#!/bin/bash # $Id$ set +e # VT100 colors declare -r BLACK=$'\e[1;30m' declare -r DK_GRAY=$'\e[0;30m' declare -r RED=$'\e[31m' declare -r GREEN=$'\e[32m' declare -r YELLOW=$'\e[33m' declare -r BLUE=$'\e[34m' declare -r MAGENTA=$'\e[35m' declare -r CYAN=$'\e[36m' declare -r WHITE=$'\e[37m' declare -r OFF=$'\e[0m' declare -r BOLD=$'\e[1m' declare -r REVERSE=$'\e[7m' declare -r HIDDEN=$'\e[8m' declare -r tab_=$'\t' declare -r nl_=$'\n' declare -r DD_BORDER="${BOLD}${WHITE}==============================================================================${OFF}" declare -r SD_BORDER="${BOLD}${WHITE}------------------------------------------------------------------------------${OFF}" declare -r STAR_BORDER="${BOLD}${WHITE}******************************************************************************${OFF}" # bold yellow > < pair declare -r R_arrow=$'\e[1;33m>\e[0m' declare -r L_arrow=$'\e[1;33m<\e[0m' usage() { 'clear' cat <<- -EOF- ${DD_BORDER} ${BOLD} Usage: $0 ${BOLD}[OPTION] Options: ${BOLD} -h, --help${OFF} print this help, then exit ${BOLD} -V, --version${OFF} print version number, then exit ${BOLD} -d --directory DIR${OFF} use DIR directory for building HLFS; all files jhahlfs produces will be in the directory DIR/jhahlfs. Default is \"/mnt/lfs\". ${BOLD} --rebuild${OFF} clean the build directory before to perfom any other task. The directory is cleaned only if it was populated by a previous jhahlfs run. ${BOLD} -P, --get-packages${OFF} download the packages and patches. This assumes that the server declared in the jhahlfs.conf file has the proper packages and patches for the book version being processed. ${BOLD} -D, --download-client CLIENT use CLIENT as the program for retrieving packages (use in conjunction with -P) ${BOLD} -W, --working-copy DIR${OFF} use the local working copy placed in DIR as the HLFS book ${BOLD} -L, --HLFS-version VER${OFF} checkout VER version of the HLFS book. Supported versions at this time are: dev* | trunk | SVN aliases for Development HLFS alpha* aliases for the alphabetical branch udev* aliases for the udev_update branch ${BOLD} --fstab FILE${OFF} use FILE as the /etc/fstab file for the HLFS system. If not specified, a default /etc/fstab file with dummy values is created. ${BOLD} -C, --kernel-config FILE${OFF} use the kernel configuration file specified in FILE to build the kernel. if the file is not found, or if not specified, the kernel build is skipped. ${BOLD} -M, --run-make${OFF} run make on the generated Makefile ${DD_BORDER} -EOF- exit } blfs_usage() { 'clear' cat <<- -EOF- ${DD_BORDER} ${BOLD} Usage: $0 ${BOLD}[OPTION] Options: ${BOLD} -h, --help${OFF} print this help, then exit ${BOLD} -V, --version${OFF} print version number, then exit ${BOLD} -B, --BLFS-version VER${OFF} checkout VER version of the BLFS book. If not set, the development version is used. Supported versions at this time are: dev* | trunk | SVN aliases for Development BLFS ${BOLD} -W, --working-copy DIR${OFF} use the local working copy placed in DIR as the BLFS book ${BOLD} -D, --dependencies TYPE${OFF} add dependencies of type TYPE to the build tree. If not set, both required a recommended are used. Possible values are: required only required dependecies are used recommended both required a recommended dependencies are used optional all dependencies are used ${BOLD} -S, --server SERVER${OFF} set the FTP/HTTP server used as fallback to download the packages. If not specified, the one set in jhablfs.conf is used. ${BOLD} -T, --testsuites${OFF} add support to run the optional testsuites ${DD_BORDER} -EOF- exit } version=" ${BOLD}\"${PROGNAME}\"${OFF} script module (development) \$Date$ Written by Jeremy Huntwork, Manuel Caneles Esparcia, George Boudreau This program is published under the ${BOLD}Gnu General Public License, Version 2.