1 | <!-- Editing up to the line of ==== should be enough
2 | to generate a book for development, release, or rc-->
3 | <!ENTITY % development "INCLUDE"><!-- set to INCLUDE for development,
4 | set to IGNORE for release or rc -->
5 | <!ENTITY % release "IGNORE"> <!-- set to INCLUDE for release,
6 | set to IGNORE for development or rc -->
7 | <!ENTITY % relyear "2023">
8 | <!ENTITY % relnum "11.3">
9 | <!ENTITY % reldate "March 1st, 2023">
10 | <!ENTITY % relpubdate "2023-03-01">
11 | <!-- ================================================================== -->
12 | <!-- Do not change anything below unless the www or book layouts change -->
13 |
14 | <!-- Automatically generated by git-version.sh. Used for release or dev -->
15 | <!ENTITY % conditional-entities SYSTEM "conditional.ent">
16 | %conditional-entities;
17 |
18 | <![ %development; [
19 | <!-- version info automatically generated by git -->
20 | <!ENTITY % version-entities SYSTEM "version.ent">
21 | %version-entities;
22 | <![ %sysv; [
23 | <!ENTITY lfs-version "development">
24 | <!ENTITY blfs-version "svn">
25 | <!ENTITY patch-version "svn">
26 | ]]>
27 | <![ %systemd; [
28 | <!ENTITY lfs-version "systemd">
29 | <!ENTITY blfs-version "systemd">
30 | <!ENTITY patch-version "svn">
31 | ]]>
32 | ]]><!-- End %development -->
33 |
34 | <![ %release; [
35 | <![ %sysv; [
36 | <!ENTITY lfs-version "%relnum;">
37 | <!ENTITY blfs-version "%relnum;">
38 | <!ENTITY patch-version "%relnum;">
39 | ]]>
40 | <![ %systemd; [
41 | <!ENTITY lfs-version "%relnum;-systemd">
42 | <!ENTITY blfs-version "%relnum;-systemd">
43 | <!ENTITY patch-version "%relnum;">
44 | ]]>
45 |
46 | <!ENTITY year "%relyear;">
47 | <!ENTITY version "%relnum;">
48 | <!ENTITY releasedate "%reldate;">
49 | <!ENTITY pubdate "%relpubdate;">
50 | ]]><!-- End %release -->
51 |
52 | <!ENTITY copyrightdate "1999-&year;">
53 | <!ENTITY copyholder "The BLFS Development Team">
54 | <!ENTITY lfs-domainname "linuxfromscratch.org">
55 |
56 | <!ENTITY maintainer-fullname "The BLFS Team">
57 | <!ENTITY maintainer-firstname "BLFS">
58 | <!ENTITY maintainer-address "blfs-maintainer@&lfs-domainname;">
59 |
60 |
61 | <!ENTITY lfs-website "https://www.&lfs-domainname;">
62 | <!-- downloads_root must have an entity because it is needed for scripts
63 | Note: s/_/-/ in comment to avoid grep error
64 | It is also needed for systemd units
65 | -->
66 | <!ENTITY downloads-root "&lfs-website;/blfs/downloads/&blfs-version;">
67 | <!--<!ENTITY downloads-root-systemd "https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/downloads/systemd">
68 | <!ENTITY downloads-project "https://downloads.&lfs-domainname;">-->
69 |
70 | <!ENTITY sources-anduin-http "https://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/BLFS">
71 | <!ENTITY sources-anduin-ftp "ftp://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/BLFS">
72 |
73 | <!ENTITY hints-root "https://www.&lfs-domainname;/hints">
74 | <!ENTITY patch-downloads "https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/downloads">
75 | <!ENTITY patch-root "https://www.&lfs-domainname;/patches/blfs/&patch-version;">
76 | <!ENTITY errata "https://www.&lfs-domainname;/blfs/errata/&blfs-version;/">
77 | <!ENTITY blfs-ticket-root "https://wiki.&lfs-domainname;/blfs/ticket/">
78 |
79 | <!ENTITY lfs-root "../../../../lfs/view/&lfs-version;">
80 | <!ENTITY lfs-dev "../../../../lfs/view/development">
81 | <!ENTITY gnu-http "https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu">
82 | <!ENTITY gnu-ftp "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu">
83 | <!ENTITY gnupg-http "https://www.gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt">
84 | <!ENTITY gnupg-ftp "ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt">
85 | <!ENTITY gstreamer-dl "https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/src">
86 | <!ENTITY kernel-dl "https://www.kernel.org/pub">
87 | <!ENTITY mozilla-http "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub">
88 | <!ENTITY mozilla-hg "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/archive/">
89 | <!ENTITY perl_authors "https://www.cpan.org/authors">
90 | <!ENTITY metacpan_authors "https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id">
91 | <!ENTITY pymodules-dl "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source">
92 | <!ENTITY sourceforge-dl "https://downloads.sourceforge.net">
93 |
94 | <!ENTITY gentoo-ftp-repo "ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles">
95 | <!ENTITY fedora-http-repo "http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs">
