# # $Id$ # HOW TO ADD CUSTOM SCRIPTS TO THE JHALFS MAKEFILE Normally JHALFS creates a Makefile containing only those scripts found in the {,B,C,H}LFS books. An automated construction tool cannot predict the needs of every individual and requests are made "Can you add xxxx package". Rather than adding numerous package scripts and switches for each request it was easier to add a tool for the user(s) to code their own package needs. There are two areas that can be customized: how the base system is built and what additional configurations and packages your hardware requires to be able to boot and run. Each of those areas are handled in a different way. BASE SYSTEM CUSTOMIZATION There are two ways to alter how the base system will be built: - Using a working copy of the book sources and editing the XML files. This is the way used by book editors to test packages upgrades, command changes, build order changes. etc. This method requires you know very well the book sources and what files need be edited. It will not be discussed here. - Editing the generated build scripts to make any change you want. This is the method discussed below. EDITING THE BASE SCRIPTS To begin with, the build scripts should be generated with book defaults. To do that, configure jhalfs activating any option you want included, but do not select "Run the Makefile" option. Under the ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT}/${PROGNAME}-commands directory (using the defaults values to do an LFS build, that directory name is /mnt/build_dir/jhalfs/lfs-commands) you will find the default build scripts. If all you want is modify, add, or remove some command from a package installation, for example to change its ./configure line, just edit the related script. If changing or adding a patch, be sure to copy the new patch to the ${BUILD_DIR}/sources directory. When done, run 'make' from inside the ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT} directory. REPLACING OR INSERTING PACKAGES AND CHANGING BUILD ORDER To remove a package from the system, just remove its script(s). To change the version of some package, or to build a newer or older version than that in the book, edit ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT}/pkg_tarball_list to change its tarball name and place the new tarball in the ${BUILD_DIR}/sources directory. To replace a package by an equivalent one, rename the replaced package script to reflect the new package name (for example, 102-man-db -> 102-man), edit the script to make the required commands changes, place the new tarball in the ${BUILD_DIR}/sources directory, and edit ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT}/pkg_tarball_list file to replace the removed package tarball name by the new package tarball name. To change the build order, rename the scripts changing the first 3-digits string until they are sorted in the way you want. To insert a new package, for example to build Cracklib in order to build Shadow with Cracklib support, you should first decide before what package it needs to be installed, in this example 107-shadow. Then create a new script containing the needed commands, using an existing one as template, and name it with the same 3-digits string used for that mentioned default package, but adding another 1-digit string. In our example, the new script to build Cracklib before Shadow will be named 107-1-cracklib. This naming scheme allows inserting up to 10 scripts before each of the existing scripts. Place the tarball for the new package and required patches, if any, in ${BUILD_DIR}/sources and edit ${BUILD_DIR}/${SCRIPT_ROOT}/pkg_tarball_list to add the tarball name for that package. When ready, launch again the jhalfs configuration interface. Make sure that exactly the same options are selected as when generating the default build scripts. Be sure that "Rebuild files" is unselected and select "Run the Makefile" if you want. Then select "Rebuild the Makefile". This will create a new Makefile based on the changes you made to the build scripts. ADDING POST-SYSTEM BUILD CONFIGURATION FILES AND EXTRA PACKAGES The installation of BLFS packages is handled via blfs-tool and activated when you select the appropriate menu option. See README and README.BLFS for more info. The feature described below was added so users could install remaining configuration files, build the packages necessary to access the Internet or to support specific hardware, or to install basic utilities that are needed from the beginning, and was not intended to replace the BLFS install system. LAYOUT A new directory has been added to JHALFS tree which contains the configuration scripts and a few examples. A switch has been added to the configuration file which enables/disables the inclusion of custom scripts. custom /config <-- where to put your scripts. /examples <-- a few example scripts /examples_CLFS-E <-- example scripts for CLFS-Embedded template <-- ALL scripts MUST look like this NOTE::: You are responsible for including all dependencies and ensuring they are built in the right order. 