${OFF} " no_empty_builddir() { 'clear' cat <<- -EOF- ${DD_BORDER} ${tab_}${tab_}${BOLD}${RED}W A R N I N G${OFF} Looks like the \$BUILDDIR directory contains subdirectories from a previous HLFS build. Please format the partition mounted on \$BUILDDIR or set a different build directory before running jhahlfs. ${OFF} ${DD_BORDER} -EOF- exit } help="${nl_}Try '$0 --help' for more information." exit_missing_arg="\ echo \"Option '\$1' requires an argument\" >&2 echo \"\$help\" >&2 exit 1" no_dl_client="\ echo \"Could not find a way to download the CLFS sources.\" >&2 echo \"Attempting to continue.\" >&2" HEADER="# This file is automatically generated by jhalfs # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY # # Generated on `date \"+%F %X %Z\"`" #----------------------------------# wrt_target() { # #----------------------------------# local i=$1 local PREV=$2 ( cat << EOF $i: $PREV @\$(call echo_message, Building) EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_unpack() { # #----------------------------------# local FILE=$1 ( cat << EOF @\$(call unpack,$FILE) @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\ echo "export PKGDIR=\$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > envars && \\ chown -R lfs \$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\ EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_unpack2() { # #----------------------------------# local FILE=$1 ( cat << EOF @\$(call unpack2,$FILE) @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\ echo "export PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > envars EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #=============================# wrt_unpack3() { # Unpack and set 'ROOT' var #=============================# local FILE=$1 ( cat << EOF @\$(call unpack3,$FILE) @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\ echo "export PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT" > envars EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_target_vars() { # Target vars for hlfs (cross-build method) #----------------------------------# ( cat << EOF @echo "export target=$(uname -m)-${TARGET}" >> envars && \\ echo "export ldso=/lib/${LOADER}" >> envars EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_run_as_su() { # #----------------------------------# local this_script=$1 local file=$2 ( cat << EOF @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >logs/$this_script && \\ su - lfs -c "source /home/lfs/.bashrc && $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands/$file" >>logs/$this_script 2>&1 && \\ echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/$this_script EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #==================================# wrt_run_as_lfs() { # header to log file, execute script, footer to log file #==================================# local this_script=$1 local file=$2 ( cat << EOF @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >logs/$this_script && \\ su - lfs -c "source /home/lfs/.bashrc && $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands/$file" >>logs/$this_script 2>&1 && \\ echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/$this_script EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_run_as_root() { # #----------------------------------# local this_script=$1 local file=$2 ( cat << EOF @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >logs/$this_script && \\ export LFS=\$(MOUNT_PT) && ${PROGNAME}-commands/$file >>logs/$this_script 2>&1 && \\ echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/$this_script EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #=============================# wrt_run_as_root2() { # Some scripts must be run as root.. #=============================# local this_script=$1 local file=$2 ( cat << EOF @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude={0,1}??