Changes in / [ca368ad:0f7a988]

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14 edited


  • BLFS/xsl/scripts.xsl

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    306306      </xsl:when><!-- @role="package" -->
    308       <xsl:when test="@role = 'qt5-prefix' or @role = 'qt6-prefix'">
     308      <xsl:when test="@role = 'qt4-prefix' or @role = 'qt5-prefix'">
    309309        <xsl:apply-templates select=".//screen[./userinput]"/>
    310310      </xsl:when>
    458458      </xsl:call-template>
    459459    </xsl:variable>
     460    <xsl:variable name="first_letter"
     461                  select="translate(substring($package,1,1),
     462                                    'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
     463                                    'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')"/>
    460464    <xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text>
    461465    <xsl:value-of select="$varname"/>
    473477    <xsl:value-of select="$varname"/>
    474478    <xsl:text>"
    475   else<!-- Download from upstream http -->
    476     wget -T 30 -t 5 "</xsl:text>
    477     <xsl:value-of select="$httpurl"/>
     479  else&#xA;</xsl:text>
     480    <!-- Download from upstream http -->
     481    <xsl:if test="string-length($httpurl) &gt; 10">
     482      <xsl:text>    wget -T 30 -t 5 "</xsl:text>
     483      <xsl:value-of select="$httpurl"/>
     484      <xsl:text>" ||&#xA;</xsl:text>
     485    </xsl:if>
     486    <!-- Download from upstream ftp -->
     487    <xsl:if test="string-length($ftpurl) &gt; 10">
     488      <xsl:text>    wget -T 30 -t 5 "</xsl:text>
     489      <xsl:value-of select="$ftpurl"/>
     490      <xsl:text>" ||&#xA;</xsl:text>
     491    </xsl:if>
     492    <!-- The FTP_SERVER mirror as a last resort -->
     493    <xsl:text>    wget -T 30 -t 5 "${JH_FTP_SERVER}svn/</xsl:text>
     494    <xsl:value-of select="$first_letter"/>
     495    <xsl:text>/$</xsl:text>
     496    <xsl:value-of select="$varname"/>
    478497    <xsl:text>"
    479498  fi

