1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY graphviz-download-http "https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/archive/&graphviz-version;/graphviz-&graphviz-version;.tar.gz">
8 | <!ENTITY graphviz-download-ftp " ">
9 | <!ENTITY graphviz-md5sum "a5ef25639826bd4d9c040c96b61d6e52">
10 | <!ENTITY graphviz-size "29 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY graphviz-buildsize "206 MB">
12 | <!ENTITY graphviz-time "0.7 SBU (using parallelism=4)">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="graphviz" xreflabel="Graphviz-&graphviz-version;">
16 | <?dbhtml filename="graphviz.html"?>
17 |
18 | <sect1info>
19 | <date>$Date$</date>
20 | </sect1info>
21 |
22 | <title>Graphviz-&graphviz-version;</title>
23 |
24 | <indexterm zone="graphviz">
25 | <primary sortas="a-Graphviz">Graphviz</primary>
26 | </indexterm>
27 |
28 | <sect2 role="package">
29 | <title>Introduction to Graphviz</title>
30 |
31 | <para>
32 | The <application>Graphviz</application> package contains graph
33 | visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing
34 | structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks.
35 | <application>Graphviz</application> has several main graph layout
36 | programs. It also has web and interactive graphical interfaces, auxiliary
37 | tools, libraries, and language bindings.
38 | </para>
39 |
40 | &lfs110a_checked;
41 |
42 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
43 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
44 | <listitem>
45 | <para>
46 | Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&graphviz-download-http;"/>
47 | </para>
48 | </listitem>
49 | <listitem>
50 | <para>
51 | Download (FTP): <ulink url="&graphviz-download-ftp;"/>
52 | </para>
53 | </listitem>
54 | <listitem>
55 | <para>
56 | Download MD5 sum: &graphviz-md5sum;
57 | </para>
58 | </listitem>
59 | <listitem>
60 | <para>
61 | Download size: &graphviz-size;
62 | </para>
63 | </listitem>
64 | <listitem>
65 | <para>
66 | Estimated disk space required: &graphviz-buildsize;
67 | </para>
68 | </listitem>
69 | <listitem>
70 | <para>
71 | Estimated build time: &graphviz-time;
72 | </para>
73 | </listitem>
74 | </itemizedlist>
75 | <!--
76 | <note>
77 | <para>
78 | The <application>graphviz</application> source tarball shown above
79 | downloads to a non-versioned file name: graphviz.tar.gz. It does
80 | expand to a versioned directory, graphviz-&graphviz-version;/.
81 | If you prefer to use a versioned tarball name, you can simply
82 | rename it or download the package with:
83 |
84 | <screen><userinput>wget -c &graphviz-download-http; \
85 | -O graphviz-&graphviz-version;.tar.gz</userinput></screen>.
86 | </para>
87 | </note>
88 |
89 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Additional Downloads</bridgehead>
90 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
91 | <listitem>
92 | <para>
93 | Optional patch to use <xref linkend="qt5"/>:
94 | <ulink url="&patch-root;/graphviz-&graphviz-version;-qt5-1.patch"/>
95 | </para>
96 | </listitem>
97 | </itemizedlist>
98 | -->
99 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Graphviz Dependencies</bridgehead>
100 |
101 | <note>
102 | <para>
103 | <application>Graphviz</application> basic usage does not need any
104 | libraries out of what is found in the LFS book. Its <quote>core</quote>
105 | rendering engine allows to generate several graphic formats, such as
106 | Postscript, SVG, VML, .fig, and Tk. Those formats can be converted
107 | to almost any other format using for example tools from
108 | <xref role="nodep" linkend="imagemagick"/>. The dependencies below add
109 | the ability to generate graph images in bitmap format, to display the
110 | graph image on screen, to edit a graph by viewing the resulting image
111 | directly, or to view large graphs. Since
112 | <application>Graphviz</application> is a dependency
113 | of several other packages in this book, it is suggested to first build
114 | it without any dependencies, then to rebuild it when you have built
115 | enough packages to suit your needs.