-* \`\n" >logs/$this_script && \\ source envars && ${PROGNAME}-commands/$file >>logs/$this_script 2>&1 && \\ echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude={0,1}??-* \`\n" >>logs/$this_script EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_remove_build_dirs() { # #----------------------------------# local name=$1 ( cat << EOF @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\ rm -r \$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\ if [ -e \$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\ rm -r \$(MOUNT_PT)\$(SRC)/$name-build; \\ fi; EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_remove_build_dirs2() { # #----------------------------------# local name=$1 ( cat << EOF @ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@^./@@;s@/.*@@'\` && \\ rm -r \$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\ if [ -e \$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\ rm -r \$(SRC)/$name-build; \\ fi; EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_run_as_chroot1() { # #----------------------------------# local this_script=$1 local file=$2 ( cat << EOF @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >logs/${this_script} && \\ \$(CHROOT1) 'cd /jhalfs && source envars && /jhalfs/${PROGNAME}-commands/$file >>/jhalfs/logs/${this_script} 2>&1' && \\ echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/${this_script} EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_run_as_chroot2() { # #----------------------------------# local this_script=$1 local file=$2 ( cat << EOF @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >logs/${this_script} && \\ \$(CHROOT2) 'cd /jhalfs && source envars && /jhalfs/${PROGNAME}-commands/$file >>/jhalfs/logs/${this_script} 2>&1' && \\ echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/${this_script} EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_copy_fstab() { # #----------------------------------# local i=$1 ( cat << EOF @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >logs/$i && \\ cp -v $FSTAB \$(MOUNT_PT)/etc/fstab >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\ echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude={0,1}??-* \$(MOUNT_PT)\`\n" >>logs/$i EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_copy_fstab2() { # #----------------------------------# local i=$1 ( cat << EOF @echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude={0,1}??-* \`\n" >logs/$i && \\ cp -v /sources/fstab /etc/fstab >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\ echo -e "\n\`date\`\n\nKB: \`du -skx --exclude={0,1}??-* \`\n" >>logs/$i EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------------# wrt_export_pkgdir() { # #----------------------------------# ( cat << EOF @echo "export PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/binutils-build" > envars EOF ) >> $MKFILE.tmp } #----------------------------# run_make() { #----------------------------# # Test if make must be run. if [ "$RUNMAKE" = "1" ] ; then # Test to make sure we're running the build as root if [ "$UID" != "0" ] ; then echo "You must be logged in as root to successfully build LFS." exit 1 fi # Build the system if [ -e $MKFILE ] ; then echo -ne "Building the LFS system...\n" cd $JHALFSDIR && make -f ${PROGNAME}-Makefile echo -ne "done\n" fi fi } #----------------------------# clean_builddir() { #----------------------------# # Test if the clean must be done. if [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ] ; then # Test to make sure we're running the clean as root if [ "$UID" != "0" ] ; then echo "You must be logged in as root to clean the build directory." exit 1 fi # Test to make sure that the build directory was populated by jhalfs if [ ! -d $JHALFSDIR ] || [ ! -d $BUILDDIR/sources ] ; then echo "Looks like $BUILDDIR was not populated by a previous jhalfs run." exit 1 else # Clean the build directory echo -ne "Cleaning $BUILDDIR...