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    1 # Check for "nproc" presence:
    2 config HAVE_NPROC
    3     def_bool $(shell,if nproc &>/dev/null; then echo y; else echo n; fi)
    5 # Check for "cpuset controller in cgroup v2" presence:
    6 config HAVE_CGROUP
    7     def_bool $(shell,if grep -q cpuset /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers 2>/dev/null; then echo y; else echo n; fi)
    91menu "BOOK Settings"
    430422            #   timing out.
     424    config SERVER
     425        string "FTP mirror"
     426        default ""
     427        depends on GETPKG
     428        help
     429            #-- FTP mirror to download packages and patches if not found
     430            #   in $SRC_ARCHIVE
     431            #   As a last resort, the files will downloaded from upstream,
     432            #   if possible.
    432434    config    RUNMAKE
    433435        bool    "Run the makefile"
    449451menu "Build Settings"
    450452depends on !BOOK_BLFS
    452     #--- Parallelism
    453     menu "Parallelism settings"
    454     if HAVE_NPROC
    455         config ALL_CORES
    456         bool "Use all cores"
    457         default y
    458         help
    459               If you answer y, MAKEFLAGS will be set to "-j$(nproc)" at the
    460               beginning of each package script, and book instructions will not
    461               be changed otherwise. This will run the scripts with the same
    462               settings as in the book since version r12.0-87 included. Before
    463               that version, this will run the builds with all cores, but some
    464               test suites may still be run sequentially. You'll be asked for
    465               a CPU set to use, so that the number of jobs can still be limited
    466               in this way (useful for measuring SBU values at -j4, for
    467               example).
    468               If you answer n, then jhalfs will fall back to a static number
    469               of cores, defined below.
    471         if ALL_CORES && HAVE_CGROUP
    472             config CPUSET
    473             string "set of cpus to use, or 'all' for all cpus"
    474             default "all"
    475             help
    476                  See "List format" in cpuset(7). Choosing cpus depend
    477                  on the topology of your processors. Sometimes two
    478                  hyperthreads on the same core are numbered consecutively.
    479                  For example for using all cores and no hyperthreading on
    480                  a Haswell, use "0,2,4,6". Other brands may have a different
    481                  topology, and may require e.g. "0-3" to use the first 4 cores.
    482                  If not sure, keep the default.
    483         endif
    485     endif # HAVE_NPROC
    486     if !HAVE_NPROC
    487         config ALL_CORES
    488         bool
    489         default n
    490     endif
    492     config    N_PARALLEL
    493         int "Number of parallel `make' jobs"
    494         depends on !ALL_CORES
    495         default 1
    496         help
    497             #-- The usual recommandation is (number of CPU cores)+1
    498             #   Do not set for meaningful SBU calculations.
    500     config    REALSBU
    501         bool    "Build Binutils pass1 without parallelism (Real SBU)"
    502         default    n
    503         help
    504            #-- Use -j1 in make invokation for Binutils pass1 to
    505            #   get a valid SBU value.
    506     endmenu # parallelism
    508454    #--- Test Suites
    522468            #  do not stop on test suite failures.
     470    menu "Test settings"
     471    depends on    CONFIG_TESTS
    524472    choice
    525         depends on    CONFIG_TESTS
    526473        prompt    "Tests level"
    527474        default    TST_1
    544491    endchoice
     493    endmenu # test settings
    546495    config    TEST
    815764depends on !BOOK_BLFS
    817     #--- Optimizations
    818     config    CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
    819         bool    "Optimization"
    820         default    n
    821         help
    822             #   Opens a menu for various optimization settings:
    823             #   Actual optimization flags MUST be defined in ./optimize/*
    824             #   before activating this option.
    825             #
    826             # WARNING: The use of build optimizations may lead to build issues.
    827             #   If the system doesn't work as expected, please rebuild
    828             #   without optimizations before asking for support.
    829     menu    "Optimization settings"
    830         depends on CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
    832     choice
    833         prompt "Optimization level"
    834         default OPT_1
    835         help
    836             #-- Optimization values are set in optimize/* files
    838         config    OPT_1
    839             bool    "Final system only"
    841         config    OPT_2
    842             bool    "Both temp tools and final system"
    844     endchoice
    846     endmenu # Optimization settings
    847     config    OPTIMIZE
    848         int
    849         default    "0"    if !CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
    850         default    "1"    if OPT_1
    851         default    "2"    if OPT_2
    853     #--- End Optimizations
    855766    config    REPORT
    856767        bool "Create SBU and disk usage report"
    859770    config    SAVE_CH5
    860         bool "Save temporary system work"
     771        bool "Save Chapter 5 work"
    861772        depends on BOOK_LFS || BOOK_LFS_SYSD
    862773        default n
    863774        help
    864             Save the state of jhalfs after finishing building the temporary
    865             system
     775            Save the state of jhalfs at the end of chapter 5:
    867777            if you tick this item, the whole $LFS directory is
    868             saved when chapter 7 is finished. It'll be in a .tar
    869             file in the $BUILD_DIR/jhalfs directory
     778            saved when chapter 5 is finished. It'll be in an xz
     779            compressed tarball in the $LFS/jhalfs directory
    871781    #--- ICA
    900810    #--- End ICA
     812    #--- Optimizations
     813    config    CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
     814        bool    "Optimization and parallelization"
     815        default    n
     816        help
     817            #   Opens a menu for various optimization settings:
     818            #   Actual optimization flags MUST be defined in ./optimize/*
     819            #   before activating this option.
     820            #
     821            # WARNING: The use of build optimizations may lead to build issues.
     822            #   If the system doesn't work as expected, please rebuild
     823            #   without optimizations before asking for support.
     824    menu    "Parallelization and Optimization settings"
     825        depends on CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
     827    config    N_PARALLEL
     828        int "Number of parallel `make' jobs"
     829        default 1
     830        help
     831            #-- The usual recommandation is (number of CPU cores)+1
     832            #   Do not set for meaningful SBU calculations.
     834    choice
     835        prompt "Optimization level"
     836        default OPT_1
     837        help
     838            #-- Optimization values are set in optimize/* files
     840        config    OPT_1
     841            bool    "Final system only"
     843        config    OPT_2
     844            bool    "Both temp tools and final system"
     846    endchoice
     848    config    REALSBU
     849        bool    "Build Binutls pass1 without optimization (Real SBU)"
     850        depends on OPT_2
     851        default    n
     852        help
     853           #-- Use -j1 in make invokation for Binutils pass1 to
     854           #   get a valid SBU value.
     856    endmenu # Optimization settings
     857    config    OPTIMIZE
     858        int
     859        default    "0"    if !CONFIG_OPTIMIZE
     860        default    "1"    if OPT_1
     861        default    "2"    if OPT_2
     863    #--- End Optimizations
    902865    #-- Internal Settings
  • LFS/lfs.xsl