1. To add a package to the final JHALFS Makefile you must first create a file in the custom/config directory. **All config files MUST follow the naming convention, xxx-PKG, where xxx is the order number and PKG is the name of the package. The file naming format is important as it defines the build order. The example shown below has an order number 950 and log files will list in alphabetical order in the /logs directory after blfs-tools scripts. The simplest method is to copy the template file into the config directory and rename it. 2. Populate the variables with the necessary values. Variable function is self explanatory. PATCH variables must be numbered, starting at PATCH1 (up to PATCH10). If the md5 checksum value is known, it can be added after the URL as in (quotes needed): PATCH1="http://patch-host/patch-path xxxxxxx..." 3. Build commands If the package you want to include is found in the BLFS book then you only need to copy/paste the commands between the xEOFx text, otherwise you will need to define the commands yourself. NOTE::: This script you just created is not usable directly but contains all the information necessary for jhalfs to create a build script and an entry in the jhalfs Makefile. 4. As mentioned previously the build order is dictated by the 3 digit number in the file name. If a package has dependencies it must be numerically larger than the dependency files. e.g. The package mc has glib as a dependency, so the build order is: 950-glib 951-mc 5. A config file for BLFS-bootscripts is already created as 999-blfs_bootscripts. If a package requires a bootscript to be installed add the cmd to this file and NOT in the package script. The gpm script is included as an example of patch file and the need for a blfs bootscript. EXAMPLES Other examples can be found in custom/examples. They are dated and unmaintained, but can be useful for creating your own scripts. :::NOTICE::: The following examples are for use with LFS and are not applicable to any of the CLFS-sysroot or CLFS-Embedded books. The directory examples_CLFS-E contains code extracted from Beyond CLFS-embedded. Any packages you chose to add should honour the DESTDIR=${CLFS} switch or equivalent. #--------- GLIB example ----------- # # Filename syntax xxx-PKG ie. 950-glibc # Create a file in the custom/config directory # Populate the file using the following script as an example # PKG="glib" PKG_VERSION="1.2.10" PKG_FILE="glib-1.2.10.tar.gz" URL="http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/graphics/gimp/gtk/v1.2/${PKG_FILE}" MD5="6fe30dad87c77b91b632def29dd69ef9" # The following code removes previously defined PATCHx variables for i in PATCH{1..10}; do unset $i done # Patches are named PATCH[1..10] # This information is used to download the patch only PATCH1="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/glib-1.2.10-gcc34-1.patch 0077a1cce5e8a2231ac5a9b08c6263ba" # NOTE:: # The convoluted scheme used to write out a temporary file is # a work-around for embedded single and double quotes. ( cat << "xEOFx" patch -Np1 -i ../glib-1.2.10-gcc34-1.patch && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make make install && chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libgmodule-1.2.so.0.0.10 xEOFx ) > tmp #--------- GPM example ----------- PKG="gpm" PKG_VERSION="1.20.1" PKG_FILE="gpm-1.20.1.tar.bz2" URL="ftp://arcana.linux.it/pub/gpm/gpm-1.20.1.tar.bz2" MD5="2c63e827d755527950d9d13fe3d87692" for i in PATCH{1..10}; do unset $i done PATCH1=" http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/gpm-1.20.1-segfault-1.patch" PATCH2=" http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/gpm-1.20.1-silent-1.patch" ( cat << "xEOFx" patch -Np1 -i ../gpm-1.20.1-segfault-1.patch && patch -Np1 -i ../gpm-1.20.1-silent-1.patch && ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && LDFLAGS="-lm" make make install && cp -v conf/gpm-root.conf /etc && ldconfig # The normal cmd to install the boot script for gpm # --- PUT THIS CMD INSIDE 999-blfs_bootscripts #make install-gpm cat > /etc/sysconfig/mouse << "EOF" # Begin /etc/sysconfig/mouse MDEVICE="/dev/psaux" PROTOCOL="imps2" GPMOPTS="" # End /etc/sysconfig/mouse EOF xEOFx ) > tmp #--------- CMDS ONLY example ----------- # This is an example of a self contained cmd script # There are no referenced to a package or package dir. # This method is useful for creating user files/profiles/etc # at build time. PKG="" PKG_VERSION="" PKG_FILE="" URL="" MD5="" for i in PATCH{1..10}; do unset $i done PATCH1="" ( cat << "xEOFx" echo "JUST A USELESS TRACE" xEOFx ) > tmp