\n" rm -rf $BUILDDIR/{bin,boot,dev,etc,home,lib,media,mnt,opt,proc,root,sbin,srv,sys,tmp,tools,usr,var} echo -ne "Cleaning $JHALFSDIR...\n" rm -rf $JHALFSDIR/{0*,1*,envars,sources-dir,commands,logs,Makefile,dump-lfs-scripts.xsl,functions,packages,patches} echo -ne "Cleaning remainig extracted sources in $BUILDDIR/sources...\n" rm -rf `find $BUILDDIR/sources/* -maxdepth 0 -type d` echo -ne "done\n" fi fi } #----------------------------# get_book() { #----------------------------# cd $JHALFSDIR if [ -z $WC ] ; then # Check for Subversion instead of just letting the script hit 'svn' and fail. test `type -p svn` || eval "echo \"This feature requires Subversion.\" exit 1" echo -n "Downloading the $PROGNAME document, $LFSVRS version... " case $PROGNAME in lfs) svn_root="LFS" ;; hlfs) svn_root="HLFS" ;; clfs) svn_root="cross-lfs" ;; blfs) svn_root="BLFS" ;; *) echo "BOOK not defined in function " exit 1 ;; esac # Grab a fresh LFS book if it's missing, otherwise, update it from the # repo. If we've already extracted the commands, move on to getting the # sources. if [ -d ${PROGNAME}-$LFSVRS ] ; then cd ${PROGNAME}-$LFSVRS if LC_ALL=C svn up | grep -q At && test -d $JHALFSDIR/commands && \ test -f $JHALFSDIR/packages && test -f $JHALFSDIR/patches ; then echo -ne "done\n" # Set the canonical book version cd $JHALFSDIR VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@@@'` get_sources else echo -ne "done\n" # Set the canonical book version cd $JHALFSDIR VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@@@'` extract_commands fi else case $LFSVRS in development) svn co $SVN/${svn_root}/trunk/BOOK ${PROGNAME}-$LFSVRS >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 ;; alphabetical) svn co $SVN/${svn_root}/branches/$LFSVRS/BOOK ${PROGNAME}-$LFSVRS >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 ;; udev_update) svn co $SVN/LFS/branches/$LFSVRS/BOOK lfs-$LFSVRS >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 ;; esac echo -ne "done\n" # Set the canonical book version cd $JHALFSDIR VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@@@'` extract_commands fi else echo -ne "Using $BOOK as book's sources ...\n" # Set the canonical book version cd $JHALFSDIR VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@@@'` extract_commands fi } #----------------------------# build_patches_file() { # Supply a suitably formated list of patches. #----------------------------# local saveIFS=$IFS local IFS rm -f patches LOC_add_patches_entry() { for f in `grep "/$1-" patcheslist_.wget`; do basename $f | sed "s|${2}|\&${1}-version;|" >> patches done } case ${PROGNAME} in hlfs) echo -n "Creating the ${L_arrow}${BOLD}HLFS${R_arrow} specific patcheslist_.wget file" xsltproc --nonet \ --xinclude \ --stringparam model $MODEL \ -o patcheslist_.wget \ patcheslist.xsl \ $BOOK/chapter04/patches.xml #> /dev/null 2>&1 # .... U G L Y .... what to do with the grsecurity patch to the kernel.. for f in `grep "/grsecurity-" patcheslist_.wget`; do basename $f >> patches done ;; clfs) # Pull out a list of arch specific patches echo -n "Creating CLFS ${L_arrow}${BOLD}$ARCH${R_arrow} specific patcheslist_.wget file" xsltproc -xinclude \ -o patcheslist_.wget \ patcheslist.xsl \ $BOOK/materials/${ARCH}-chapter.xml ;; *) return esac IFS=$'\x0A' # Modify the 'internal field separator' to break on 'LF' only for f in `cat packages`; do IFS=$saveIFS # Restore the system defaults LOC_add_patches_entry \ `echo $f | sed -e 's/-version//' \ -e 's/-file.*//' \ -e 's/"//g' \ -e 's/uclibc/uClibc/'` done echo " ...OK" } #----------------------------# extract_commands() { # #----------------------------# local saveIFS=$IFS # Check for libxslt instead of just letting the script hit 'xsltproc' and fail. test `type -p xsltproc` || eval "echo \"This feature requires libxslt.