1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # $Id$
4 |
5 | set -e
6 |
7 | # Be sure that we know the taget name
8 | [[ -z $1 ]] && exit
9 | TARGET=$1 # Remember the target build we are looking for
10 | MAKE_PPID=$2
11 |
12 | declare -r CSI=$'\e[' # DEC terminology, Control Sequence Introducer
13 | declare -r CURSOR_OFF=${CSI}$'?25l'
14 | declare -r CURSOR_ON=${CSI}$'?25h'
15 | declare -r ERASE_LINE=${CSI}$'2K'
16 | declare -r FRAME_OPEN=${CSI}$'2G['
17 | declare -r FRAME_CLOSE=${CSI}$'63G]'
18 | declare -r TS_POSITION=${CSI}$'65G'
20 |
21 | declare -a GRAPHIC_STR="| / - \\ + "
22 | declare -i SEC=0 # Seconds accumulator
23 | declare -i PREV_SEC=0
24 |
25 | write_or_exit() {
26 | # make has been killed or failed or run to completion, leave
27 | [[ ! -e /proc/${MAKE_PPID} ]] && echo -n "${CURSOR_ON}" && exit
28 |
29 | # Target build complete, leave.
30 | [[ -f ${TARGET} ]] && echo -n "${CURSOR_ON}" && exit
31 |
32 | # It is safe to write to the screen
33 | echo -n "$1"
34 | }
35 |
36 | # initialize screen
37 | write_or_exit "${RESET_LINE}${TS_POSITION}0 min. 0 sec. "
38 |
39 | # loop forever..
40 | while true ; do
41 |
42 | # Loop through the animation string
43 | for GRAPHIC_CHAR in ${GRAPHIC_STR} ; do
44 | write_or_exit "${CSI}$((SEC + 3))G${GRAPHIC_CHAR}"
45 | sleep .12 # This value MUST be less than .2 seconds.
46 | done
47 |
48 | # A BASH internal variable, the number of seconds the script
49 | # has been running. modulo convert to 0-59
50 | SEC=$(($SECONDS % 60))
51 |
52 | # Detect rollover of the seconds.
53 | (( PREV_SEC > SEC )) && write_or_exit "${RESET_LINE}"
54 | (( PREV_SEC = SEC ))
55 |
56 | # Display the accumulated time. div minutes.. modulo seconds.
57 | write_or_exit "${TS_POSITION}$(($SECONDS / 60)) min. $SEC sec. "
58 | done
59 |
60 | exit