%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ wvstreams-&wvstreams-version;.tar wvstreams WvStreams-&wvstreams-version; WvStreams Introduction to WvStreams WvStreams is a library suite containing platform-independent C++ networking and utilities libraries for rapid application development. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &wvstreams-md5sum; Download size: &wvstreams-size; Estimated disk space required: &wvstreams-buildsize; Estimated build time: &wvstreams-time; WvStreams Dependencies Required Optional , , , , , , , , FFTW-2.<X>, SWIG, QDBM, OpenSLP, XPLC, Valgrind, and Electric Fence User Notes: Installation of WvStreams If you have Tcl and SWIG installed and wish to utilize them, run the following: sed -i -e "s/8_3/8_4/" -e "s/8\.3/8.4/" \ configure{,.ac} include/wvautoconf.h.in bindings/rules.mk \ gnulib/config.h Install WvStreams by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var && make If Doxygen is installed and you wish to build the API documentation, issue the following command: make doxygen Now, as the root user: make install If you built the API documentation, install it using the following commands: install -v -d -m755 /usr/share/doc/wvstreams-&wvstreams-version;/doxy-html && install -v -m644 Docs/doxy-html/* \ /usr/share/doc/wvstreams-&wvstreams-version;/doxy-html Command Explanations sed -i ...: Change to tcl8.4 from tcl8.3. --sysconfdir=/etc: This parameter places configuration files in /etc instead of /usr/etc. --localstatedir=/var: This parameter places uniconfd run-time files in /var/lib instead of /usr/var/lib. Configuring WvStreams Config Files /etc/uniconf.conf /etc/uniconf.conf Configuration Information Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories uni and uniconfd libuniconf.{so,a}, libwvbase.{so,a}, libwvfft.{so,a}, libwvoggspeex.{so,a}, libwvoggvorbis.{so,a}, libwvqt.{so,a}, libwvstreams.{so,a}, libwvtelephony.{so,a}, libwvutils.{so,a} and libxplc-cxx.a /usr/include/wvstreams, /usr/share/doc/wvstreams-&wvstreams-version; and /var/lib/uniconf Short Descriptions uni is a program to interface with the UniConf configuration system. uni uniconfd is a daemon program for the UniConf configuration system. uniconfd libuniconf.{so,a} contains functions that define a hierarchical registry abstraction in the UniConf configuration system. libuniconf.{so,a} libwvbase.{so,a} contains the Base64 encoder and decoder implementations functions. libwvbase.{so,a} libwvfft.{so,a} enables WvStreams programs to easily handle Fast-Fourier transforms, instead of forcing the programmer to use the much harder to use libfftw interface. libwvfft.{so,a} libwvoggspeex.{so,a} enables quick and painless creation of audio streams using the Speex Voice over IP CODEC. libwvoggspeex.{so,a} libwvoggvorbis.{so,a} enables quick and painless creation of audio streams using the OggVorbis CODEC. libwvoggvorbis.{so,a} libwvqt.{so,a} enables WvStreams to act as the I/O and configuration back end for Qt and KDE. libwvqt.{so,a} libwvstreams.{so,a} provides functions for basic streaming I/O support. libwvstreams.{so,a} libtelephony.{so,a} contains telephony function routines such as echo cancellation, dc offset removal, automatic gain control, etc. libtelephony.{so,a} libwvutils.{so,a} contains functions required by the WvStreams libraries and utility programs. libwvutils.{so,a} libxplc-cxx.a contains helper functions for the C++ WvStreams bindings. libxplc-cxx.a