#!/bin/bash # $Id$ set -e : << inline_doc Installs a set-up to build BLFS packages. You can set these variables: TRACKING_DIR : where the installed package file is kept. (default /var/lib/jhalfs/BLFS) BLFS_ROOT : where the installed tools will be installed, relative to $HOME. Must start with a '/' (default /blfs_root) BLFS_BRANCH_ID: development, branch-xxx, xxx (where xxx is a valid tag) (default development) Examples: 1 - If you plan to use the tools to build BLFS on top of LFS, but you did not use jhalfs, or forgot to include the jhalfs-blfs tools: (as root) mkdir -p /var/lib/jhalfs/BLFS && chown -R /var/lib/jhalfs (as user) ./install-blfs-tools.sh 2 - To install with only user privileges: TRACKING_DIR=$HOME/blfs_root/trackdir ./install-blfs-tools.sh inline_doc # VT100 colors declare -r BLACK=$'\e[1;30m' declare -r DK_GRAY=$'\e[0;30m' declare -r RED=$'\e[31m' declare -r GREEN=$'\e[32m' declare -r YELLOW=$'\e[33m' declare -r BLUE=$'\e[34m' declare -r MAGENTA=$'\e[35m' declare -r CYAN=$'\e[36m' declare -r WHITE=$'\e[37m' declare -r OFF=$'\e[0m' declare -r BOLD=$'\e[1m' declare -r REVERSE=$'\e[7m' declare -r HIDDEN=$'\e[8m' declare -r tab_=$'\t' declare -r nl_=$'\n' declare -r DD_BORDER="${BOLD}==============================================================================${OFF}" declare -r SD_BORDER="${BOLD}------------------------------------------------------------------------------${OFF}" declare -r STAR_BORDER="${BOLD}******************************************************************************${OFF}" # bold yellow > < pair declare -r R_arrow=$'\e[1;33m>\e[0m' declare -r L_arrow=$'\e[1;33m<\e[0m' VERBOSITY=1 COMMON_DIR="common" BLFS_TOOL='y' BUILDDIR=$(cd ~;pwd) BLFS_ROOT="${BLFS_ROOT:=/blfs_root}" TRACKING_DIR="${TRACKING_DIR:=/var/lib/jhalfs/BLFS}" [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo "${SD_BORDER}${nl_}" #*******************************************************************# [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo -n "Loading function ..." source $COMMON_DIR/libs/func_check_version.sh [[ $? > 0 ]] && echo " function module did not load.." && exit 2 [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo "OK" [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo "${SD_BORDER}${nl_}" # blfs-tool envars BLFS_BRANCH_ID=${BLFS_BRANCH_ID:=development} case $BLFS_BRANCH_ID in development ) BLFS_TREE=trunk/BOOK ;; branch-* ) BLFS_TREE=branches/${BLFS_BRANCH_ID#branch-} ;; * ) BLFS_TREE=tags/${BLFS_BRANCH_ID} ;; esac # Check for build prerequisites. declare -r dotSTR=".................." # needed for proper display of versions echo check_alfs_tools check_blfs_tools echo "${SD_BORDER}${nl_}" # Install the files [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo -n Populating the ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT} directory [[ ! -d ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT} ]] && mkdir -pv ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT} cp -r BLFS/* ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT} cp -r menu ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT} cp $COMMON_DIR/progress_bar.sh ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT} cp README.BLFS ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT} [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo "... OK" [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo -n Cleaning the ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT} directory # Clean-up make -C ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT}/menu clean rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT}/libs/.svn rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT}/xsl/.svn rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT}/menu/.svn rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT}/menu/lxdialog/.svn # We do not want to keep an old version of the book: rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT}/blfs-xml # Set some harcoded envars to their proper values sed -i s@tracking-dir@$TRACKING_DIR@ \ ${BUILDDIR}${BLFS_ROOT}/{Makefile,gen-makefile.sh} # Ensures the tracking directory exists. # Throws an error if it does not exist and the user does not # have write permission to create it. # If it exists, does nothing. mkdir -p $TRACKING_DIR [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo "... OK" [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo -n "Downloading and validating the book (may take some time)" make -j1 -C $BUILDDIR$BLFS_ROOT \ TRACKING_DIR=$TRACKING_DIR \ SVN=svn://svn.linuxfromscratch.org/BLFS/$BLFS_TREE \ $BUILDDIR$BLFS_ROOT/packages.xml [[ $VERBOSITY > 0 ]] && echo "... OK"