116 | </para>
117 | </note>
118 |
119 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional, for various bitmap outputs</bridgehead>
120 | <para role="optional">
121 | <xref linkend="pango"/>, with
122 | <xref linkend="cairo"/>,
123 | <xref linkend="xorg7-lib"/>,
124 | <xref linkend="fontconfig"/>, and
125 | <xref linkend="libpng"/>, to generate images in bitmap SVG, postscript,
126 | PNG, and PDF formats, or displaying the image on screen
127 | </para>
128 |
129 | <para role="optional">
130 | Adding
131 | <xref linkend="gtk2"/> with
132 | <xref linkend="libjpeg"/> allows to add JPEG, BMP, TIF, and ICO formats,
133 | and to display the image in a GTK+ window
134 | </para>
135 |
136 | <para role="optional">
137 | <ulink url="http://www.libgd.org/">GD Library</ulink> may be used
138 | instead of <application>Pango</application>. It adds the ability to
139 | generate images in GIF, VRML, and GD formats, but
140 | <application>Pango</application> provides better outputs for the other
141 | formats, and is needed for displaying images
142 | </para>
143 |
144 | <para role="optional">
145 | Other formats may be added with
146 | <xref linkend="libwebp"/> (WebP support is considered experimental),
147 | <ulink url="http://openil.sourceforge.net/projects.php">DevIL</ulink>,
148 | <ulink url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/lasi/">libLASi</ulink>,
149 | <ulink url="http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/glitz">glitz</ulink>,
150 | and <ulink url="http://www.libming.org/">libming</ulink> (Adobe
151 | Flash)
152 | </para>
153 |
154 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional, to load graphic images that may be
155 | displayed inside the nodes of a graph</bridgehead>
156 |
157 | <para role="optional">
158 | <filename class="libraryfile">libgs.so</filename> from
159 | <xref linkend="gs"/>,
160 | <xref linkend="librsvg"/>, and
161 | <xref linkend="poppler"/>
162 | </para>
163 |
164 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional, to build more tools</bridgehead>
165 |
166 | <para role="optional">
167 | <xref linkend="freeglut"/> (with <xref linkend="libglade"/>,
168 | <ulink url="https://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkglext/">GtkGLExt</ulink>, and
169 | <ulink url="http://gts.sourceforge.net/">libGTS</ulink>, for building
170 | the <command>smyrna</command> large graph viewer, which is
171 | considered experimental),
172 | <xref linkend="qt5"/>, for building the <command>gvedit</command>
173 | graph editor. Another graph editor, <command>dotty</command> needs only
174 | <xref role="nodep" linkend="xorg7-lib"/>
175 | <!-- use nodep to avoid repetition -->
176 | </para>
177 |
178 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional (To Build Language Bindings)</bridgehead>
179 | <para role="optional">
180 | <xref linkend="swig"/> (<application>SWIG</application> must be
181 | installed or no bindings will be built),
182 | <xref linkend="gcc"/> (for the go language),
183 | <xref linkend="guile"/>,
184 | <xref linkend="openjdk"/>,
185 | <xref linkend="lua"/>,
186 | <xref linkend="php"/>,
187 | <!--<xref linkend="python2"/>, Removed in 2.47.3 -->
188 | <xref linkend="ruby"/>,
189 | <!-- <xref linkend="tcl"/>, -->
190 | <xref linkend="tk"/>,
191 | <ulink url="http://iolanguage.org/">Io</ulink>,
192 | <ulink url="http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page">Mono</ulink>,
193 | <ulink url="http://ocaml.org/">OCaml</ulink>, and
194 | <ulink url="http://www.r-project.org/">R</ulink>
195 | </para>
196 |
197 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional (building tools)</bridgehead>
198 | <para role="optional">
199 | <ulink url="https://github.com/Snaipe/Criterion">Criterion</ulink>
200 | (framework for tests) and
201 | <ulink url="http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Debuggers/Electric-Fence-3305.shtml/">Electric Fence</ulink>
202 | </para>
203 |
204 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional (for building the pdf documentation)</bridgehead>
205 | <para role="optional">
206 | <xref linkend="gs"/> (for the <command>ps2pdf</command> command)
207 | </para>
208 |
209 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
210 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/graphviz"/>
211 | </para>
212 | </sect2>
213 |
214 | <sect2 role="installation">
215 | <title>Installation of Graphviz</title>
216 |
217 | <!-- For every major version of Ruby, this has to be tweaked. See #11606
218 |
219 | <para>
220 | If <xref linkend="ruby"/> is installed, and you want to build Ruby
221 | bindings, fix ruby's detection:
222 | </para>
223 |
224 | Not sure about the above for version 2.42.1. Seems to detect it OK. I
225 | didn't see any reference to the specific ruby version.
