Package Information Download: MD5 sum: 2eceb8a73bb188dbb06b12d90cabdbb4 Porg in tools Instructions ./configure --prefix=/tools \ --disable-grop \ --with-porg-logdir=/tools/var/porg --disable-grop is needed to prevent the sytem from trying to build the graphical interface, and --with-porg-logdir=... is needed because make install insists on creating a directory in /var, where we do not want to write. make make install cat >> /tools/etc/porgrc << EOF # Porg logdir on LFS system LOGDIR=/var/lib/porg EOF sed -e '/EXCLUDE/{s/^#//;s@$@:/sources:/home@}' \ -i /tools/etc/porgrc Directories mkdir -pv /var/lib/porg mkdir -pv /var/lib/packages Files porgball needs porgrc in /etc: cp /tools/etc/porgrc /etc Final Porg Instructions ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-grop \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --with-porg-logdir=/var/lib/porg make porg -lD "make install mv /etc/bash_completion.d/porg* /usr/share/bash-completion/completions" sed -e '/EXCLUDE/{s/^#//;s@$@:/sources:/home@}' \ -i /etc/porgrc