Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of WikiStart

09/21/2013 10:35:04 AM (11 years ago)
Pierre Labastie



  • WikiStart

    v16 v17  
    1111The goal of ALFS is to automate the process of creating an LFS system. It seeks to follow the book as closely as possible by directly extracting instructions from the XML sources. This is the reason why it may also be used as a test of the current book instructions.
    13 == How is ALFS implemented? ==
     13= How is ALFS implemented? =
    1414The official implementation of ALFS is called jhalfs. Originally created by Jeremy Huntwork, but since developed and maintained by Manuel Canales Esparcia, George Boudreau, and Thomas Pegg, jhalfs has become a light-weight, practical method of automating an LFS build. jhalfs is a Bash shell script that makes use of Subversion and xsltproc to first download the XML sources of the Linux From Scratch book and then extract any necessary commands, placing them into executable shell scripts. If you do not already have the necessary source packages in place on your system jhalfs can fetch them. Finally, jhalfs generates a Makefile which will control the execution of the shell scripts, allowing for recovery if the build should encounter an error. A way to use package management has been added by Pierre Labastie.
    3636There were many in-depth features that had been requested for ALFS implementations. Because of this, development had been slated for an entirely new build tool which would have been called alfs. To see a list of features that would have appeared in alfs, please read our [ Software Requirements Specification]. Eventually, the ease of use of jhalfs, ultimately pushed development of alfs to the bottom of the stack.
     38== Supported Books ==
     39The current list of supported books can be found [wiki:SupportedBooks here]
    3841== Who's who: ==