

16:44 Ticket #1692 (lfs-master.sh: Rewrite a command for compiling CHROOT$i) closed by Pierre Labastie
fixed: Thanks! Applied at r3803
14:39 Ticket #1691 (Error in 008-z-libxslt during blfs-tool build in jhalfs) closed by Pierre Labastie
wontfix: Sorry for the late reply. I somehow have not received the mails …


13:29 lfs-master.sh.patch attached to Ticket #1692 by Alexander Makarov
13:29 Ticket #1692 (lfs-master.sh: Rewrite a command for compiling CHROOT$i) created by Alexander Makarov
Current command is ugly and makes an assumption of 'set +e', 'exit' …
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