Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of WikiStart

12/04/2006 03:08:06 PM (18 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v9 v10  
    1515=== nALFS ===
    17 Currently, the official implementation is nALFS by Neven Has. nALFS is a small program written in C. It first parses an XML profile that contains information concerning the LFS build process into a series of internal commands. It can then execute these at your discretion, thus automating the compilation of LFS.
     17The first ALFS implementation was nALFS by Neven Has. nALFS is a small program written in C. It first parses an XML profile that contains information concerning the LFS build process into a series of internal commands. It can then execute these at your discretion, thus automating the compilation of LFS.
    1919=== jhalfs ===
    21 Recently, work has been done on a new implementation of ALFS, called jhalfs. Originally created by Jeremy Huntwork, but since developed and maintained by Manuel Canales Esparcia and George Boudreau, jhalfs has become a light-weight, practical method of automating an LFS build. jhalfs is a Bash shell script that makes use of Subversion and xsltproc to first download the XML sources of the Linux From Scratch book and then extract any necessary commands, placing them into executable shell scripts. If you do not already have the necessary source packages in place on your system jhalfs can fetch them. Finally, jhalfs generates a Makefile which will control the execution of the shell scripts, allowing for recovery if the build should encounter an error. Since jhalfs extracts its commands to run directly from the LFS book, there are no profiles to edit or maintain.
     21Currently there is a new official implementation of ALFS, called jhalfs. Originally created by Jeremy Huntwork, but since developed and maintained by Manuel Canales Esparcia and George Boudreau, jhalfs has become a light-weight, practical method of automating an LFS build. jhalfs is a Bash shell script that makes use of Subversion and xsltproc to first download the XML sources of the Linux From Scratch book and then extract any necessary commands, placing them into executable shell scripts. If you do not already have the necessary source packages in place on your system jhalfs can fetch them. Finally, jhalfs generates a Makefile which will control the execution of the shell scripts, allowing for recovery if the build should encounter an error. Since jhalfs extracts its commands to run directly from the LFS book, there are no profiles to edit or maintain.
    2323'''Note:''' ''The 2.0 version of jhalfs has been released. A tarball can been downloaded from''
    2525To test the development version of jhalfs, fetch it via svn with the command:
    27 svn export svn:// jhalfs
     27svn co svn:// jhalfs
    3232=== alfs ===
    34 There are many in-depth features that have been requested for future ALFS implementations. Because of this, development has been slated for an entirely new build tool which will be called alfs. To see a list of features that will appear in alfs, please read our Software Requirements Specification. If you wish to help develop this new tool, please subscribe to the alfs-discuss mailing list and leave a note there explaining your desire to help.
     34There are many in-depth features that have been requested for future ALFS implementations. Because of this, development has been slated for an entirely new build tool which will be called alfs. To see a list of features that will appear in alfs, please read our [ Software Requirements Specification]. If you wish to help develop this new tool, please subscribe to the alfs-discuss mailing list and leave a note there explaining your desire to help.
    3636== Who's who: ==
    3838||Project Leader:||Thomas Pegg||
    39 ||Developer (XML):||Matthew Burgess||
    4039||Developer (jhalfs):||George Boudreau||
    4140||Developer (jhalfs):||Manuel Canales Esparcia||
    42 ||Developer (jhalfs):||Jeremy Huntwork||
    43 ||Developer (nALFS):||Jamie Bennett||
    44 ||Profile Editor:||Joachim Beckers||