96 | <!ENTITY jaist-ftp-repo "ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub//sourceforge">
97 | <!ENTITY lxqt-http-repo "http://downloads.lxqt.org/lxqt">
98 | <!ENTITY publisher "Unknown">
99 | <!ENTITY xorg-download-http "https://www.x.org/pub/individual">
100 | <!ENTITY xorg-download-ftp "ftp://ftp.x.org/pub/individual">
101 | <!ENTITY pypi "https://pypi.python.org/pypi">
102 | <!ENTITY appstream-glib-url "http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/appstream-glib/releases">
103 | <!ENTITY elinks-url "http://elinks.or.cz">
104 | <!ENTITY w3m-url "http://w3m.sourceforge.net/">
105 |
106 | <!-- Convenience entities -->
107 | <!ENTITY root "<systemitem class='username'>root</systemitem>">
108 | <!ENTITY gi-docgen-url "https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/gi-docgen/">
109 |
110 | <!-- These entities are used to identify versions of LFS
111 | packages referenced throughout the BLFS book. -->
112 |
113 | <!ENTITY lfs-perl-version "5.36"> <!-- used in git -->
114 |
115 | <!-- End LFS versions -->
116 |
117 | <!ENTITY blfs-bootscripts-version "20230101">
118 | <!ENTITY systemd-units-version "20230627">
119 |
120 | <!ENTITY blfs-wiki "https://wiki.&lfs-domainname;/blfs/wiki">
121 |
122 | <!-- These entities are used to annotate the current status of a package as it
123 | relates to the version of LFS it will build/work against -->
124 |
125 | <!ENTITY lfs113_checked "<note><para>Development versions of BLFS may not build or run
126 | some packages properly if dependencies have been updated
127 | since the most recent stable versions of the book.</para></note>">
128 |
129 | <!--
130 | <!ENTITY lfs113_checked "<para>This package is known to build and work properly
131 | using an LFS 11.3 platform.</para>">
132 | -->
133 |
134 | <!-- End special entities about LFS compatibility -->
135 |
136 | <!ENTITY as_root "<note><para>When installing multiple packages in a script,
137 | the installation needs to be done as the root user. There are three general
138 | options that can be used to do this:</para>
139 |
140 | <orderedlist>
141 |
142 | <listitem><para>Run the entire script as the root user (not
143 | recommended).</para></listitem>
144 |
145 | <listitem><para>Use the <command>sudo</command> command from the <xref
146 | linkend='sudo'/> package.</para></listitem>
147 |
148 | <listitem><para>Use <command>su -c "command arguments"</command>
149 | (quotes required) which will ask for the root password for every iteration
150 | of the loop.</para></listitem>
151 |
152 | </orderedlist>
153 |
154 | <para>One way to handle this situation is to create a short
155 | <command>bash</command> function that automatically selects the appropriate
156 | method. Once the command is set in the environment, it does not need to be
157 | set again.</para>
158 |
159 | <screen><userinput>as_root()
160 | {
161 | if [ $EUID = 0 ]; then $*
162 | elif [ -x /usr/bin/sudo ]; then sudo $*
163 | else su -c \\"$*\\"
164 | fi
165 | }
166 |
167 | export -f as_root</userinput></screen>
168 | </note>">
169 |
170 | <!ENTITY not-katamari "<para>This package is provided for testing the
171 | completed Xorg installation.</para>">
172 |
173 | <!ENTITY % package-entities SYSTEM "packages.ent">
174 | %package-entities;
175 |
176 | <!ENTITY parallel_issues "<note><para>This package may occasionally fail when
177 | building with multiple processors. See <xref
178 | linkend='parallel-builds'/> for more information.</para></note>">
179 |
180 | <!ENTITY shell-env "<note><para>If installing in the chroot environment, be
181 | sure to export the <envar>SHELL</envar> environment
182 | variable or configuration of the package will
183 | fail.</para></note>">
184 |
185 | <!ENTITY gi-doc-disable
186 | "Allow building this package without <xref linkend='gi-docgen'/>
187 | installed. If you have <xref linkend='gi-docgen'/> installed and
188 | you wish to rebuild and install the API documentation, a
189 | <command>meson configure</command> command will reset this
190 | option.">
191 |
192 | <!ENTITY build-use-internet
193 | "<note><para>An Internet connection is needed for building this
194 | package.</para></note>">
195 |
196 | <!ENTITY test-use-internet
197 | "<note><para>An Internet connection is needed for some tests of
198 | this package.</para></note>">
199 |
200 | <!ENTITY logind
201 | "<phrase revision='sysv'><xref linkend='elogind'/></phrase>
202 | <phrase revision='systemd'><xref linkend='systemd'/></phrase>">