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    2828  -->
    2929  <xsl:param name="testsuite" select="1"/>
    31   <!-- Parallelism (LFS >= 12.1) -->
    32   <xsl:param name="jobs" select="1"/>
    34   <!-- value of jobs for binutils-pass1 -->
    35   <xsl:param name="jobs-bp1" select="1"/>
    3731  <!-- Install non wide character ncurses 5? -->
    624618        <xsl:value-of select="$hostname"/>
    625619      </xsl:when>
    626       <xsl:when test="contains(string(.),'$(nproc)')">
    627         <xsl:value-of select="$jobs"/>
    628       </xsl:when>
    629620      <xsl:otherwise>
    630621        <xsl:text>**EDITME</xsl:text>
    12541245    </xsl:if>
    1255     <xsl:text>
    1256 export MAKEFLAGS="-j</xsl:text>
    1257     <xsl:choose>
    1258       <xsl:when test="@id='ch-tools-binutils-pass1'">
    1259         <xsl:value-of select="$jobs-bp1"/>
    1260       </xsl:when>
    1261       <xsl:otherwise>
    1262         <xsl:value-of select="$jobs"/>
    1263       </xsl:otherwise>
    1264     </xsl:choose>
    1265     <xsl:text>"
    1266 </xsl:text>
    12671246    <xsl:text>SECONDS=${PREV_SEC}
  • LFS/

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    128128      # If using optimizations, write the instructions
    129129      case "${OPTIMIZE}$1${nb_chaps}${this_script}${REALSBU}" in
    130           0* | *binutils-pass1y | 15* | 167* | 177*) ;;
    131           *kernel*) ;; # No CFLAGS for kernel
    132           *)  wrt_optimize "$name" ;;
     130          0* | *binutils-pass1y | 15* | 167* | 177*)
     131              wrt_makeflags "$name" "-j1" "1" ;;
     132          *kernel*) # No CFLAGS for kernel
     133              wrt_makeflags "$name" "$JH_MAKEFLAGS" "$N_PARALLEL" ;;
     134          *)  wrt_optimize "$name" &&
     135              wrt_makeflags "$name" "$JH_MAKEFLAGS" "$N_PARALLEL" ;;
    133136      esac
    134       # There is no need to tweak MAKEFLAGS anymore, this is done
    135       # by lfs.xsl. But still, NINJAJOBS needs to be set if
    136       # N_PARALLEL is defined.
    137       if [ -n "N_PARALLEL" ]; then
    138          wrt_makeflags "$name" "$JH_MAKEFLAGS" "$N_PARALLEL"
    139       fi
    140     fi # end of package specific instructions
     137    fi
    142139# Some scriptlet have a special treatment; otherwise standard
    290287  done
    292   # If CPUSET is defined and not equal to "all", then we define a first target
    293   # that calls a script which re-enters make calling target all
    294   if [ -n "$CPUSET" ] && [ "$CPUSET" != all ]; then
    295 (
    296     cat << EOF
    298 all-with-cpuset:
    299         @CPUSPEC="\$(CPUSET)" ./ \$(MAKE) all
    300 EOF
    301 ) >> $MKFILE
    302   fi
    303289  # Drop in the main target 'all:' and the chapter targets with each sub-target
    304290  # as a dependency. Also prevent running targets in parallel.

