Changeset f1fadeb for BLFS/libs

05/27/2006 12:16:14 PM (18 years ago)
Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>

More circular dependencies fixes.

1 edited


  • BLFS/libs/func_dependencies

    r2ca2992 rf1fadeb  
    6666  # Create target package dependencies list
    6767  case $TARGET in
     68    # Skip the creation when all dependencies are circular.
     69    alsa-lib | cracklib | libexif | unixodbc ) ;;
    6870    # Meta-packages at target level
    6971    # KDE and Gnome-{core,full} could be made via, but not sure yet how.
    9294  #---------------------
    9395  # Write the XInclude
    94   echo -e "    $ENTRY_START$PKGXML$ENTRY_END" >> $TARGET-index.xml.tmp
     96  case $TARGET in
     97    # If there is no usefull XML page, skip it.
     98    alsa | arts | gnome-core | gnome-full | kde-core | kde-full | kde-koffice ) ;;
     99    * )
     100      echo -e "    $ENTRY_START$PKGXML$ENTRY_END" >> $TARGET-index.xml.tmp
     101      ;;
     102  esac
    96104  #------------------P---
    177185        # Orphan links (proper link must be created when generating the book)
    178       arts )              DEP=aRts ;; # That should be fixed in the BLFS book
     186      arts )              DEP=aRts ;;
    179187        # Set values for alternative packages
    180188        # X is a meta-package, thus handled in another way.
    187195    #------------------
    188196    echo -e "\tDEP for $PKG is $DEP" >> depure.txt
    189     # Prevent circular dependencies when level 3
     197    # Prevent circular dependencies
     198    # If all dependencies are circular, the creation of the *.dep file
     199    # must be skipped, not placed here, to avoid that the script will bomb
     200    # due empty *.xinc files
    190201    case $DEP in
    191       python )
    192         # cracklib-->python-->tk-->X-->linux-pam-->cracklib
    193         [[ "$PKG" = "cracklib" ]] && continue
    194         ;;
    195202      jadetex | perl-* | lynx | Links | w3m )
    196203        # Optional dependencies are runtime only
    205212        [[ "$PKG" = "cyrus-sasl" ]] && continue
    206213        ;;
    207       doxygen )
    208         # alsa-lib-->doxygen-->graphviz-->jdk-->alsa-lib
    209         # Commented out due that it bomb "jdk 3" Why??
    210         #[[ "$PKG" = "alsa-lib" ]] && continue
    211         # libexif-->doxygen-->graphviz-->php-->libexif
    212         [[ "$PKG" = "libexif" ]] && continue
    213         ;;
    214       qt )
    215         # unixodbc-->qt-->unixodbc
    216         [[ "$PKG" = "unixodbc" ]] && continue
    217         ;;
    218214      espgs )
    219215        # sendmail-->espgs-->cups-->php-->sendmail
    220216        [[ "$PKG" = "$MAIL_SERVER" ]] && continue
    221217        ;;
    222       graphviz )
    223         # libexif-->graphviz-->php-->libexif
    224         [[ "$PKG" = "libexif" ]] && continue
    225         ;;
    226218      aRts )
    227219        # esound-->aRts-->esound
    228220        [[ "$PKG" = "esound" ]] && continue
    229221        ;;
    230       gimp )
    231         # imagemagick-->gimp-->imagemagick
     222      gimp | sane )
     223        # imagemagick-->{sane}-->gimp-->imagemagick
    232224        [[ "$PKG" = "imagemagick" ]] && continue
     225        ;;
     226      ffmpeg )
     227        # alsa-plugins-->ffmpeg-->several-->alsa-plugins
     228        [[ "$PKG" = "alsa-plugins" ]] && continue
    233229        ;;
    234230    esac
    240236    echo -e "\t\tDEP_XML is $DEP_XML\n" >> depure.txt
    241237    case $DEP in
    242       x-window-system ) ;; # No page for that (proper link must be created when generating the book)
     238      x-window-system | alsa ) ;; # No page for that (proper link must be created when generating the book)
    243239      xorg7 ) ;; # This page will be dump in the xorg7.xinc file
    244240      * )
    255251    if [[ ! -f dependencies/$DEP.dep ]] ; then
    256252      case $DEP in
    257         alsa-lib ) ;; # Only one optional dependency and is recursive.
    258                       # When placed inside the circular dependencies handler
    259                       # some packages may bomb. But I don't know yet why
     253        # Skip the creation when all dependencies are circular.
     254        alsa-lib | cracklib | libexif | unixodbc ) ;;
    260255        # Meta-packages at dependency level (ugly *.dep files, but work for now)
    261256        alsa ) # When dependency "alsa", use all alsa-* packages
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