ! -z ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] &&
775 | [ -d ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] &&
776 | [ -w ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] &&
777 | [ "$fromARCHIVE" = "0" ] ; then
778 | echo "Storing file:<$FILE> in the package archive"
779 | cp -f $FILE ${SRC_ARCHIVE}
780 | fi
781 |
782 | done
783 |
784 | if [[ -s MISSING_FILES.DMP ]]; then
785 | echo -e "\n\n${tab_}${RED} One or more files were not retrieved or have a bad MD5SUMS chechsum.\n${tab_} Check ${L_arrow}$BUILDDIR/sources/MISSING_FILES.DMP${R_arrow} for names ${OFF}\n"
786 | # Do not allow the automatic exection of the Makefile.
787 | echo "${tab_}${BOLD}${RED}*** ${YELLOW}Automatic execution of the generated makefile has been inhibited. ${RED}***${OFF}${nl_}"
788 | RUNMAKE=0
789 | fi
790 | }
791 |
792 |
793 | #----------------------------#
794 | create_urls() { #
795 | #----------------------------#
796 | cd $JHALFSDIR
797 |
798 | case ${PROGNAME} in
799 | clfs)
800 | echo -n "Creating CLFS <${ARCH}> specific URLs file"
801 | xsltproc --nonet --xinclude \
802 | --stringparam server $SERVER \
803 | -o $BUILDDIR/sources/urls.lst urls.xsl \
804 | $BOOK/materials/$ARCH-chapter.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1
805 | echo " ...OK"
806 | ;;
807 | hlfs)
808 | echo -n "Creating HLFS <${MODEL}> specific URLs file"
809 | xsltproc --nonet --xinclude \
810 | --stringparam server $SERVER \
811 | --stringparam model $MODEL \
812 | -o $BUILDDIR/sources/urls.lst urls.xsl \
813 | $BOOK/chapter04/chapter04.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1
814 | echo " ...OK"
815 | ;;
816 | lfs)
817 | echo -n "Creating LFS specific URLs file"
818 | xsltproc --nonet --xinclude \
819 | --stringparam server $SERVER \
820 | -o ../sources/urls.lst urls.xsl \
821 | $BOOK/chapter03/chapter03.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1
822 | echo " ...OK"
823 | ;;
824 | esac
825 |
826 | cd $BUILDDIR/sources
827 | }