226 | -->
227 | <!--<screen><userinput>sed -e '/ruby/s/1\.9/2.6/' -i configure.ac</userinput></screen>-->
228 |
229 | <!-- No patch required
230 | <para>
231 | If <xref linkend="qt5"/> is installed, and you want to build the
232 | <command>gvedit</command> graph editor, issue:
233 | </para>
234 |
235 | <screen><userinput>patch -p1 -i ../graphviz-&graphviz-version;-qt5-1.patch</userinput></screen>
236 | -->
237 | <para>
238 | Install <application>Graphviz</application> by running the following
239 | commands:
240 | </para>
241 |
242 | <screen><userinput>sed -i '/LIBPOSTFIX="64"/s/64//' configure.ac &&
243 |
244 | ./autogen.sh &&
245 | ./configure --prefix=/usr \
246 | --disable-php &&
247 | make</userinput></screen>
248 |
249 | <para>
250 | This package does not come with a test suite that provides
251 | meaningful results.
252 | </para>
253 |
254 | <para>
255 | Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
256 | </para>
257 |
258 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install</userinput></screen>
259 |
260 | <para>
261 | If desired, create a symbolic link in the system documents directory
262 | to the documentation installed in
263 | <filename class="directory">/usr/share/graphviz/doc</filename> using the
264 | following command as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>
265 | user:
266 | </para>
267 |
268 | <screen role="root"><userinput>ln -svr /usr/share/graphviz/doc /usr/share/doc/graphviz-&graphviz-version;</userinput></screen>
269 |
270 | </sect2>
271 |
272 | <sect2 role="commands">
273 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
274 |
275 | <para>
276 | <command>sed ... configure.ac</command>: This command is needed to
277 | avoid installing files in /usr/lib64.
278 | </para>
279 |
280 | <para>
281 | <parameter>--disable-php</parameter>: This version of graphviz
282 | does not support php version 8.
283 | </para>
284 |
285 | <para>
286 | <option>--with-javaincludedir="$JAVA_HOME/include
287 | -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux"</option>:
288 | If you have built <xref linkend="openjdk"/> in /opt, and you want to
289 | build the JAVA bindings, it is necessary to specify the location of the
290 | JAVA header files to configure. The configure switch is designed for
291 | only one directory, but two directories need to be included.
292 | This is possible nevertheless by using the -I switch inside the variable.
293 | </para>
294 |
295 | <para>
296 | <option>--with-webp</option>: Even if <xref linkend="libwebp"/> is
297 | installed, it is not included in the build without this option.
298 | </para>
299 |
300 | <para>
301 | <option>--with-smyrna</option>: Even if the needed dependencies are
302 | installed, the interactive graph viewer <command>smyrna</command> is not
303 | built without this option.
304 | </para>
305 |
306 | </sect2>
307 |
308 | <sect2 role="configuration">
309 | <title>Configuring Graphviz</title>
310 |
311 | <sect3 id="graphviz-config">
312 | <title>Config Files</title>
313 |
314 | <para>
315 | <filename>/usr/lib/graphviz/config</filename>
316 | </para>
317 |
318 | <indexterm zone="graphviz graphviz-config">
319 | <primary sortas="e-usr-share-graphviz-config">/usr/share/graphviz/config</primary>
320 | </indexterm>
321 |
322 | </sect3>
323 |
324 | <sect3>
325 | <title>Configuration Information</title>
326 |
327 | <para>
328 | There are no specific configuration requirements for
329 | <application>Graphviz</application>. You may consider installing the
330 | additional plugins and tools available from the download page at
331 | <ulink url="https://graphviz.org/download/source/"/> for additional
332 | capabilities. If additional plugins are installed, you can run
333 | <command>dot -c</command> (as the
334 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user) to update the
335 | <filename>config</filename> file in
336 | <filename class="directory">/usr/lib/graphviz</filename>.
337 | </para>
338 |
339 | </sect3>
340 |
341 | </sect2>
342 |
343 | <sect2 role="content">
344 | <title>Contents</title>
345 |
346 | <segmentedlist>
347 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
348 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
349 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
350 |
351 | <seglistitem>
352 | <seg>
353 | acyclic, bcomps, ccomps, circo, cluster, diffimg, dijkstra,
354 | dot, dot2gxl, dot_builtins, dotty, edgepaint, fdp, gc, gml2gv,
355 | graphml2gv, gv2gml, gv2gxl, gvcolor, gvedit, gvgen, gvmap, gvmap.sh,
356 | gvpack, gvpr, gxl2dot, gxl2gv, lefty, lneato, mm2gv, neato, nop,
357 | osage, patchwork, prune, sccmap, sfdp, tred, twopi,
358 | unflatten, and vimdot
359 | </seg>
360 | <seg>
361 | libcdt.so, libcgraph.so, libgvc.so, libgvpr.so, liblab_gamut.so,
362 | libpathplan.so, libxdot.so, and several plugins in /usr/lib/graphviz.
