1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY postgresql-download-http "http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/db/postgresql/src/&postgresql-version;/postgresql-&postgresql-version;.tar.bz2">
8 | <!ENTITY postgresql-download-ftp "ftp://ftp.fr.postgresql.org/src/&postgresql-version;/postgresql-&postgresql-version;.tar.bz2">
9 | <!ENTITY postgresql-md5sum "f0ea2b372a7bdaf2613e92176ebf5e0f">
10 | <!ENTITY postgresql-size "10.2 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY postgresql-buildsize "236 MB">
12 | <!ENTITY postgresql-time "1.21 SBU">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="postgresql" xreflabel="PostgreSQL-&postgresql-version;">
16 | <sect1info>
17 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
18 | <date>$Date$</date>
19 | </sect1info>
20 | <?dbhtml filename="postgresql.html"?>
21 | <title>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym>-&postgresql-version;</title>
22 |
23 | <sect2>
24 | <title>Introduction to <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application>
25 | </title>
26 |
27 | <para><application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> is an advanced
28 | object-relational database management system (<acronym>ORDBMS</acronym>),
29 | derived from the Berkeley Postgres database management system.</para>
30 |
31 | <sect3><title>Package information</title>
32 | <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
33 | <listitem><para>Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&postgresql-download-http;"/></para></listitem>
34 | <listitem><para>Download (FTP): <ulink url="&postgresql-download-ftp;"/></para></listitem>
35 | <listitem><para>Download MD5 sum: &postgresql-md5sum;</para></listitem>
36 | <listitem><para>Download size: &postgresql-size;</para></listitem>
37 | <listitem><para>Estimated disk space required: &postgresql-buildsize;</para></listitem>
38 | <listitem><para>Estimated build time: &postgresql-time;</para></listitem></itemizedlist>
39 | </sect3>
40 |
41 | <sect3><title>Additional downloads</title>
42 | <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
43 | <listitem><para>Required patch: <ulink
44 | url="&patch-root;/postgresql-&postgresql-version;-dsssl_fix-1.patch"/></para>
45 | </listitem></itemizedlist>
46 | </sect3>
47 |
48 | <sect3><title><application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application>
49 | dependencies</title>
50 | <sect4><title>Optional</title>
51 | <para>
52 | <xref linkend="python"/>,
53 | <xref linkend="tcl"/>,
54 | <xref linkend="tk"/>,
55 | <xref linkend="openssl"/>,
56 | <xref linkend="Linux_PAM"/>,
57 | <xref linkend="sgml-dtd-3"/>,
58 | <xref linkend="docbook-dsssl"/>,
59 | <xref linkend="openjade"/>,
60 | <xref linkend="perl-modules"/>: SGMLSpm-&SGMLSpm-version;,
61 | <ulink url="http://www.pdc.kth.se/kth-krb/">krb4</ulink>,
62 | <xref linkend="mitkrb"/> or <xref linkend="heimdal"/>,
63 | <xref linkend="apache-ant"/> and
64 | <ulink url="http://rendezvous.sourceforge.net/">Rendezvous</ulink>
65 | </para></sect4>
66 | </sect3>
67 |
68 | </sect2>
69 |
70 | <sect2>
71 | <title>Installation of <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application>
72 | </title>
73 |
74 | <para>In order for <command>configure</command> to properly discover
75 | <application>Docbook <acronym>SGML</acronym>
76 | <acronym>DTD</acronym></application> (v3.1), you may need to remove
77 | <application>OpenSP</application> catalog definitions from the system
78 | <acronym>SGML</acronym> catalogs. Use the following command before building
79 | the package to accomplish this:</para>
80 |
81 | <screen><userinput><command>sed -i.orig \
82 | -e "/CATALOG \/etc\/sgml\/OpenSP-1.5.1.cat/d" \
83 | /etc/sgml/catalog \
84 | /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat</command></userinput></screen>
85 |
86 | <para>Install <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> with the
87 | following commands: </para>
88 |
89 | <screen><userinput><command>patch -Np1 -i ../postgresql-&postgresql-version;-dsssl_fix-1.patch &&
90 | ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-thread-safety &&
91 | make &&
92 | make install &&
93 | chown -R root:root /usr/share/doc/postgresql/html</command></userinput></screen>
94 |
95 | <para>The standard installation provides only the header files needed
96 | for client application development. Server-side applications require
97 | the entire <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application>
98 | include tree which can be installed using the following command:</para>
99 |
100 | <screen><userinput><command>make install-all-headers</command></userinput></screen>
101 |
102 | <note><para>If you are upgrading an existing system and are going to
103 | install the new files over the old ones, then you should
104 | back up your data, shut down the old server and follow the
105 | instructions in <ulink
106 | url="http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/static/install-upgrading.html">the