\" exit 1" cd $JHALFSDIR VERSION=`grep "ENTITY version " $BOOK/general.ent | sed 's@@@'` # Start clean if [ -d commands ]; then rm -rf commands mkdir -v commands fi echo -n "Extracting commands for" # Dump the commands in shell script form from the HLFS book. case ${PROGNAME} in clfs) echo -n " ${L_arrow}${BOLD}$ARCH${R_arrow} target architecture" xsltproc --nonet \ --xinclude \ --stringparam method $METHOD \ --stringparam testsuite $TEST \ --stringparam vim-lang $VIMLANG \ --stringparam timezone $TIMEZONE \ --stringparam page $PAGE \ --stringparam lang $LANG \ --stringparam keymap $KEYMAP \ -o ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ $XSL $BOOK/$ARCH-index.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 ;; hlfs) echo -n " ${L_arrow}${BOLD}$MODEL${R_arrow} HLFS architecture" xsltproc --nonet \ --xinclude \ --stringparam model $MODEL \ --stringparam testsuite $TEST \ --stringparam timezone $TIMEZONE \ --stringparam page $PAGE \ --stringparam lang $LANG \ --stringparam lc_all $LC_ALL \ --stringparam keymap $KEYMAP \ --stringparam grsecurity_host $GRSECURITY_HOST \ -o ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ $XSL $BOOK/index.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 ;; lfs) echo -n " ${L_arrow}${BOLD}LFS${R_arrow} build" xsltproc --nonet \ --xinclude \ --stringparam testsuite $TEST \ --stringparam vim-lang $VIMLANG \ --stringparam timezone $TIMEZONE \ --stringparam page $PAGE \ --stringparam lang $LANG \ -o ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ $XSL $BOOK/index.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 ;; blfs) echo -n " ${L_arrow}${BOLD}BLFS${R_arrow} build" xsltproc --nonet \ --xinclude \ --stringparam testsuite $TEST \ --stringparam server $SERVER \ -o ./${PROGNAME}-commands/ $XSL $BOOK/index.xml >>$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 ;; *) exit 1 esac echo " ...OK" # Make the scripts executable. chmod -R +x $JHALFSDIR/${PROGNAME}-commands # Grab the patches and package names. for i in patches packages ; do rm -f $i done # case "${PROGNAME}" in clfs) ################################ # A LOCAL function # xx_.wget contains arch specific files but in URL format # Build a file with only arch specific files.. small ugly.. LOC_add_packages_entry() { local fileMATCH aFILE # Deal with a non-standard format if [[ "$1" = "clfs-bootscripts" ]]; then set -- "bootscripts-cross-lfs" $2 fi fileMATCH="/$1" # format.. Filename-Version or FilenameVersion for aFILE in `grep ${fileMATCH}-*[[:digit:]] packageslist_.wget`; do # Block vim-x.x-lang file, will add it later based on config flag if [[ ! "${aFILE}" =~ "vim-$2-lang" ]]; then echo "$1-version \"$2\"" >> packages fi done } ################################# # We only want a list arch specific files.. # Unfortunately this script produces URL's which must be converted to a std format echo -n "Creating CLFS ${L_arrow}${BOLD}${ARCH}${R_arrow} specific packageslist_.wget file" xsltproc -xinclude \ -o packageslist_.wget \ packageslist.xsl \ $BOOK/materials/${ARCH}-chapter.xml # This has the correct format but contains packages from every book grep "\-version " $BOOK/packages.ent | sed -e 's@@"@' \ -e '/generic/d' > packages.tmp # This variable is necessary to make sure the `cat $JHALFSDIR/packages` # separates each iteration by lines. # Modify the 'internal field separator' to break on 'LF' only IFS=$'\x0A' for f in `cat packages.tmp`; do IFS=$saveIFS # Restore the system defaults LOC_add_packages_entry \ `echo $f | sed -e 's/-version//' \ -e 's/-file.*//' \ -e 's/"//g'` done echo " ...OK" ;; *) echo -n "Creating <${PROGNAME}> specific packageslist_.wget file" grep "\-version" $BOOK/general.ent | sed -e 's@@"@' \ -e '/generic/d' >> packages echo " ...OK" ;; esac # Download the vim-lang package if it must be installed if [ "$VIMLANG" = "1" ] && [ ! "$PROGNAME" = "hlfs" ] ; then echo `grep "vim" packages | sed 's@vim@&-lang@'` >> packages fi echo `grep "udev-config-file" $BOOK/general.ent | sed -e 's@@"@'` >> packages # There is no useful patches.ent file so we will create one. case "${PROGNAME}" in hlfs) build_patches_file ;; clfs ) build_patches_file ;; lfs) grep "^<\!ENTITY" $BOOK/patches.ent | sed -e 's/.