Glossary Acronyms 669 UNIS/Composer 669 Module ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line AIFF Audio Interchange File Format ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture API Application Programming Interface ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ATA AT-Attached ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee ATK Accessibility ToolKit BICS Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain BIOS Basic Input/Output System BLFS Beyond Linux From Scratch BMP Bit MaP CD Compact Disk CDDA Compact Disc Digital Audio CIFS Common Internet File SystemSMB CODEC COmpression/DECompression module CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture CRD Color Rendering Dictionary CSA Color Space Array CSS (on DVD) Contents Scrambling System CSS Cascading Style Sheets CUPS Common Unix Printing System CVS Concurrent Versions System DES Data Encryption Standard DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DIN German Industrial Norm DNS Domain Name Service DOS Disk Operating System DSO Dynamic Shared Objects DSSSL Document Style Semantics and Specification Language DVI DeVice Independent EPP Enhanced Parallel Port EPS Encapsulated PostScript ESD Enlighten Sound Daemon FAM File Alteration Monitor FAME Fast Assembly Mpeg Encoder FAQ Frequently Asked Questions FAX Facsimile FB Frame Buffer FHS File Hierarchy Standard FLAC Free Lossless Audio CODEC FO Formatted Objects FOURCCC FOUR Character Code FTP File Transfer Protocol GCC GNU Compiler Collection GDBM GNU DataBase Manager GDK GTK+ Drawing Kit GID Group IDentity GIF Graphics Interchange Format GMP GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic GNAT GNU NYU Ada 9x Translator GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment GNU GNU's Not Unix GPL General Public License GPM General Purpose Mouse GTK GIMP ToolKit GUI Graphical User Interface HFS Hierarchical File System HTML HyperText Markup Language HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secured HUP Hang UP ICC International Color Consortium ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol IDE Integrated Drive Electronics IDL Interface Definition Language IJS Ink Jet Systems IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol IMON Inode MONitor IP Internet ProtocolTCP IPX Internetwork Packet eXchange IRC Internet Relay Chat IrDA Infrared Data Association ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISP Internet Service Provider IT ImpulseTracker Module JAR Java ARchive JDK Java Development Kit JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format> JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group KDE K Desktop Environment LAME Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder LAN Local Area Network LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDIF Lightweight Data Interchange Format LFS Linux From Scratch LGPL Library General Public License LPR Line PRinter LZO Lemple-Ziv-Oberhumer MD Message-Digest MDA Mail Delivery Agent MED MED/OctaMED Module MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions MNG Multiple-image Network Graphics MOD ProTracker Module MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group MTA Mail Transport Agent MTM MultiTracker Module MUA Mail User Agent NASM Netwide ASseMbler NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol NFS Network File System NTP Network Time Protocol OAF Object Activation Framework OMNI OMNIdirectional ORB Object Request BrokerCORBA ORDBMS Object Relational Database Management System OSS Open Sound System PAM Pluggable authentication Modules PBM Portable BitMap PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PDC Primary Domain Controller PDF Portable Document Format PIM Personal Information Manager PGM Portable Grey Map PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor PGP Pretty Good Privacy PNG Portable Network Graphics POP Post Office Protocol PPD PostScript Printer Description PPM Portable Pixel Map PPP Point to Point Protocol PPPoE Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet PS PostScript RAM Random Access Memory RCS Revision Control System RFC Request For Comments RGB Red Green Blue RGBA Red Green Blue Alpha ROM Read-Only Memory RP Roaring Penguin RPC Remote Procedure Call S3M ScreamTracker Version 3 Module S/MIME Secure/MIME SANE Scanner Access Now Easy SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer SBU Static Binutils Units SCCS Source Code Control System SCSI Small Computer System Interface SDK Software Development Kit SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language SMB Server Message Block SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol SQL Structured Query Language SSH Secure SHell SSL Secure Sockets Layer SUID Set User IDentity SVG Scalable Vector Graphics SVGA Super Video Graphics Array TCL Tool Command Language TCP Transmission Control Protocol TIFF Tag(ged) Image File Format TLS Transport Layer Security UCS Universal Character Set UDF Universal Disk Format UID User IDentity UDP User Datagram Protocol UI User Interface URL Uniform Resource Locator USB Universal Serial Bus USR Upstream Ready UTF UCS Transformation Format UUCP Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol VESA Video Electronics Standards Association VGA Video Graphics Array VOB Video OBject WAV Waveform Audio WWW World Wide Web XDMCP X Display Manager Control Protocol XM FastTracker Module XML eXtensible Markup Language XSL eXtensible Style Language XSLT eXtensible Style Language Transformation XSM X/Open System Management XMMS X MultiMedia System YUV Luminance-Bandwidth-Chrominance