107 | official <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application>
108 | documentation</ulink>.</para></note>
109 |
110 | <para>Initialize a database cluster with the following commands:</para>
111 |
112 | <screen><userinput><command>mkdir -p /srv/pgsql/data &&
113 | useradd -d /srv/pgsql/data postgres &&
114 | chown postgres /srv/pgsql/data &&
115 | su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/initdb -D /srv/pgsql/data'</command></userinput></screen>
116 |
117 | <para>Start the database server with the following command:</para>
118 |
119 | <screen><userinput><command>su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/postmaster -D /srv/pgsql/data > \
120 | /srv/pgsql/data/logfile 2>&1 &'</command></userinput></screen>
121 |
122 | <para>Create a database and verify the installation:</para>
123 |
124 | <screen><userinput><command>su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/createdb test' &&
125 | echo "create table t1 ( name varchar(20), state_province varchar(20) );" \
126 | | (su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/psql test ') &&
127 | echo "insert into t1 values ('Billy', 'NewYork');" \
128 | | (su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/psql test ') &&
129 | echo "insert into t1 values ('Evanidus', 'Quebec');" \
130 | | (su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/psql test ') &&
131 | echo "insert into t1 values ('Jesse', 'Ontario');" \
132 | | (su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/psql test ') &&
133 | echo "select * from t1;" | (su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/psql test')</command></userinput></screen>
134 |
135 | </sect2>
136 |
137 | <sect2>
138 | <title>Command explanations</title>
139 |
140 | <para><parameter>--enable-thread-safety</parameter>: This switch makes the
141 | client libraries thread-safe by allowing concurrent threads in
142 | <filename class='libraryfile'>libpq</filename> and <acronym>ECPG</acronym>
143 | programs to safely control their private connection handles.</para>
144 |
145 | <para><command>chown -R root:root /usr/share/doc/postgresql/html</command>:
146 | This command corrects the improper ownership of some documentation
147 | files.</para>
148 |
149 | <para><command>useradd -d /srv/pgsql/data postgres</command>: Add an
150 | unprivileged user to run the database server.</para>
151 |
152 | <para><command>createdb test, create table t1 , insert into t1 values...,
153 | select * from t1</command>: Create a database, add a table to it, insert some
154 | rows into the table and select them to verify that the installation is working
155 | properly.</para>
156 |
157 | </sect2>
158 |
159 | <sect2>
160 | <title>Configuring <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application>
161 | </title>
162 |
163 | <sect3>
164 | <title>Config files</title>
165 |
166 | <para><filename>$PGDATA/pg_ident.con</filename>,
167 | <filename>$PGDATA/pg_hba.conf</filename> and
168 | <filename>$PGDATA/postgresql.conf</filename></para>
169 |
170 | <para>The <envar>PGDATA</envar> environment variable is used to distinguish
171 | database clusters from one another by setting it to the value of the directory
172 | which contains the cluster desired. The three configuration files
173 | exist in every <filename class="directory">PGDATA/</filename> directory.
174 | Details on the format of the files and the options that can be set in
175 | each can be found in <ulink
176 | url="file:///usr/share/doc/postgresql/html/index.html"/>.</para>
177 |
178 | <para>Install the <filename>/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql</filename>
179 | init script included in the <xref linkend="intro-important-bootscripts"/>
180 | package.</para>
181 |
182 | <screen><userinput><command>make install-postgresql</command></userinput></screen>
183 |
184 | </sect3>
185 |
186 | </sect2>
187 |
188 | <sect2>
189 | <title>Contents</title>
190 |
191 | <para>The <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> package
192 | contains <command>clusterdb</command>,
193 | <command>createdb</command>,
194 | <command>createlang</command>,
195 | <command>createuser</command>,
196 | <command>dropdb</command>,
197 | <command>droplang</command>,
198 | <command>dropuser</command>,
199 | <command>ecpg</command>,
200 | <command>initdb</command>,
201 | <command>initlocation</command>,
202 | <command>ipcclean</command>,
203 | <command>pg_config</command>,
204 | <command>pg_controldata</command>,
205 | <command>pg_ctl</command>,
206 | <command>pg_dump</command>,
207 | <command>pg_dumpall</command>,
208 | <command>pg_encoding</command>,
209 | <command>pg_id</command>,
210 | <command>pg_resetxlog</command>,
211 | <command>pg_restore</command>,
212 | <command>pgtclsh</command>,
213 | <command>pgtksh</command>,
214 | <command>pltcl_delmod</command>,
215 | <command>pltcl_listmod</command>,
216 | <command>pltcl_loadmod</command>,
217 | <command>postgres</command>,