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    3       The scripts in this directory implement an automation of the building
    4    of a GNU/LInux system, as described in the Linux From Scratch book series.
    5    The name of the project is jhalfs: in that name, "alfs" stands for
    6    "automated linux from scratch", and the initials "jh" have been kept since
    7    the original "jhalfs-0.2" code developed by Jeremy Huntwork.
    9       The list of supported books can be found at
    10 (maybe outdated,
    11    current develoment books and latest version are always supported).
    13       The documentation is split among various README.* files. Here is a list
    14    of what is in which:
    15       - README (this file): instructions to use the LFS book. This should be
    16         enough if you just want to build a base system as per the LFS book. It
    17         is also a required reading for all the other projects.
    18       - README.BLFS: instructions to install an automated build infrastructure
    19         for the BLFS book. There are two ways to do so: (i) install the
    20         tools at the end of an LFS build, or
    21         (ii) install the tools on an already running system. Both methods are
    22         described in that file.
    23       - README.CUSTOM: instructions to run custom commands either during the LFS
    24         build, or at the end of a LFS build. Note that you will not find
    25         instructions on how to write those commands, but some examples are
    26         available.
    27       - README.PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT: instructions to use package management during
    28         the build (Note: the only package manager that is regularly tested is
    29         porg)
    31       Other sources of information are the context help in the menu interface,
    32    and the LFS books themselves (both required readings of course!).
     3     The scripts in this directory implement an automation of the building
     4  of a GNU/LInux system, as described in the Linux From Scratch book series.
     5  The name of the project is jhalfs: in that name, "alfs" stands for
     6  "automated linux from scratch", and the initials "jh" have been kept since
     7  the original "jhalfs-0.2" code developed by Jeremy Huntwork.
     9     The list of supported books can be found at
     12     The documentation is split among various README.* files. Here is a list
     13  of what is in which:
     14    - README (this file): instructions to use the LFS book. This should be
     15      enough if you just want to build a base system as per the LFS book. It is
     16      also a required reading for all the other projects.
     17    - README.BLFS: instructions to install an automated build infrastructure
     18      for the BLFS book. There are two ways to do so: (i) install the
     19      tools at the end of an LFS build, or
     20      (ii) install the tools on an already running system. Both methods are
     21      described in that file.
     22    - README.CUSTOM: instructions to run custom commands either during the xLFS
     23      build, at the end of a xLFS build. Note that you will not find
     24      instructions on how to write those commands, but some examples are
     25      available.
     26    - README.PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT: instructions to use package management during
     27      the build
     29     Other sources of information are the context help in the menu interface,
     30  and the xLFS books themselves.
    34322. PREREQUISITES::
    36       It is strongly advised that you first build manually a complete system
    37    before attempting to automate the build.
    39       Of course the "Host System Requirements" should be fulfilled. Some
    40    supplementary packages are needed for using jhalfs. They are detailed
    41    at the bottom of the page:
    42 In short, you need
    43    wget, sudo, libxml2, libxslt, docbook-4.5-xml, and docbook-xsl-nons.
     34     As said elsewhere, it is strongly advised that you first build manually
     35  a complete system before attempting to automate the build.
     37     Of course the "Host System Requirements" should be fulfilled. The needed
     38  supplementary packages are detailed at the bottom of the page:
     39 In short, you need
     40  wget, sudo, libxml2, libxslt, docbook-4.5-xml, and docbook-xsl-nons.
    45423. INSTALLATION::
    47       No installation is required. You may want to move the files in this
    48    directory to a convenient location, and then follow the instructions below.
     44     No installation is required. You may want to move the files in this
     45  directory to a convenient location, and then follow the instructions below.
    50474. CONFIGURATION::
    53          There is no configuration of the tools themselves. The various
    54       parameters for the build are set through a menu driven interface. See
    55       the section RUNNING below for details.
    57    4.2. PRELIMINARY TASKS:
    58          This tool has no support at all for creating a partition and a mount
    59       point for the built system. You should follow the book up to the section
    60       "Mounting the new partition". Note that the default name for the
    61       partition mount point is "/mnt/build_dir", instead of /mnt/lfs.
    62       You can change that default to anything you'd like in the menu, so you
    63       may name it /mnt/lfs if you prefer . We'll use the name /mnt/build_dir
    64       in the sequel.
    66          For downloading packages, you can use the tool or download them
    67       yourself. Even if using the tool, it is recommended to set up a source
    68       repository where you store already downloaded packages. The tool will
    69       automatically search a package in this repository before downloading it
    70       if it is not found there. This repository cannot be the same as
    71       /mnt/build_dir/sources. As an example, we'll use /usr/src. You should
    72       arrange for the user running the tool to have write access to this
    73       directory.
    75          If you want to build the kernel as part of the automated build,
    76       a configuration file must be provided. In order to do so, it is
    77       recommended to download the kernel tarball, unpack it, run
    78       <make menuconfig> (or any other *config), configure the kernel as per
    79       the book, and save the resulting .config file to a location where it can
    80       be retrieved later on. It is suggested to put it into the source
    81       repository, with a versioned name, e.g.
    82       /usr/src/config-<arch>-<kernel version>-<config details>.
    84          Another file you may provide is the fstab file. As for the kernel
    85       configuration, this file has to be prepared before running the menu.
    86       You can copy-paste the file from the "Creating the /etc/fstab File"
    87       page, then edit to suit the future lfs system layout, then save the
    88       file. A convenient location and name is /usr/src/fstablfs.
    90          At a more advanced level, you may want to supply custom commands
    91       to be run at the end of LFS build. Scripts containing those commands
    92       are located in the ./custom/config directory. Examples are given in
    93       ./custom/examples. A template is provided as ./custom/template. See
    94       README.CUSTOM for more details.
     50       There is no configuration of the tools themselves. The various
     51    parameters for the build are set through a menu driven interface. See
     52    the section RUNNING below for details.
     54  4.2. PRELIMINARY TASKS:
     55       This tool has no support at all for creating a partition and a mount
     56    point for the built system. You should follow the book up to the section
     57    "Mounting the new partition". Note that the default name for the
     58    partition mount point is "/mnt/build_dir", instead of /mnt/{c,}lfs.
     59    You can change that default to anything you'd like in the menu, so you
     60    may name it /mnt/lfs, or whatever you like. We'll use the name
     61    /mnt/build_dir in the sequel.
     63       The tool can download the needed packages for you, or you may download
     64    them yourself. The tool may optionally use a package archive directory
     65    where the downloaded packages are stored. That directory name may be made
     66    available to the tool in two ways: (i) export the SRC_ARCHIVE variable,
     67    for example SRC_ARCHIVE=/usr/src, (ii) enter the name at the "Package
     68    Archive Directory" menu prompt. Note that the user should have write
     69    permission to that directory. If a needed package is found in that
     70    directory, it is copied to /mnt/build_dir/sources, if not, it is
     71    downloaded to that directory and copied to /mnt/build_dir/sources,
     72    except if found in /mnt/build_dir/sources, in which case, it is just
     73    copied to $SRC_ARCHIVE. If you want the tool to download packages and you
     74    do not want to archive them, just unset SRC_ARCHIVE, and keep the
     75    default entry for "Package Archive Directory". If you choose to download
     76    the packages by yourself, you should download (or copy) them to
     77    /mnt/build_dir/sources directly.
     79       If you want to build the kernel as part of the automated build, select
     80    "Build the kernel" in the menu. Then, a configuration file must be
     81    provided. In order to do so, it is recommended to download the kernel
     82    tarball, unpack it, run <make menuconfig> (or any other *config),
     83    configure the kernel as per
     84    the book, and save the resulting .config file to a location where it can
     85    be retrieved later on (a convenient location and name is
     86    $SRC_ARCHIVE/config-<arch>-<kernel version>-<config details>).
     88       Another file you may provide is the fstab file. To use it, select
     89    "Use a custom fstab file" in the menu interface, and enter the name of
     90    the file where asked. As for the kernel configuration, this file has to
     91    be prepared before running the menu. A convenient location and name is
     92    $SRC_ARCHIVE/fstablfs.
     94       At a more advanced level, you may want to supply custom commands
     95    to be run at the end of (C)LFS build. Scripts containing those commands
     96    are located in the ./custom/config directory. Examples are given in
     97    ./custom/examples. A template is provided as ./custom/template. See
     98    README.CUSTOM for more details.
    961005. RUNNING::
    98    IMPORTANT::
    99          You must be logged as a normal user with sudo privileges to run
     102  IMPORTANT::
     103      You must be logged as a normal user with sudo privileges to run
    100104      the Makefile. Furthermore, you are supposed to have enough privilege
    101105      to become any user. If you are not bothered about security issues,
    102       the entry for the user running the tool in /etc/sudoers could be
    103       <user> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
    105       The command <make> will launch a menu based configuration program,
    106    similar to the kernel "menuconfig" configuration tool.
    108       Help on parameter function is available from the on-line help (type the
    109    character `?' after highlighting the parameter). Please do use the help:
    110    it may contain additional information not duplicated in this file.
    112    MENU "BOOK Settings"
    114       Use BOOK: You have three choices: LFS System V, LFS systemd, BLFS.
    115          The BLFS part is described in README.BLFS
    117       Book version: You have two choices: "Branch" or "Working Copy"
    118          Branch will have the tool clone the book's git repository. The
    119       choice of the branch (actually any git commit) or of the file
    120       location for the working copy is done in the next menu entry.
    122       Multilib: Four choices: Normal LFS, Multilib with i686 libraries,
    123       multilib with x32 libraries, multilib with all libraries.
    124          It is recommended to use "Normal LFS" unless you know what you
    125       are doing
    127       Build method: two choices: chroot (as in book), boot
    128          Presently, the "boot" method is not implemented, so keep the default.
    130       Add blfs-tools support (see README.BLFS)
    131          This will install the blfs tools onto the newly built system. It
    132       is not the same thing as choosing the BLFS book in the menu, which
    133       will install the blfs tools on the currently running system.
    135       Add custom tools support (see README.CUSTOM)
    137    MENU "General Settings"
    139       Build Directory: the name of the root of the LFS system
    140          This is the equivalent of the LFS variable in the book. Set it
    141       to "/mnt/lfs" if you have followed the book for creating the LFS
    142       partition and mount point.
    144       Retrieve source files: Say y to have jhalfs download the packages
    145          If you say no, you must download the packages yourself and put
    146       them into the /mnt/build_dir/sources directory. Follow book's
    147       chapter 3 instructions.
    148          If you say yes, you'll be asked several other questions:
    149          - Package Archive Directory: Repository of downloaded packages
    150             This directory, which is on the host and should be writable
    151          by the user running the tool, is for storing downloaded packages.
    152             If you keep the default "$SRC_ARCHIVE", you can set this variable
    153          to the absolute path of the repository and export it. Or if the
    154          variable is not set, jhalfs downloads the sources directly to
    155          /mnt/build_dir/sources.
    156             Instead of using the SRC_ARCHIVE envar, you can also enter the
    157          path of the repository directory into this field.
    158          - Retry on 'connection refused' failure: self explanatory
    159          - Number of retry attempts on download failures: self explanatory
    160          - Download timeout (in seconds): self explanatory
    162       Run the makefile: start the build immediately after running the tool
    163          This is not the preferred method: it is recommended to rather
    164       run "make -C /mnt/build_dir/jhalfs" after the tool has finished
    165       setting up the build. But this may be handy if you are sure everything
    166       is well, and want to leave the tool and the build run without
    167       supervision.
    169       Rebuild files: clean up the /mnt/build_dir directory
    170          Say n if you want to rerun the tool (to update generated scripts
    171       for example) without removing what has already been done. Otherwise,
    172       say y. Note that there are some guards against removing a directory
    173       containing useful things, but double check that the /mnt/build_dir
    174       directory is really what you want to erase.
    176    MENU "Build Settings"
    178       MENU Parallelism settings
    179        - Use all cores:
    180             If you say y, MAKEFLAGS will be set to "-j$(nproc)" at the
    181          beginning of each script. Other envars are supposed to be passed
