1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | #----------------------------------#
4 | wrt_CustomTools_target() { # Add any users supplied scripts
5 | #----------------------------------#
6 | PREV=""
7 |
8 | echo " Adding custom packages... ${BOLD}START${OFF}"
9 |
10 | # Create the custom_tools scripts directory
11 | mkdir -p custom-tools
12 |
13 | for file in $JHALFSDIR/custom-commands/*; do
14 | if [[ `basename ${file}` = "*" ]]; then
15 | break
16 | fi
17 | source $file
18 | this_script=$(basename ${file})
19 | echo "$tab_${GREEN}Adding${OFF} ${this_script}"
20 |
21 | # Create a Makefile entry
22 | if [[ "x${PKG}" = "x" ]]; then
23 | # Create an entry for a self contained cmd script that does not
24 | # reference a package tarball
25 | CHROOT_wrt_target "${this_script}" "$PREV"
26 | CHROOT_wrt_RunAsRoot "custom-tools/${this_script}"
27 | wrt_touch
28 |
29 | # Create the build script file
30 | ( cat <<- xEOFx
31 | #!/bin/bash
32 | set -e
33 |
34 | `cat tmp`
35 | exit
36 | xEOFx
37 | ) > custom-tools/${this_script}
38 |
39 | else
40 | # Create an entry for package
41 | CHROOT_wrt_target "${this_script}" "$PREV"
42 | CHROOT_Unpack "${PKG_FILE}"
43 | CHROOT_wrt_RunAsRoot "custom-tools/${this_script}"
44 | CHROOT_wrt_RemoveBuildDirs "${PKG}"
45 | echo -e "\t@touch $TRACKING_DIR/${PKG}-${PKG_VERSION}" >> $MKFILE.tmp
46 | wrt_touch
47 |
48 | # Create the build script file
49 | ( cat <<- xEOFx
50 | #!/bin/bash
51 | set -e
52 |
53 | cd \$PKGDIR
54 | `cat tmp`
55 | exit
56 | xEOFx
57 | ) > custom-tools/$this_script
58 | fi
59 |
60 | rm -f tmp
61 | PREV=$this_script
62 | custom_list="${custom_list} ${this_script}"
63 | done
64 |
65 | # Make the scripts executable.
66 | chmod +x custom-tools/*
67 |
68 | echo " Adding custom packages... ${BOLD}DONE${OFF}"
69 | }
70 |
71 |
72 | #----------------------------------#
73 | add_CustomToolsURLS() { # Add any users supplied scripts URL information
74 | #----------------------------------#
75 | local BLFS_SERVER="${SERVER}/pub/blfs/conglomeration/"
76 | local this_script
78 |
79 | > urls.lst.tmp
80 | for this_script in $JHALFSDIR/custom-commands/*; do
81 | if [[ `basename ${this_script}` = "*" ]]; then
83 | break
84 | fi
85 | source $this_script
86 | # A cmd only script had no PKG defined
87 | [[ "x${PKG}" = "x" ]] && continue
88 |
89 | echo "${URL} ${BLFS_SERVER}${PKG}/${PKG_FILE} ${MD5}" >> urls.lst.tmp
90 | # Add any patches..
91 | for PATCH in PATCH{1..10}; do
92 | [[ -n ${!PATCH} ]] && echo "dummy-url ${!PATCH} CUSTOM-PATCH-MD5SUM" >> urls.lst.tmp
93 | done
94 | done
95 | cat urls.lst.tmp >> $BUILDDIR/sources/urls.lst
96 | rm urls.lst.tmp
97 | }