218 | <command>postmaster</command>,
219 | <command>psql</command>,
220 | <command>vacuumdb</command>,
221 | <filename class="libraryfile">libecpg</filename>,
222 | <filename class="libraryfile">libpgtcl</filename>,
223 | <filename class="libraryfile">libpgtypes</filename>,
224 | <filename class="libraryfile">libpq</filename> and various charset
225 | modules.</para>
226 |
227 | </sect2>
228 |
229 | <sect2><title>Description</title>
230 |
231 | <sect3><title>clusterdb</title>
232 | <para><command>clusterdb</command> is a utility for reclustering tables
233 | in a <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application>
234 | database.</para></sect3>
235 |
236 | <sect3><title>createdb</title>
237 | <para><command>createdb</command> creates a new
238 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> database.</para>
239 | </sect3>
240 |
241 | <sect3><title>createlang</title>
242 | <para><command>createlang</command> defines a new
243 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> procedural
244 | language.</para></sect3>
245 |
246 | <sect3><title>createuser</title>
247 | <para><command>createuser</command> defines a new
248 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> user account.</para>
249 | </sect3>
250 |
251 | <sect3><title>dropdb</title>
252 | <para><command>dropdb</command> removes a
253 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> database.</para>
254 | </sect3>
255 |
256 | <sect3><title>droplang</title>
257 | <para><command>droplang</command> removes a
258 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> procedural
259 | language.</para></sect3>
260 |
261 | <sect3><title>dropuser</title>
262 | <para><command>dropuser</command> removes a
263 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> user account.</para>
264 | </sect3>
265 |
266 | <sect3><title>ecpg</title>
267 | <para><command>ecpg</command> is the embedded <acronym>SQL</acronym>
268 | preprocessor.</para></sect3>
269 |
270 | <sect3><title>initdb</title>
271 | <para><command>initdb</command> create a new database cluster.</para></sect3>
272 |
273 | <sect3><title>initlocation</title>
274 | <para><command>initlocation</command> creates a secondary database storage
275 | area.</para></sect3>
276 |
277 | <sect3><title>ipcclean</title>
278 | <para><command>ipcclean</command> removes shared memory and semaphores left
279 | over by an aborted database server.</para></sect3>
280 |
281 | <sect3><title>pg_config</title>
282 | <para><command>pg_config</command> retrieves
283 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> version
284 | information.</para></sect3>
285 |
286 | <sect3><title>pg_controldata</title>
287 | <para><command>pg_controldata</command> returns information initialized during
288 | <command>initdb</command>, such as the catalog version and server
289 | locale.</para></sect3>
290 |
291 | <sect3><title>pg_ctl</title>
292 | <para><command>pg_ctl</command> controls stopping and starting the database
293 | server.</para></sect3>
294 |
295 | <sect3><title>pg_dump</title>
296 | <para><command>pg_dump</command> dumps database data and metadata into scripts
297 | which are used to recreate the database.</para></sect3>
298 |
299 | <sect3><title>pg_dumpall</title>
300 | <para><command>pg_dumpall</command> recursively calls
301 | <command>pg_dump</command> for each database in a
302 | cluster.</para></sect3>
303 |
304 | <sect3><title>pg_resetxlog</title>
305 | <para><command>pg_resetxlog</command> clears the write-ahead log and optionally
306 | resets some fields in the <filename>pg_control</filename> file.</para></sect3>
307 |
308 | <sect3><title>pg_restore</title>
309 | <para><command>pg_restore</command> creates databases from dump files created by
310 | <command>pg_dump</command>.</para></sect3>
311 |
312 | <sect3><title>pgtclsh</title>
313 | <para><command>pgtclsh</command> is a <application>Tcl</application>
314 | shell interface extended with
315 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> database access
316 | functions.</para></sect3>
317 |
318 | <sect3><title>pgtksh</title>
319 | <para><command>pgtksh</command> is a
320 | <application>Tcl</application>/<application>Tk</application> shell
321 | interface extended with
322 | <application>Postgre<acronym>SQL</acronym></application> database access
323 | functions.</para></sect3>
324 |
325 | <sect3><title>postgres</title>
326 | <para><command>postgres</command> is a single user database server, generally
327 | used for debugging.</para></sect3>
328 |
329 | <sect3><title>postmaster</title>
330 | <para><command>postmaster</command> is the multi-user database daemon.</para>
331 | </sect3>
332 |
333 | <sect3><title>psql</title>
334 | <para><command>psql</command> is a console based database shell.</para></sect3>
335 |
336 | <sect3><title>vacuumdb</title>
337 | <para><command>vacuumdb</command> compacts databases and generates statistics
338 | for the query analyzer.</para></sect3>
339 |
340 | </sect2>
341 |
342 | </sect1>