    182          from the environment, as done in new books. Note that for old books,
    183          this means the scripts using make or ninja will be run with all
    184          cores, but not when this needs to set special envars like
    185          TESTSUITEFLAGS. You can still define the number of cores used
    186          in next field.
    187             If you say n, you'll be asked for a static number of threads
    188          to use.
    189        - set of cpus to use, or 'all' for all cpus (only if using all cores):
    190             You can define here the cores you want to use. See help for
    191          details. This is the preferred way of reducing the number of cores
    192          rather than using a static thread number.
    193        - Number of parallel `make' jobs (only if not using all cores):
    194             Every occurrence of $(nproc) in new books will be replaced with
    195          the number entered here. Also MAKEFLAGS will be set to "-jN" (where
    196          N is the number entered) at the beginning of each scripts. Furthermore
    197          NINJAJOBS will be set to N in the environment. This allows to run all
    198          books with N threads, except for paarts that need other envars to be
    199          set
    200        - Build Binutils pass1 without parallelism (Real SBU)
    201             The standard SBU is defined as the time to run the binutils-pass1
    202          build with only one thread. Saying y here allows to get a value for
    203          it. If you say n, the value is not meaningful for SBU measurements.
    205       Run testsuites: say y to run the test suites
    206          You'll have the choice between running all the test suites, or only
    207       those deemed critical (binutils, gmp, mpfr, mpc, and gcc).
    209       Package management: see README.PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT
    211       Create a log of installed files for each package: self explanatory
    213       Strip Installed Binaries/Libraries: use the book instructions for
    214       stripping
    216       DO NOT use/display progress_bar (self explanatory)
    218    MENU System configuration
    220       Use a custom fstab file:
    221          If you say y, you'll have to provide a file containing the fstab
    222       for the LFS system. See above "preliminary tasks".
    224       Build the kernel:
    225          If you say y, you'll be asked for a file containing the kernel
    226       configuration. See above "preliminary tasks".
    228       Install non-wide-character ncurses (rarely used nowadays):
    229          If you say y, the system will use instructions in the note on the
    230       ncurses page to install those libraries.
    232       TimeZone: set to the result of "tzselect"
    234       Language: set to the result of the instructions on "The Bash Shell
    235       Startup Files" page.
    237       Install the full set of locales: installs all the locales known to
    238       glibc.
    240       Groff page size: choice between "A4" and "Letter".
    242       Hostname: self explanatory
    244       Network configuration: various fields for setting network. Look at
    245       chapter 9 for background.
    247       Console configuration: various fields for setting console, as described
    248       in chapter 9.
    250    MENU Advanced features:
    252       Optimization: Optimization settings are done by editing files in the
    253       "optimize" directory. The menu just allows you to choose between applying
    254       optimizations only to the final chapter or to all the book. Say n for
    255       a normal build
    257       Create SBU and disk usage report: self explanatory
    259       Save temporary system work: self explanatory (see help)
    261       Run comparison analysis on final stage: build the system several times
    262       using the preceding one, to test whether it is able to rebuild itself
    263       identically. Don't use normally...
    265       Internal Settings (WARNING: for jhalfs developers only): says it all
     106      the entry for the user "jhalfs_user" in /etc/sudoers could be
     107      jhalfs_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
     109     The command <make> will launch a menu based configuration program. The
     110  underlying menu code was borrowed from BusyBox and slightly modified for
     111  our use.
     113     Help on parameter function is available from the on-line help. Please
     114  make use of that feature: it may contain additional information not
     115  duplicated in this file.
     117     You should first choose which book and flavour you want to build. Note
     118  that when you choose the BLFS book, the tool will just install the BLFS
     119  tool to your system. You'll have to run that installed tool to build
     120  packages in BLFS. See README.BLFS to know how. If you choose any other
     121  book, you'll have to configure the settings and the build parameters
     122  from the menu. Note that you may choose to install the blfs tools onto
     123  the newly built system. It is not the same thing as choosing
     124  the BLFS book in the menu, which will install the blfs tools on the
     125  currently running system.
     127     The "General Settings" menu is where the "Build Directory" name is to be
     128  entered. Other entries in that menu select what the tool should do. The
     129  "Run the Makefile" entry selects whether the tool will start the build
     130  automatically after generating the needed files. The "Rebuild files" selects
     131  whether to clean the build directory before doing anything else. To protect
     132  against removing important files, this can only be done in an empty directory,
     133  or a directory previously populated by the tool.
     135     The "Build Settings" menu is where various options for the build can be
     136  selected. Two options, "Use a custom fstab file" and "Build the kernel",
     137  have been described above. "Do not use/display progress_bar", if set, will
     138  prevent a progress bar to be displayed during the build. That may be useful
     139  on slow machine. The other options should be self explanatory, using either
     140  the online help or book reading.
     142     The "Advanced Features" menu is for various maintenance tasks, like
     143  testing the build instructions or reporting build statistics. One useful
     144  option is "Optimization and parallelisation". It is not recommended to use
     145  it for setting compiler optimization flags, although it is possible, but
     146  if you select it, you'll be able to select the number of parallel `make'
     147  jobs, which allows much faster builds on modern multicore CPUs.
    267149     Once you have set the parameters and saved the configuration, the script
    394276       machine.
     278    Q. "What is the function of "User account" and "Group account" menu
     279        settings?"
     280    A. If you are running jhalfs from a low or non-privileged account you may
     281       not have the priv to create/delete the user needed to build temporary
     282       tools.
     283       These settings allow you to use your own user and group name to do those
     284       build steps.
     286       These variables are adjustable also when invoking make:
     288         cd $BUILDDIR; make LUSER=myaccount LGROUP=mygroup
     290       The only changes to your account will be the creation of a NEW .bashrc
     291       after saving your original to .bashrc.XXX
    396293    Q. "How could I stop the build at a predefined chosen point?"
    397294    A. Launch the Makefile manually passing the last numbered target to be build
  • common/chroot.xsl

