Configuring <application><acronym>NTP</acronym></application> Config files /etc/ntp.conf Configuration Information The following configuration file defines various NTP stratum 2 servers with open access from different continents. It also creates a drift file where ntpd stores the frequency offset. Since the documentation included with the package is sparse, visit the NTP website at for more information. cat > /etc/ntp.conf << "EOF" # Africa server # Asia server # Australia server # Europe server # North America server driftfile /var/cache/ntp.drift EOF Synchronizing the time There are two options. Option one is to run ntpd continuously and allow it to synchronize the time in a gradual manner. The other option is to run ntpd periodically (using cron) and update the time each time ntpd is scheduled. If you choose Option one, then install the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ntp init script included in the package. make install-ntp If you prefer to run ntpd periodically, add the following command to root's crontab: ntpd -q