%general-entities; ]> Configuring the Core Trinity/KDE3 Packages Back up your existing ~/.xinitrc file and create a new .xinitrc file to start Trinity/KDE3: echo "exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc ~/.xinitrc If you have installed, you can start the D-BUS session daemon here as well. Starting the session daemon here has the added bonus that it will exit when you log out of your Trinity/KDE3 session. If you wish to start the daemon here, use the following command instead of the one shown above: echo "exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startkde" >> ~/.xinitrc Check the ~/.xinitrc file and ensure you have no other window managers or other X applications mentioned before KDE. If you installed the package, ensure the XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_CONFIG_DIRS environment variables are configured properly as explained in that package and update the MIME-type application database (as root): update-desktop-database Ensure all libraries can be found with (as root): ldconfig At this point you can bring up Trinity/KDE3 with: startx Set the PATHs used for the installation in the login startup files. If you installed Trinity/KDE3 in the recommended versioned directory, /opt/trinity-&trinity-version;, create a generic symbiolic link as the root user: ln -sf trinity-&trinity-version; /opt/trinity Now update the search path for dynamic libraries and update the cache. As the root user: echo "/opt/trinity/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf && ldconfig Set the paths. Thee are several ways to do this. You can edit /etc/profile, or ~/.bash_/profile to add the paths. If you used the recommended procedure in , run the following as the root user: cat > /etc/profile.d/extrapaths.sh << "EOF" pathprepend /opt/trinity/bin PATH pathappend /opt/trinity/share/man MANPATH pathappend /opt/trinity/lib/pkgconfig PKG_CONFIG_PATH EOF To set the paths immediately, run source /etc/profile.