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    66      extension-element-prefixes="exsl"
    77      version="1.0">
    9   <xsl:param name="jobs_2" select="1"/>
    119  <xsl:template match="/">
    5856    <xsl:param name="instructions" select="''"/>
    5957    <xsl:choose>
    60       <xsl:when test="contains($instructions, '$(nproc || echo 1)')">
    61         <xsl:call-template name="extract-chroot">
    62           <xsl:with-param
    63             name="instructions"
    64             select="concat(substring-before($instructions, '$(nproc || echo 1)'), $jobs_2, substring-after($instructions, '$(nproc || echo 1)'))"/>
    65         </xsl:call-template>
    66       </xsl:when>
    6758      <xsl:when test="not(starts-with($instructions,'&#xA;chroot')) and
    6859                      contains($instructions, '&#xA;chroot')">
  • common/libs/func_book_parser

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    6464  popd > /dev/null
    66   if [ "$ALL_CORES" = "y" ]; then
    67           JOBS="\$(nproc)"
    68   else
    69           JOBS="$N_PARALLEL"
    70   fi
    71   if [ "$REALSBU" = y ]; then JOBSBP1=1; else JOBSBP1="$JOBS"; fi
    7366  # First profile the book, for revision and arch. Note that
    7467  # MULTIBLIB is set to "default" if pure 64 bit book. In this case,
    110103           --stringparam log-level      "$LOG_LEVEL"    \
    111104           --stringparam script-root    "$SCRIPT_ROOT"  \
    112            --stringparam jobs           "$JOBS"         \
    113            --stringparam jobs-bp1       "$JOBSBP1"      \
    114105           --output "./${COMMANDS}/"                    \
    115106           $XSL                                         \
    151142  echo -n "... "
    152143  xsltproc --nonet --xinclude \
    153            --stringparam jobs_2 "$JOBS_2" \
    154            -o chroot-scripts/ chroot.xsl  \
     144           -o chroot-scripts/ chroot.xsl \
    155145           $BOOK/chapter0?/*chroot*.xml >> $LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1
    156146  echo "done"
  • common/libs/func_download_pkgs

