Changeset abadee3 for BLFS/libs

12/30/2021 01:20:43 PM (3 years ago)
Pierre Labastie <pierre.labastie@…>
ablfs-more, legacy, trunk

Improve and augment the "func_dependency" doc

1 edited


  • BLFS/libs/func_dependencies

    rf81d8bd rabadee3  
    1818#   We should consider only edges with weight lower or equal to that          #
    1919#   specified by the user, but see below.                                     #
    20 # - we do not want to build the whole book. The user specifies a set of       #
    21 #   packages, and we have to consider only nodes reachable from this set      #
     20# - we do not want to build the whole book. The user requests a set of        #
     21#   packages, and we'd like to consider only nodes reachable from this set    #
    2222#   using edges of weight not exceeding the specified weight.                 #
     23# - we do not want to rebuild packages already built. But we still have to    #
     24#   generate the full dependency graph, because if A depends on B, which is   #
     25#   already built, and B depends on C, which is not built, or needs to be     #
     26#   updated, then A may depends on C. We therefore have to remove already     #
     27#   built (and up to date) packages from the graph, but need to keep the      #
     28#   dependency chain.                                                         #
    2329# - when doing the topological sort, we want to consider all the edges and    #
    2430#   not only those not exceeding the specified weight: If a package A in the  #
    2531#   reachable subgraph depends optionally on another package B in the same    #
    26 #   subgraph, we want to build B before A. But this means we'll have to       #
    27 #   remove cycles for all weights.                                            #
    28 # - dependencies have another qualifier: before or after. The problem: if a   #
    29 #   package A depends on B with an "after" qualifier, and a package C depends #
    30 #   on A with a "before" qualifier, C may need B to be able to use A. So the  #
    31 #   only safe way to consider "after" qualifiers is to consider that they are #
    32 #   "before" deps for any parent of the packages considered. There is an      #
    33 #   exception to that rule: if B depends on C (possibly through a chain of    #
    34 #   several dependencies), then C should still be built before B.             #
     32#   subgraph, we want to build B before A if possible. But this means we'll   #
     33#   have to remove cycles for all weights.                                    #
     34# - dependencies have another qualifier: before, after, or first. We use      #
     35#   it as follows: for "after", we can build the dependency after the         #
     36#   package, but if a package A depends on B with an "after" qualifier, and   #
     37#   a package C depends on A with a "before" qualifier, C may need B to be    #
     38#   able to use A. So the only safe way to consider "after" qualifiers is to  #
     39#   consider that they are "before" deps for any parent of the packages       #
     40#   considered. There is an exception to that rule: if B depends on C         #
     41#   (possibly through a chain of several dependencies), then C should still   #
     42#   be built before B. For "after", the dependency has to be built both       #
     43#   before and after the package. So we duplicate the dependency as a         #
     44#   "-pass1" package, and change the graph accordingly.                       #
    3545# We'll therefore have a 3 pass procedure. First build the set of nodes       #
    3646# reachable from the root set. Second, remove dangling edges (those pointing  #
    3747# to packages outside the node set), and move "after" edges to "before" edges #
    38 # originating from the parents. Third remove cycles and generate a            #
    39 # topological sort.                                                           #
     48# originating from the parents as well as creating the "-pass1" nodes. Third  #
     49# remove cycles and generate a topological sort.                              #
    4050#                                                                             #
    4151# Pass 1: graph generation                                                    #
    4353# Data layout for pass 1                                                      #
    4454# ----------------------                                                      #
    45 # A node of the tree is represented by a text file <nodeName>.dep. Each edge  #
     55# A node of the graph is represented by a text file <nodeName>.dep. Each edge  #
    4656# starting from this node is represented by a line in this file. We keep      #
    4757# those files in the same directory. We introduce a special node named root,  #
    8191# Loop 1: Remove dead edges                                                   #
    8292# -------------------------                                                   #
    83 # Since some nodes have not been created because the edge leading to them     #
    84 # had too high a weight, the edges leading to them have to be suppressed.     #
     93# Since some nodes have not been created because the edges leading to them    #
     94# had too high a weight, those edges have to be suppressed.                   #
    8595# For each existing node file, we make a list of lines to remove by           #
    8696# testing whether the destination exists. We then remove the lines.           #
    112122# the search for paths from D to A, which may be exponential in the           #
    113123# number of nodes in the graph.                                               #
    114 # TODO: document other passes                                                 #
     124#                                                                             #
     125# Loop 3: Add -pass1 nodes                                                    #
     126# ------------------------                                                    #
     127# Sometimes there is no way to escape a cycle. A package A needs B, and B     #
     128# needs A. In that case, it is often possible to build a degraded version     #
     129# of package A, then B, then rebuild A. The book indicates this with the      #
     130# following dependency chain, using a qualifier of "first":                   #
     131#                B---f--->A---b--->X...Y---b--->B                             #
     132# where the X...Y notation represents a chain of dependencies from A to B.    #
     133# So the third loop is over nodes containing "f" qualifiers, and does the     #
     134# following: it creates a new node A-pass1, which is a copy of A, and         #
     135# remove from A-pass1 all the dependencies leading to B through a chain,      #
     136# to obtain:                                                                  #
     137#               A---b--->X...Y---b--->B---b--->A-pass1                        #
     138# It may then happen that nothing depends on A. So this is tested, and A      #
     139# is added to the root node if it is orphaned.                                #
     140# TODO: document the third pass                                               #
    115141# TODO: needs also to document the .tree files                                #
    116142# TODO: The following is obsolete                                           #
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