363 | There are also several in subdirectories of
364 | /usr/lib/{lua,perl5,php,<!--python&python2-majorver;-->,python&python3-majorver;,tcl8.6}.
365 | Unfortunately, some libraries are duplicated.
366 | </seg>
367 | <seg>
368 | /usr/include/graphviz,
369 | /usr/lib/graphviz,
370 | /usr/lib/tcl8.6/graphviz,
371 | /usr/share/doc/graphviz-&graphviz-version;, and
372 | /usr/share/graphviz
373 | </seg>
374 | </seglistitem>
375 | </segmentedlist>
376 |
377 | <variablelist>
378 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
379 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
380 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
381 |
382 | <varlistentry id="acyclic">
383 | <term><command>acyclic</command></term>
384 | <listitem>
385 | <para>
386 | is a filter that takes a directed graph as input and outputs a
387 | copy of the graph with sufficient edges reversed to make the
388 | graph acyclic
389 | </para>
390 | <indexterm zone="graphviz acyclic">
391 | <primary sortas="b-acyclic">acyclic</primary>
392 | </indexterm>
393 | </listitem>
394 | </varlistentry>
395 |
396 | <varlistentry id="bcomps">
397 | <term><command>bcomps</command></term>
398 | <listitem>
399 | <para>
400 | decomposes graphs into their biconnected components,
401 | printing the components to standard output
402 | </para>
403 | <indexterm zone="graphviz bcomps">
404 | <primary sortas="b-bcomps">bcomps</primary>
405 | </indexterm>
406 | </listitem>
407 | </varlistentry>
408 |
409 | <varlistentry id="ccomps">
410 | <term><command>ccomps</command></term>
411 | <listitem>
412 | <para>
413 | decomposes graphs into their connected components,
414 | printing the components to standard output
415 | </para>
416 | <indexterm zone="graphviz ccomps">
417 | <primary sortas="b-ccomps">ccomps</primary>
418 | </indexterm>
419 | </listitem>
420 | </varlistentry>
421 |
422 | <varlistentry id="circo">
423 | <term><command>circo</command></term>
424 | <listitem>
425 | <para>
426 | draws graphs using a circular layout
427 | </para>
428 | <indexterm zone="graphviz circo">
429 | <primary sortas="b-circo">circo</primary>
430 | </indexterm>
431 | </listitem>
432 | </varlistentry>
433 |
434 | <varlistentry id="cluster">
435 | <term><command>cluster</command></term>
436 | <listitem>
437 | <para>
438 | takes a graph in DOT format as input, finds node clusters
439 | and then augments the graph with this information
440 | </para>
441 | <indexterm zone="graphviz cluster">
442 | <primary sortas="b-cluster">cluster</primary>
443 | </indexterm>
444 | </listitem>
445 | </varlistentry>
446 |
447 | <varlistentry id="diffimg">
448 | <term><command>diffimg</command></term>
449 | <listitem>
450 | <para>
451 | (needs <ulink url="http://www.libgd.org/">GD Library</ulink>)
452 | generates an image where each pixel is the
453 | difference between the corresponding pixel in
454 | each of the two source images
455 | </para>
456 | <indexterm zone="graphviz diffimg">
457 | <primary sortas="b-diffimg">diffimg</primary>
458 | </indexterm>
459 | </listitem>
460 | </varlistentry>
461 |
462 | <varlistentry id="dijkstra">
463 | <term><command>dijkstra</command></term>
464 | <listitem>
465 | <para>
466 | reads a stream of graphs and for each computes the distance of
467 | every node from sourcenode
468 | </para>
469 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dijkstra">
470 | <primary sortas="b-dijkstra">dijkstra</primary>
471 | </indexterm>
472 | </listitem>
473 | </varlistentry>
474 |
475 | <varlistentry id="dot">
476 | <term><command>dot</command></term>
477 | <listitem>
478 | <para>
479 | draws directed graphs. It works well on DAGs and other graphs
480 | that can be drawn as hierarchies. It reads attributed graph files and
481 | writes drawings. By default, the output format dot is the input file
482 | with layout coordinates appended
483 | </para>
484 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dot">
485 | <primary sortas="b-dot">dot</primary>
486 | </indexterm>
487 | </listitem>
488 | </varlistentry>
489 |
490 | <varlistentry id="dot2gxl">
491 | <term><command>dot2gxl</command></term>
492 | <listitem>
493 | <para>
494 | converts between graphs represented in GXL and in the DOT
