# $Id$ check_version() { : <${tst_version}<-- is too old. This script requires ${ref_version} or greater\n" exit 1 } echo -ne "${TXT}${dotSTR:${#TXT}} ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${tst_version}${OFF}${R_arrow}" # echo -ne "$TXT:\t${L_arrow}${BOLD}${tst_version}${OFF}${R_arrow}" IFS=".-(p" # Split up w.x.y.z as well as w.x.y-rc (catch release candidates) set -- $ref_version # set postional parameters to minimum ver values ref_major=$1; ref_minor=$2; ref_revision=$3 # set -- $tst_version # Set postional parameters to test version values major=$1; minor=$2; revision=$3 # # Compare against minimum acceptable version.. (( major > ref_major )) && echo " ${spaceSTR:${#tst_version}}${GREEN}OK${OFF}" && return (( major < ref_major )) && write_error_and_die # major=ref_major (( minor < ref_minor )) && write_error_and_die (( minor > ref_minor )) && echo " ${spaceSTR:${#tst_version}}${GREEN}OK${OFF}" && return # minor=ref_minor (( revision >= ref_revision )) && echo " ${spaceSTR:${#tst_version}}${GREEN}OK${OFF}" && return # oops.. write error msg and die write_error_and_die } # local -r PARAM_VALS='${config_param}${dotSTR:${#config_param}} ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${!config_param}${OFF}${R_arrow}' #----------------------------# check_prerequisites() { # #----------------------------# # LFS/HLFS/CLFS prerequisites if [ ! "${PROGNAME}" = "hlfs" ]; then check_version "2.6.2" "`uname -r`" "KERNEL" check_version "2.0.5" "$BASH_VERSION" "BASH" check_version "3.0.0" "`gcc -dumpversion`" "GCC" libcVer="`/lib/libc.so.6 | head -n1`" libcVer="${libcVer##*version }" check_version "2.2.5" ${libcVer%%,*} "GLIBC" check_version "2.12" "`ld --version | head -n1 | cut -d\" \" -f4`" "BINUTILS" check_version "1.14" "`tar --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f4`" "TAR" bzip2Ver="`bzip2 --version 2>&1 < /dev/null | head -n1 | cut -d\" \" -f8`" check_version "1.0.2" "${bzip2Ver%%,*}" "BZIP2" check_version "5.0" "`chown --version | head -n1 | cut -d\")\" -f2`" "COREUTILS" check_version "2.8" "`diff --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f4`" "DIFF" check_version "4.1.20" "`find --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f4`" "FIND" check_version "3.0" "`gawk --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f3`" "GAWK" check_version "2.5" "`grep --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f4`" "GREP" gzipVer=$(gzip --version 2>&1 | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f2) check_version "1.2.4" "$gzipVer" "GZIP" check_version "3.79.1" "`make --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f3`" "MAKE" check_version "2.5.4" "`patch --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f2`" "PATCH" check_version "3.0.2" "`sed --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f4`" "SED" else # LFS/HLFS/CLFS prerequisites check_version "2.6.2" "`uname -r`" "KERNEL" check_version "3.0" "$BASH_VERSION" "BASH" check_version "3.0" "`gcc -dumpversion`" "GCC" check_version "1.14" "`tar --version | head -n1 | cut -d \" \" -f4`" "TAR" fi # Check for minimum sudo version SUDO_LOC="`whereis -b sudo | cut -d " " -f2`" if [ -x $SUDO_LOC ]; then sudoVer=`sudo -V | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f3` check_version "1.6.8" "${sudoVer}" "SUDO" else echo "${nl_}\"${RED}sudo${OFF}\" ${BOLD}must be installed on your system for jhalfs to run" exit 1 fi # Check for minimum libxml2 and libxslt versions xsltprocVer=`xsltproc -V | head -n1 ` libxmlVer=$(echo $xsltprocVer | cut -d " " -f3) libxsltVer=$(echo $xsltprocVer | cut -d " " -f5) # Version numbers are packed strings not xx.yy.zz format. check_version "2.06.20" "${libxmlVer:0:1}.${libxmlVer:1:2}.${libxmlVer:3:2}" "LIBXML2" check_version "1.01.14" "${libxsltVer:0:1}.${libxsltVer:1:2}.${libxsltVer:3:2}" "LIBXSLT" # The next versions checks are required only when BLFS_TOOL is set and # this dependencies has not be selected for installation if [[ "$BLFS_TOOL" = "y" ]] ; then if [[ -z "$DEP_TIDY" ]] ; then tidyVer=`tidy -V | cut -d " " -f9` check_version "2004" "${tidyVer}" "TIDY" fi # Check if the proper DocBook-XML-DTD and DocBook-XSL are correctly installed XML_FILE="
Test file Some title Some text
" if [[ -z "$DEP_DBXML" ]] ; then if `echo $XML_FILE | xmllint -noout -postvalid - 2>/dev/null` ; then check_version "4.4" "4.4" "DocBook XML DTD" else echo "Warning: not found a working DocBook XML DTD 4.4 installation" exit 2 fi fi if [[ -z "$DEP_DBXSL" ]] ; then if `echo $XML_FILE | xsltproc --noout - 2>/dev/null` ; then check_version "1.69.1" "1.69.1" "DocBook XSL" else echo "Warning: not found a working DocBook XSL 1.69.1 installation" exit 2 fi fi fi # end BLFS_TOOL=Y }