* "//' -e 's/">//' >> patches ;; blfs) ;; *) exit 1 esac # Done. Moving on... get_sources } #----------------------------# download() { # Download file, write name to MISSING_FILES.DMP if an error #----------------------------# cd $BUILDDIR/sources # Hackish fix for the bash-doc, glibc-{linuxthreads,libidn} # that don't conform to norms in the URL scheme. DIR=`echo $1 | sed 's@-doc@@;s@-linuxthreads@@;s@-libidn@@;s@-testsuite@@'` # If the file exists in the archive copy it to the $BUILDDIR/sources dir # MD5SUM is assumed to be correct from previous download if [ ! -z ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] && [ -d ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] && [ -f ${SRC_ARCHIVE}/$2 ]; then cp ${SRC_ARCHIVE}/$2 . echo "$2: -- ok" return fi # Find the md5 sum for this package. if [ $2 != MD5SUMS ] ; then set +e MD5=`grep " $2" MD5SUMS` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then set -e echo "${RED}$2 not found in MD5SUMS${OFF}" echo "$2 not found in MD5SUMS" >> MISSING_FILES.DMP return fi set -e fi if [ ! -f $2 ] ; then case $DL in wgetFTP ) wget --passive $FTP/$DIR/$2 ;; wget ) wget $HTTP/$DIR/$2 ;; curl ) `curl -# $FTP/$DIR/$2 -o $2` ;; * ) echo "$DL not supported at this time." ;; esac elif ! echo "$MD5" | md5sum -c - >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then case $DL in wgetFTP ) wget --passive -c $FTP/$DIR/$2 ;; wget ) wget -c $HTTP/$DIR/$2 ;; curl ) `curl -# -C - $FTP/$DIR/$2 -o $2` ;; * ) echo "$DL not supported at this time." ;; esac fi if [ $2 != MD5SUMS ] && ! echo "$MD5" | md5sum -c - ; then exit 1 fi if [ $2 != MD5SUMS ] ; then echo `grep "$MD5" MD5SUMS` >> MD5SUMS-$VERSION fi # If we make it this far we should copy the freshly downloaded file # to the source archive. if [ ! -z ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] && [ -d ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] && [ -w ${SRC_ARCHIVE} ] && [ $2 != MD5SUMS ]; then echo "Store file:<$2> in package archive" cp -v $2 ${SRC_ARCHIVE} fi } #----------------------------# get_sources() { #----------------------------# # Test if the packages must be downloaded if [ "$HPKG" = "1" ] ; then # This variable is necessary to make sure the `cat $JHALFSDIR/packages` # separates each iteration by lines. # Modify the 'internal field separator' to break on 'LF' only IFS=$'\x0A' if [ ! -d $BUILDDIR/sources ] ; then mkdir $BUILDDIR/sources ; fi cd $BUILDDIR/sources if [ -f MD5SUMS ] ; then rm MD5SUMS ; fi if [ -f MD5SUMS-$VERSION ] ; then rm MD5SUMS-$VERSION ; fi if [ -f MISSING_FILES.DMP ] ; then rm MISSING_FILES.DMP ; fi download "" MD5SUMS # Iterate through each package and grab it, along with any patches it needs. for i in `cat $JHALFSDIR/packages` ; do PKG=`echo $i | sed -e 's/-version.*//' -e 's/-file.*//'` # There are some entities that aren't valid packages. if [ "$PKG" = "expect-lib" -o "$PKG" = "linux-dl" ] ; then continue ; fi VRS=`echo $i | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'` case $PKG in tcl) FILE="$PKG$VRS-src.tar.bz2" ;; vim-lang) PKG="vim" FILE="vim-$VRS-lang.tar.bz2" ;; udev-config) PKG="udev" FILE="$VRS" ;; *) FILE="$PKG-$VRS.tar.bz2" ;; esac download $PKG $FILE # Download any associated patches for patch in `grep "&$PKG-version" $JHALFSDIR/patches` ; do PATCH=`echo $patch | sed 's@&'$PKG'-version;@'$VRS'@'` download $PKG $PATCH done done fi } #-----------------------------------------------# _IS_() # Function to test build scripts names #-----------------------------------------------# { # Returns substr $2 or null str # Must use string testing case $1 in *$2*) echo "$2" ;; *) echo "" ;; esac }