495 | language. Unless a conversion type is specified using a flag,
496 | <command>gxl2dot</command> will deduce the type of conversion from
497 | the suffix of the input file, a
498 | <filename class="extension">.dot</filename> suffix causing a
499 | conversion from DOT to GXL, and a
500 | <filename class="extension">.gxl</filename> suffix causing a
501 | conversion from GXL to DOT
502 | </para>
503 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dot2gxl">
504 | <primary sortas="b-dot2gxl">dot2gxl</primary>
505 | </indexterm>
506 | </listitem>
507 | </varlistentry>
508 |
509 | <varlistentry id="dotty">
510 | <term><command>dotty</command></term>
511 | <listitem>
512 | <para>
513 | is a graph editor for the X Window System. It may be run as a
514 | standalone editor, or as a front end for applications that use
515 | graphs. It can control multiple windows viewing different graphs
516 | </para>
517 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dotty">
518 | <primary sortas="b-dotty">dotty</primary>
519 | </indexterm>
520 | </listitem>
521 | </varlistentry>
522 |
523 | <varlistentry id="edgepaint">
524 | <term><command>edgepaint</command></term>
525 | <listitem>
526 | <para>
527 | performs edge coloring to disambiguate crossing edges
528 | </para>
529 | <indexterm zone="graphviz edgepaint">
530 | <primary sortas="b-edgepaint">edgepaint</primary>
531 | </indexterm>
532 | </listitem>
533 | </varlistentry>
534 |
535 | <varlistentry id="fdp">
536 | <term><command>fdp</command></term>
537 | <listitem>
538 | <para>
539 | draws undirected graphs using a <quote>spring</quote> model. It
540 | relies on a force-directed approach in the spirit of Fruchterman
541 | and Reingold
542 | </para>
543 | <indexterm zone="graphviz fdp">
544 | <primary sortas="b-fdp">fdp</primary>
545 | </indexterm>
546 | </listitem>
547 | </varlistentry>
548 |
549 | <varlistentry id="gc-graphviz">
550 | <term><command>gc</command></term>
551 | <listitem>
552 | <para>
553 | is a graph analogue to <command>wc</command> in that it prints
554 | to standard output the number of nodes, edges, connected components
555 | or clusters contained in the input files. It also prints a total
556 | count for all graphs if more than one graph is given
557 | </para>
558 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gc-graphviz">
559 | <primary sortas="b-gc">gc</primary>
560 | </indexterm>
561 | </listitem>
562 | </varlistentry>
563 |
564 | <varlistentry id="gml2gv">
565 | <term><command>gml2gv</command></term>
566 | <listitem>
567 | <para>
568 | converts a graph specified in the GML format to
569 | a graph in the GV (formerly DOT) format
570 | </para>
571 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gml2gv">
572 | <primary sortas="b-gml2gv">gml2gv</primary>
573 | </indexterm>
574 | </listitem>
575 | </varlistentry>
576 |
577 | <varlistentry id="graphml2gv">
578 | <term><command>graphml2gv</command></term>
579 | <listitem>
580 | <para>
581 | converts a graph specified in the GRAPHML format to a graph in
582 | the GV (formerly DOT) format
583 | </para>
584 | <indexterm zone="graphviz graphml2gv">
585 | <primary sortas="b-graphml2gv">graphml2gv</primary>
586 | </indexterm>
587 | </listitem>
588 | </varlistentry>
589 |
590 | <varlistentry id="gv2gml">
591 | <term><command>gv2gml</command></term>
592 | <listitem>
593 | <para>
594 | converts a graph specified in the GV format to a graph in the GML format
595 | </para>
596 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gv2gml">
597 | <primary sortas="b-gv2gml">gv2gml</primary>
598 | </indexterm>
599 | </listitem>
600 | </varlistentry>
601 |
602 | <varlistentry id="gv2gxl">
603 | <term><command>gv2gxl</command></term>
604 | <listitem>
605 | <para>
606 | converts a graph specified in the GV format to a graph in the GXL format
607 | </para>
608 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gv2gxl">
609 | <primary sortas="b-gv2gxl">gv2gxl</primary>
610 | </indexterm>
611 | </listitem>
612 | </varlistentry>
613 |
614 | <varlistentry id="gvcolor">
615 | <term><command>gvcolor</command></term>
616 | <listitem>
617 | <para>
618 | is a filter that sets node colors from initial seed values.