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    133133  echo -n "Creating URLs file... "
    134134  xsltproc --nonet --xinclude                \
     135           --stringparam server "$SERVER"    \
     136           --stringparam family lfs          \
    135137           --stringparam pkgmngt "$PKGMNGT"  \
    136138           --stringparam revision "$INITSYS" \
  • common/libs/func_install_blfs

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    139 JOBS=$(if [ "$ALL_CORES" = y ]; then echo 0; else echo $N_PARALLEL; fi)
     139JOBS=$(if [ -n "$N_PARALLEL" ]; then echo $N_PARALLEL; else echo 1; fi)
    141 # The 0 value above is for using all cores
    143142  eval optVal=\$${OPT_VAR}_$DEF_OPT_MODE
    181180sudo find . -name unpacked -exec rm \{\} \;
    182181if [ "$GETPKG" = "y" ]; then
     182    JH_FTP_SERVER=$SERVER/pub/blfs/ \
    183183    JH_SRC_ARCHIVE=${SRC_ARCHIVE:-/dev/null}     \
    184184    $BUILDDIR$BLFS_ROOT/download_script
    219219# updating to the end of the process, adding an 'update' target
    220220sed -i -e '/xsltproc/,+6d' \
    221        -e '/^all/i update:' \
     221       -e '/^all/s@$@ update@' \
    222222       -e 's/touch/@touch/' Makefile
    223223cat >> Makefile << EOF
    224 update: all
    225225        @echo Updating the tracking file
    226226        @for pack in \$\$(grep '<productname' ../$LFS_XML/tmp/lfs-full.xml | \\
  • common/libs/

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    1919  local -r     BOOK_common="COMMIT BOOK CUSTOM_TOOLS"
    2222                            RUNMAKE"
    2323  local -r    BUILD_chroot="TEST STRIP"
    3737  # Full list of books settings
    38   local -r   lfs_PARAM_LIST="$LFS_book   $GENERAL_common $LFS_build $LFS_system  $ADVANCED_chroot ALL_CORES CPUSET N_PARALLEL REALSBU SAVE_CH5 $ADVANCED_common"
     38  local -r   lfs_PARAM_LIST="$LFS_book   $GENERAL_common $LFS_build $LFS_system  $ADVANCED_chroot N_PARALLEL REALSBU SAVE_CH5 $ADVANCED_common"
    130130      TARGET32)         [[ -n "${TARGET32}" ]] &&  echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
    131131      MIPS_LEVEL)       [[ "${ARCH}" = "mips" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
     132      SERVER)           [[ "$GETPKG" = "y" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
    132133      RETRYSRCDOWNLOAD) [[ "$GETPKG" = "y" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
    133134      RETRYDOWNLOADCNT) [[ "$GETPKG" = "y" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
    134135      DOWNLOADTIMEOUT)  [[ "$GETPKG" = "y" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
    135       CPUSET)           [[ "$HAVE_CGROUP" = "y" ]] && [[ "$ALL_CORES" = "y" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
    136       N_PARALLEL)       [[ "$ALL_CORES" = "n" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
     136      N_PARALLEL)       [[ "$OPTIMIZE" -gt "0" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
     137      REALSBU)          [[ "$OPTIMIZE" = "2" ]] && echo -e "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`" ;;
    138139      # Envars that requires some validation
    168169        # Treatment of LANG parameter
    169       LANG )  # See if the locale value has been set
     170      LANG )  # See it the locale value has been set
    170171               echo -n "`eval echo $PARAM_VALS`"
    171172               [[ -z "${!config_param}" ]] &&
  • common/libs/func_wrt_Makefile

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    4545PKGMNGT          = $PKGMNGT
    47 CPUSET           = $CPUSET
  • common/urls.xsl

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    66  <xsl:output method="text"/>
     8  <!-- The FTP server used as fallback -->
     9  <xsl:param name="server"></xsl:param>
    811  <!-- Do we use a package manager? -->
  • jhalfs

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    178 ALL_CORES=${ALL_CORES:=n}
    289288  # optimize configurations
    290289  load_file optimize/opt_config 'Loading optimization config'
     290  # The number of parallel jobs is taken from configuration now
     291  # shellcheck disable=SC2034
     292  JH_MAKEFLAGS="-j${N_PARALLEL}"
    291293  # Validate optimize settings, if required
    292294  validate_opt_settings
    293 fi
    294 # Parallelization is outside optimization, because it is now in the book
    295 if [[ "$ALL_CORES" = "n" ]]; then
    296   # shellcheck disable=SC2034
    297   JH_MAKEFLAGS="-j${N_PARALLEL}"
    325322# Copy common helper files
    326   cp "$COMMON_DIR"/{makefile-functions,,} "$JHALFSDIR/"
     323  cp "$COMMON_DIR"/{makefile-functions,} "$JHALFSDIR/"
    328325# Copy needed stylesheets
  • optimize/optimize_functions

    rca368ad r0f7a988  
    1717  echo -e "asking for support.${OFF}\n"
    19 #  [ -n "$JH_MAKEFLAGS" ] && \
    20 #  echo -e "BLACK_LIST: ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${BLACK_LIST}${OFF}${R_arrow}\n"
     19  echo -e "MAKEFLAGS: ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${JH_MAKEFLAGS}${OFF}${R_arrow}"
     20  [ -n "$JH_MAKEFLAGS" ] && \
     21  echo -e "BLACK_LIST: ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${BLACK_LIST}${OFF}${R_arrow}\n"
    2223  echo -e "DEF_OPT_MODE: ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${DEF_OPT_MODE}${OFF}${R_arrow}\n"
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.