1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY proftpd-download-http "http://ftp.proftpd.org/distrib/source/proftpd-&proftpd-version;.tar.bz2">
8 | <!ENTITY proftpd-download-ftp "ftp://ftp.proftpd.org/distrib/source/proftpd-&proftpd-version;.tar.bz2">
9 | <!ENTITY proftpd-size "901 KB">
10 | <!ENTITY proftpd-buildsize "7.3 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY proftpd-time "0.27 SBU">
12 | ]>
13 |
14 | <sect1 id="proftpd" xreflabel="ProFTPD-&proftpd-version;">
15 | <sect1info>
16 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
17 | <date>$Date$</date>
18 | </sect1info>
19 | <?dbhtml filename="proftpd.html"?>
20 | <title>ProFTPD-&proftpd-version;</title>
21 |
22 | <sect2>
23 | <title>Introduction to ProFTPD</title>
24 |
25 | <para>The <application>ProFTPD</application> package contains a secure and
26 | highly configurable FTP daemon. This is useful for serving large file archives
27 | over a network.</para>
28 |
29 | <sect3><title>Package information</title>
30 | <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
31 | <listitem><para>Download (HTTP):<ulink url="&proftpd-download-http;"/></para></listitem>
32 | <listitem><para>Download (FTP): <ulink url="&proftpd-download-ftp;"/></para></listitem>
33 | <listitem><para>Download size: &proftpd-size;</para></listitem>
34 | <listitem><para>Estimated Disk space required: &proftpd-buildsize;</para></listitem>
35 | <listitem><para>Estimated build time: &proftpd-time;</para></listitem></itemizedlist>
36 | </sect3>
37 |
38 | <sect3><title><application>ProFTPD</application> dependencies</title>
39 | <sect4><title>Optional</title>
40 | <para><xref linkend="Linux_PAM"/></para></sect4>
41 | </sect3>
42 |
43 | </sect2>
44 |
45 | <sect2>
46 | <title>Installation of <application>ProFTPD</application></title>
47 |
48 | <para>For security reasons, running <application>ProFTPD</application>
49 | as an unprivileged user and group using its own login shell is encouraged.</para>
50 |
51 | <screen><userinput><command>groupadd proftpd &&
52 | ln -s false /bin/proftpdonly &&
53 | echo /bin/proftpdonly >> /etc/shells &&
54 | useradd -c proftpd -d /home/ftp -g proftpd -s /bin/proftpdonly proftpd</command>
55 | </userinput></screen>
56 |
57 | <para>Install <application>ProFTPD</application> by running the following commands:</para>
58 |
59 | <screen><userinput><command>install_user=proftpd install_group=proftpd \
60 | ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
61 | --localstatedir=/var/run &&
62 | make &&
63 | make install </command></userinput></screen>
64 |
65 | </sect2>
66 |
67 | <sect2>
68 | <title>Command explanations</title>
69 |
70 | <para><parameter>install_user=proftpd install_group=proftpd</parameter>:
71 | Specify the user and group identity for ProFTPD.</para>
72 |
73 | <para><parameter>--sysconfdir=/etc</parameter>:
74 | This prevents the configuration files from going to
75 | <filename class="directory">/usr/etc</filename>.</para>
76 |
77 | <para><parameter>--localstatedir=/var/run</parameter>:
78 | This uses <filename class="directory">/var/run</filename> instead of
79 | <filename class="directory">/usr/var</filename> for lock files.</para>
80 |
81 | </sect2>
82 |
83 | <sect2>
84 | <title>Configuring <application>ProFTPD</application></title>
85 |
86 | <sect3><title>proftpd init.d script</title>
87 | <para>Install the <filename>/etc/rc.d/init.d/proftpd</filename>
88 | init script included in the <xref linkend="intro-important-bootscripts"/> package.</para>
89 |
90 | <screen><userinput><command>make install-proftpd</command></userinput></screen>
91 |
92 | </sect3>
93 |
94 | <sect3><title>Config files</title>
95 |
96 | <para><filename>/etc/proftpd.conf</filename></para>
97 | <para>This is a simple, download-only sample configuration. See the ProFTPD
98 | documentation in <filename class="directory">/usr/share/doc/proftpd</filename>
99 | and consult the website at <ulink url="http://www.proftpd.org/"/>
100 | for example configurations.</para>
101 |
102 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/proftpd.conf << "EOF"</command>
103 | # This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file
104 | # It establishes a single server and a single anonymous login.
105 |
106 | ServerName "ProFTPD Default Installation"
107 | ServerType standalone
108 | DefaultServer on
109 |
110 | # Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
111 | Port 21
112 | # Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
113 | # from being group and world writable.
114 | Umask 022
115 |
116 | # To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
117 | # to 30. If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
118 | # at once, simply increase this value. Note that this ONLY works
119 | # in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
120 | # that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
121 | # (such as xinetd)
122 | MaxInstances 30
123 |
124 | # Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
125 | User proftpd
126 | Group proftpd
127 |
128 | # Normally, we want files to be overwritable.
129 | <Directory /*>
130 | AllowOverwrite on
131 | </Directory>
132 |
133 | # A basic anonymous configuration, no upload directories.
134 | <Anonymous ~proftpd>
135 | User proftpd
136 | Group proftpd
137 | # We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "proftpd"
138 | UserAlias anonymous proftpd
139 |
140 | # Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins
141 | MaxClients 10
142 |
143 | # We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, and '.message' displayed
144 | # in each newly chdired directory.
145 | DisplayLogin welcome.msg
146 | DisplayFirstChdir .message
147 |
148 | # Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot
149 | <Limit WRITE>
150 | DenyAll
151 | </Limit>
152 | </Anonymous>
153 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen></sect3>
154 |
155 | </sect2>
156 |
157 | <sect2>
158 | <title>Contents</title>
159 |
160 | <para>The <application>ProFTPD</application> package contains
161 | <command>ftpcount</command>, <command>ftpshut</command>,
162 | <command>ftptop</command>, <command>ftpwho</command> and
163 | <command>proftpd</command>.</para>
164 |
165 | </sect2>
166 |
167 | <sect2><title>Description</title>
168 |
169 | <sect3><title>ftpcount</title>
170 | <para><command>ftpcount</command> shows the current number of connections.</para></sect3>
171 |
172 | <sect3><title>ftpshut</title>
173 | <para><command>ftpshut</command> shuts down all proftpd servers at a
174 | given time.</para></sect3>
175 |
176 | <sect3><title>ftptop</title>
177 | <para><command>ftptop</command> displays running status on connections.</para></sect3>
178 |
179 | <sect3><title>ftpwho</title>
180 | <para><command>ftpwho</command> shows current process information for
181 | each session.</para></sect3>
182 |
183 | <sect3><title>proftpd</title>
184 | <para><command>proftpd</command> is the daemon itself.</para></sect3>
185 |
186 | </sect2>
187 |
188 | </sect1>
189 |