619 | Colors flow along edges from tail to head, and are averaged (as HSB
620 | vectors) at nodes
621 | </para>
622 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvcolor">
623 | <primary sortas="b-gvcolor">gvcolor</primary>
624 | </indexterm>
625 | </listitem>
626 | </varlistentry>
627 |
628 | <varlistentry id="gvedit">
629 | <term><command>gvedit</command></term>
630 | <listitem>
631 | <para>
632 | provides a simple graph editor and viewer. It allows many
633 | graphs to be viewed at the same time. The text of each
634 | graph is displayed in its own text window
635 | </para>
636 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvedit">
637 | <primary sortas="b-gvedit">gvedit</primary>
638 | </indexterm>
639 | </listitem>
640 | </varlistentry>
641 |
642 | <varlistentry id="gvgen">
643 | <term><command>gvgen</command></term>
644 | <listitem>
645 | <para>
646 | generates a variety of simple, regularly-structured
647 | abstract graphs
648 | </para>
649 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvgen">
650 | <primary sortas="b-gvgen">gvgen</primary>
651 | </indexterm>
652 | </listitem>
653 | </varlistentry>
654 |
655 | <varlistentry id="gvmap">
656 | <term><command>gvmap</command></term>
657 | <listitem>
658 | <para>
659 | takes as input a graph in DOT format, finds node
660 | clusters and produces a rendering of the graph as
661 | a geographic-style map, with clusters highlighted,
662 | in xdot format
663 | </para>
664 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvmap">
665 | <primary sortas="b-gvmap">gvmap</primary>
666 | </indexterm>
667 | </listitem>
668 | </varlistentry>
669 |
670 | <varlistentry id="gvmap.sh">
671 | <term><command>gvmap.sh</command></term>
672 | <listitem>
673 | <para>
674 | is a pipeline for running gvmap
675 | </para>
676 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvmap.sh">
677 | <primary sortas="b-gvmap.sh">gvmap.sh</primary>
678 | </indexterm>
679 | </listitem>
680 | </varlistentry>
681 |
682 | <varlistentry id="gvpack">
683 | <term><command>gvpack</command></term>
684 | <listitem>
685 | <para>
686 | reads in a stream of graphs, combines the graphs into a single layout,
687 | and produces a single graph serving as the union of the input graphs
688 | </para>
689 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvpack">
690 | <primary sortas="b-gvpack">gvpack</primary>
691 | </indexterm>
692 | </listitem>
693 | </varlistentry>
694 |
695 | <varlistentry id="gvpr">
696 | <term><command>gvpr</command></term>
697 | <listitem>
698 | <para>
699 | is a graph stream editor inspired by <command>awk</command>. It
700 | copies input graphs to its output, possibly transforming their
701 | structure and attributes, creating new graphs, or printing arbitrary
702 | information
703 | </para>
704 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvpr">
705 | <primary sortas="b-gvpr">gvpr</primary>
706 | </indexterm>
707 | </listitem>
708 | </varlistentry>
709 |
710 | <varlistentry id="gxl2dot">
711 | <term><command>gxl2dot</command></term>
712 | <listitem>
713 | <para>
714 | converts between graphs represented in GXL and in the DOT
715 | language. Unless a conversion type is specified using a flag,
716 | <command>gxl2dot</command> will deduce the type of conversion from
717 | the suffix of the input file, a
718 | <filename class="extension">.dot</filename> suffix causing a
719 | conversion from DOT to GXL, and a
720 | <filename class="extension">.gxl</filename> suffix causing a
721 | conversion from GXL to DOT
722 | </para>
723 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gxl2dot">
724 | <primary sortas="b-gxl2dot">gxl2dot</primary>
725 | </indexterm>
726 | </listitem>
727 | </varlistentry>
728 |
729 | <varlistentry id="gxl2gv">
730 | <term><command>gxl2gv</command></term>
731 | <listitem>
732 | <para>
733 | converts between graphs represented in GXL and in
734 | the GV language
735 | </para>
736 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gxl2gv">
737 | <primary sortas="b-gxl2gv">gxl2gv</primary>
738 | </indexterm>
739 | </listitem>
740 | </varlistentry>
741 |
742 | <varlistentry id="lefty">
743 | <term><command>lefty</command></term>
744 | <listitem>
745 | <para>
746 | is a two-view graphics editor for technical pictures
747 | </para>
748 | <indexterm zone="graphviz lefty">
