Changeset e794f06 for common

03/27/2006 11:49:09 PM (19 years ago)
George Boudreau <georgeb@…>

Missed cmd line help for BLFS. Also cleaned out dead code

1 edited


  • common/common-functions

    r0297f33 re794f06  
    8080[[ ${PROGNAME} = "clfs" ]] &&
    8181cat <<- -EOF-
    8283${BOLD}  -A, --arch ARCH ${OFF}
    8384        Select the TARGET architecture, valid selections are:
    9697[[ ${PROGNAME} = "hlfs" ]] &&
    9798cat <<- -EOF-
    98100${BOLD}  --model STYLE ${OFF}
    99101        Select the library model for the HLFS system
    100102        Valid choices are: glibc or uclibc
     105[[ ${PROGNAME} = "blfs" ]] &&
    102106cat <<- -EOF-
    103 ${DD_BORDER}
    104 -EOF-
    105   exit
    106 }
    108 usage2() {
    109     'clear'
    110 cat <<- -EOF-
    111 ${DD_BORDER}
    112 ${BOLD}
    113  Usage: $0 ${BOLD}[OPTION]
    115 Options:
    116 ${BOLD}  -h, --help${OFF}
    117         print this help, then exit
    118 ${BOLD}  -V, --version${OFF}
    119         print version number, then exit
    120 ${BOLD}  -d  --directory DIR${OFF}
    121         use DIR directory for building ${BOLD}$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])${OFF}; all files jhalfs produces will be
    122         in the directory DIR/jhalfs.
    123 ${BOLD}  --rebuild${OFF}
    124         clean the build directory before to perfom any other task. The directory
    125         is cleaned only if it was populated by a previous jhalfs run.
    126 ${BOLD}  -P, --get-packages${OFF}
    127         download the packages and patches. This assumes that the server declared in the
    128         jhahlfs.conf file has the proper packages and patches for the book version being
    129         processed.
    130 ${BOLD}  -D, --download-client CLIENT
    131         use CLIENT as the program for retrieving packages (use in conjunction with -P)
    132 ${BOLD}  -W, --working-copy DIR${OFF}
    133         use the local working copy placed in DIR as the $(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z]) book
    134 ${BOLD}  -L, --LFS-version VER${OFF}
    135         checkout VER version of the HLFS book. Supported versions at this time are:
    136         dev* | trunk | SVN     aliases for Development {C,H,B}LFS
    137         alpha*                 aliases for the LFS alphabetical branch
    138         udev*                  aliases for the LFS udev_update branch
    139 ${BOLD}  --fstab FILE${OFF}
    140         use FILE as the /etc/fstab file for the ${BOLD}$(echo $PROGNAME | tr [a-z] [A-Z])${OFF} system. If not specified,
    141         a default /etc/fstab file with dummy values is created.
    142 ${BOLD}  -C, --kernel-config FILE${OFF}
    143         use the kernel configuration file specified in FILE to build the kernel.
    144         if the file is not found, or if not specified, the kernel build is skipped.
    145 ${BOLD}  -M, --run-make${OFF}
    146         run make on the generated Makefile
    147 ${DD_BORDER}
    148 -EOF-
    149   exit
    150 }
    153 blfs_usage() {
    154   'clear'
    155 cat <<- -EOF-
    156 ${DD_BORDER}
    157 ${BOLD}
    158  Usage: $0 ${BOLD}[OPTION]
    160 Options:
    161 ${BOLD}  -h, --help${OFF}
    162         print this help, then exit
    163 ${BOLD}  -V, --version${OFF}
    164         print version number, then exit
    165 ${BOLD}  -B, --BLFS-version VER${OFF}
    166         checkout VER version of the BLFS book.
    167         If not set, the development version is used.
    169            Supported versions at this time are:
    170          dev* | trunk | SVN     aliases for Development BLFS
    171 ${BOLD}  -W, --working-copy DIR${OFF}
    172         use the local working copy placed in DIR as the BLFS book
    173 ${BOLD}  -D, --dependencies  TYPE${OFF}
     108${BOLD}  --dependencies  0/1/2${OFF}
    174109        add dependencies of type TYPE to the build tree.
    175110        If not set, both required a recommended are used.
    177112                  Possible values are:
    178         required               only required dependecies are used
    179         recommended            both required a recommended dependencies are used
    180         optional               all dependencies are used
    181 ${BOLD}  -S, --server SERVER${OFF}
    182         set the FTP/HTTP server used as fallback to download the packages.
    183         If not specified, the one set in jhablfs.conf is used.
    184 ${BOLD}  -T, --testsuites${OFF}
    185         add support to run the optional testsuites
     113        0 - required        only required dependecies are used
     114        1 - recommended     both required a recommended dependencies are used
     115        2 - optional        all dependencies are used
     118cat <<- -EOF-
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