Custom Query (619 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#645 kpfleming@… neven@… fixed <shell> inside <execute> element

Should ease the writing of more complicated, multi-line commands.

#646 alfs-log@… neven@… wontfix Using ALLOW_RELATIVE_DIRS fails in chroot

chdir fails as the program tries to change current directory to the one profile was using at the time it was loaded, _before_ chroot. And that directory probably doesn't exist in chroot.

#647 alfs-log@… neven@… wontfix Add logging for <stage>

Consider renaming packages/ directory for logging and log <stage> in it too (with <package> logs).

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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.