749 | <primary sortas="b-lefty">lefty</primary>
750 | </indexterm>
751 | </listitem>
752 | </varlistentry>
753 |
754 | <varlistentry id="lneato">
755 | <term><command>lneato</command></term>
756 | <listitem>
757 | <para>
758 | is a graph editor for the X Window System. It may be run as a
759 | standalone editor, or as a front end for applications that use
760 | graphs. It can control multiple windows viewing different graphs
761 | </para>
762 | <indexterm zone="graphviz lneato">
763 | <primary sortas="b-lneato">lneato</primary>
764 | </indexterm>
765 | </listitem>
766 | </varlistentry>
767 |
768 | <varlistentry id="mm2gv">
769 | <term><command>mm2gv</command></term>
770 | <listitem>
771 | <para>
772 | converts a sparse matrix of the Matrix Market format
773 | to a graph in the GV (formerly DOT) format
774 | </para>
775 | <indexterm zone="graphviz mm2gv">
776 | <primary sortas="b-mm2gv">mm2gv</primary>
777 | </indexterm>
778 | </listitem>
779 | </varlistentry>
780 |
781 | <varlistentry id="neato">
782 | <term><command>neato</command></term>
783 | <listitem>
784 | <para>
785 | draws undirected graphs using <quote>spring</quote> models. Input
786 | files must be formatted in the <command>dot</command> attributed
787 | graph language. By default, the output of <command>neato</command>
788 | is the input graph with layout coordinates appended
789 | </para>
790 | <indexterm zone="graphviz neato">
791 | <primary sortas="b-neato">neato</primary>
792 | </indexterm>
793 | </listitem>
794 | </varlistentry>
795 |
796 | <varlistentry id="nop">
797 | <term><command>nop</command></term>
798 | <listitem>
799 | <para>
800 | reads a stream of graphs and prints each in pretty-printed (canonical)
801 | format on stdout. If no files are given, it reads from stdin
802 | </para>
803 | <indexterm zone="graphviz nop">
804 | <primary sortas="b-nop">nop</primary>
805 | </indexterm>
806 | </listitem>
807 | </varlistentry>
808 |
809 | <varlistentry id="osage">
810 | <term><command>osage</command></term>
811 | <listitem>
812 | <para>
813 | draws clustered graphs. It takes any graph in DOT format as input
814 | </para>
815 | <indexterm zone="graphviz osage">
816 | <primary sortas="b-osage">osage</primary>
817 | </indexterm>
818 | </listitem>
819 | </varlistentry>
820 |
821 | <varlistentry id="patchwork">
822 | <term><command>patchwork</command></term>
823 | <listitem>
824 | <para>
825 | draws clustered graphs using a squarified treemap layout.
826 | It takes any graph in DOT format as input
827 | </para>
828 | <indexterm zone="graphviz patchwork">
829 | <primary sortas="b-patchwork">patchwork</primary>
830 | </indexterm>
831 | </listitem>
832 | </varlistentry>
833 |
834 | <varlistentry id="prune">
835 | <term><command>prune</command></term>
836 | <listitem>
837 | <para>
838 | reads directed graphs in the same format used by
839 | <command>dot</command> and removes subgraphs rooted at nodes
840 | specified on the command line via options
841 | </para>
842 | <indexterm zone="graphviz prune">
843 | <primary sortas="b-prune">prune</primary>
844 | </indexterm>
845 | </listitem>
846 | </varlistentry>
847 |
848 | <varlistentry id="sccmap">
849 | <term><command>sccmap</command></term>
850 | <listitem>
851 | <para>
852 | decomposes digraphs into strongly connected components and an
853 | auxiliary map of the relationship between components. In this map,
854 | each component is collapsed into a node. The resulting graphs are
855 | printed to stdout
856 | </para>
857 | <indexterm zone="graphviz sccmap">
858 | <primary sortas="b-sccmap">sccmap</primary>
859 | </indexterm>
860 | </listitem>
861 | </varlistentry>
862 |
863 | <varlistentry id="sfdp">
864 | <term><command>sfdp</command></term>
865 | <listitem>
866 | <para>
867 | draws undirected graphs using the <quote>spring</quote> model,
868 | but it uses a multi-scale approach to produce layouts of large
869 | graphs in a reasonably short time
870 | </para>
871 | <indexterm zone="graphviz sfdp">
872 | <primary sortas="b-sfdp">sfdp</primary>
873 | </indexterm>
874 | </listitem>
875 | </varlistentry>
876 |
877 | <varlistentry id="tred">
878 | <term><command>tred</command></term>
879 | <listitem>
880 | <para>
881 | computes the transitive reduction of directed graphs, and
882 | prints the resulting graphs to standard output. This removes edges
