

18:42 Changeset [3dc7729] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
text change only
17:42 Changeset [ff4d1ab] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Updated the command to set CLFS_HOST


20:55 Changeset [e5d0f27] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
removed changes to progress_bar.. not reliable
20:53 Changeset [60a5064] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
grammar and spelling corrections
10:52 Ticket #1680 (Review and extend jhalfs README) updated by manuel@…
Owner, Status changed
10:44 Ticket #1679 (jhablfs - consistent error) closed by manuel@…
fixed: Fixed in the under development new BLFS code.
10:43 Changeset [120bcdd] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Updated TODO files.
10:29 Changeset [3c10176] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Added new BLFS files from the experimental branch.
10:24 Changeset [7fdd8f6] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Removed obsolete BLFS files.
10:09 SupportedBooks edited by manuel@…
10:06 Changeset [a6655ff] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Avoiding hardcoded supported books versions.
09:00 SupportedBooks created by manuel@…
08:31 WikiStart edited by manuel@…


20:25 Changeset [7785f91] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Typo fix and trailing spaces clean-up.
20:25 Changeset [f86c600] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Small textual change
19:45 Changeset [2b88404] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Updated paco patch from upstream.
18:31 Changeset [7d1f862] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Fixed compilation of keymap into the kernel for CLFS.


02:02 Changeset [7eb9402] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
The never ending story of cleaning up CLFS scripts..
00:17 Changeset [483ab89] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
oops..another corrections to CLFS scripts.


23:49 Changeset [e5f5970] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
more corrections to CLFS scripts.
17:42 Changeset [ac1d897] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
Small correction to CLFS master.sh, bring it in line with the book. …
17:21 Changeset [bb19ced] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
Remove unnecessary trace.


09:24 Changeset [e2ec07a] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Renamed CLFS envars.


01:47 Changeset [bab90a1] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
Added a small note to README for the clfs'ers
00:36 Changeset [041f2ed] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
Replace fuser process lookup with test for directory existance in …


19:24 Changeset [385fefd] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Fixed progress bar output in iteration-N targets. Fixed build …


06:36 Changeset [ef969ee] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Fixed --run-make option.


14:39 Changeset [6f2cd96] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
Improved book version number extraction. Corrected CORRECT …


22:25 Changeset [1ff6768] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
Reworked book extraction code.. will handle future changes
18:39 Changeset [a2c9b41] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Rediffied paco patch.
18:06 Changeset [dd29d02] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Removed obsolete code for packages file creation. Improved the speed …
17:35 Changeset [3d1b542] by Manuel Canales Esparcia <manuel@…>
Removed duplicated VERSION declarations.


19:55 Changeset [a03a4aa] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
Added note to README about the need to run the scripts as either root …
15:15 Changeset [06cf3c1] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
oops, bug fix related to tcl package name extraction..
15:05 Changeset [a7db907] by George Boudreau <georgeb@…>
CLFS changed definition of VERSION.. added fix
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.