##### # # Project TODO list # ##### -- Review generated scripts for bugs trying to figure out if are due fails in the BLFS book XML tagging (that will implied that the book need be fixed) or are required variations due book layout. If the latter, try to fix it via XSL, documenting in README.BLFS that issues that can't be fixed. This is an on-going and never-end task due that, ideally, each commit to the BLFS book should be revised and validated, but our time is limited. -- Bugs hunting. -- About dependencies A. A DEPENDENCY MAY NOT BE INSTALLED EVEN IF NEEDED Currently (December 10th, 2021), the dependencies are only installed if either: - (i) they are not already installed - (ii) their version is higher than the installed version If a dependency is not installed, its dependencies are not considered. But it may happen that a dependency (depB) of a dependency (depA) is in case (i) or (ii) (most likely), but not depA. In this case, depB is not considered, although it might happen that it is needed for the requested package. So the dependency system should be changed to always compute the full dependency chain, and another function should be created to remove packages not in case (i) or (ii) from the list of generated dependencies. B. CHECKING DEPENDENCIES There are several kinds of checks we might want to implement, for example: - (i) check that a package can be built with only the listed dependencies, and their dependencies (missing dependency) - (ii) check that the dependencies do not include dependencies that are already in the dependency chain (redundant dependency) - (iii) check that a dependency is really needed (false dependency)