883 | implied by transitivity. Nodes and subgraphs are not otherwise
884 | affected
885 | </para>
886 | <indexterm zone="graphviz tred">
887 | <primary sortas="b-tred">tred</primary>
888 | </indexterm>
889 | </listitem>
890 | </varlistentry>
891 |
892 | <varlistentry id="twopi">
893 | <term><command>twopi</command></term>
894 | <listitem>
895 | <para>
896 | draws graphs using a radial layout. Basically, one node is
897 | chosen as the center and put at the origin. The remaining nodes are
898 | placed on a sequence of concentric circles centered about the origin,
899 | each a fixed radial distance from the previous circle
900 | </para>
901 | <indexterm zone="graphviz twopi">
902 | <primary sortas="b-twopi">twopi</primary>
903 | </indexterm>
904 | </listitem>
905 | </varlistentry>
906 |
907 | <varlistentry id="unflatten">
908 | <term><command>unflatten</command></term>
909 | <listitem>
910 | <para>
911 | is a preprocessor to <command>dot</command> that is used to
912 | improve the aspect ratio of graphs having many leaves or disconnected
913 | nodes. The usual layout for such a graph is generally very wide or tall
914 | </para>
915 | <indexterm zone="graphviz unflatten">
916 | <primary sortas="b-unflatten">unflatten</primary>
917 | </indexterm>
918 | </listitem>
919 | </varlistentry>
920 |
921 | <varlistentry id="vimdot">
922 | <term><command>vimdot</command></term>
923 | <listitem>
924 | <para>
925 | is a simple script which launches the <command>gvim</command>
926 | or <command>vim</command> editor along with a GUI window
927 | showing the <command>dot</command> output of the edited file
928 | </para>
929 | <indexterm zone="graphviz vimdot">
930 | <primary sortas="b-vimdot">vimdot</primary>
931 | </indexterm>
932 | </listitem>
933 | </varlistentry>
934 |
935 | <varlistentry id="libcdt">
936 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libcdt.so</filename></term>
937 | <listitem>
938 | <para>
939 | manages run-time dictionaries using standard container data
940 | types: unordered set/multiset, ordered set/multiset, list, stack,
941 | and queue
942 | </para>
943 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libcdt">
944 | <primary sortas="c-libcdt">libcdt.so</primary>
945 | </indexterm>
946 | </listitem>
947 | </varlistentry>
948 |
949 | <varlistentry id="libcgraph">
950 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libcgraph.so</filename></term>
951 | <listitem>
952 | <para>
953 | supports graph programming by maintaining graphs in memory and
954 | reading and writing graph files. Graphs are composed of nodes,
955 | edges, and nested subgraphs
956 | </para>
957 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libcgraph">
958 | <primary sortas="c-libcgraph">libcgraph.so</primary>
959 | </indexterm>
960 | </listitem>
961 | </varlistentry>
962 |
963 | <varlistentry id="libgvc">
964 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libgvc.so</filename></term>
965 | <listitem>
966 | <para>
967 | provides a context for applications wishing to manipulate
968 | and render graphs. It provides command line parsing interfaces,
969 | common rendering code, and a plugin mechanism for renderers
970 | </para>
971 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libgvc">
972 | <primary sortas="c-libgvc">libgvc.so</primary>
973 | </indexterm>
974 | </listitem>
975 | </varlistentry>
976 |
977 | <varlistentry id="libpathplan">
978 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libpathplan.so</filename></term>
979 | <listitem>
980 | <para>
981 | contains functions to find the shortest path between two points
982 | in a simple polygon
983 | </para>
984 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libpathplan">
985 | <primary sortas="c-libpathplan">libpathplan.so</primary>
986 | </indexterm>
987 | </listitem>
988 | </varlistentry>
989 |
990 | <varlistentry id="libxdot">
991 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libxdot.so</filename></term>
992 | <listitem>
993 | <para>
994 | provides support for parsing and deparsing graphical
995 | operations specificed by the xdot language
996 | </para>
997 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libxdot">
998 | <primary sortas="c-libxdot">libxdot.so</primary>
999 | </indexterm>
1000 | </listitem>
1001 | </varlistentry>
1002 |
1003 | </variablelist>
1004 |
1005 | </sect2>
1006 |
1007 | </sect1>