Contents Client Utilities: ncpmount, ncpumountt, nprintt, nsendt, nwpasswdt, nwsfindt, pqlistt, pqrmt, pqstatt and slist. Server Admin Utilities: ncopyt, nwbocreatet, nwbolst, nwbopropst, nwbormt, nwbpaddt, nwbpcreatet, nwbprmt, nwbpsett, nwbpvaluest, nwdirt, nwdpvaluest, nwfsctrlt, nwfsinfot, nwfstimet, nwgrantt, nwpurget, nwrevoket, nwrightst, nwtrusteet, nwtrustee2t, nwuserlistt, and nwvolinfo. IPX Interface Utilities: ipx_cmdt, ipx_configuret, ipx_interfacet, ipx_internal_nett and ipx_route. Other Utilities: ncpmap and nwauth.