1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY graphviz-download-http "http://graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/stable/SOURCES/graphviz-&graphviz-version;.tar.gz">
8 | <!ENTITY graphviz-download-ftp "&gentoo-ftp-repo;/graphviz-&graphviz-version;.tar.gz">
9 | <!ENTITY graphviz-md5sum "6f45946fa622770c45609778c0a982ee">
10 | <!ENTITY graphviz-size "17 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY graphviz-buildsize "142 MB">
12 | <!ENTITY graphviz-time "1.5 SBU">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="graphviz" xreflabel="Graphviz-&graphviz-version;">
16 | <?dbhtml filename="graphviz.html"?>
17 |
18 | <sect1info>
19 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
20 | <date>$Date$</date>
21 | </sect1info>
22 |
23 | <title>Graphviz-&graphviz-version;</title>
24 |
25 | <indexterm zone="graphviz">
26 | <primary sortas="a-Graphviz">Graphviz</primary>
27 | </indexterm>
28 |
29 | <sect2 role="package">
30 | <title>Introduction to Graphviz</title>
31 |
32 | <para>The <application>Graphviz</application> package contains graph
33 | visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing
34 | structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks.
35 | <application>Graphviz</application> has several main graph layout
36 | programs. It also has web and interactive graphical interfaces, auxiliary
37 | tools, libraries, and language bindings.</para>
38 |
39 | <para>The <application>Graphviz</application> layout programs take
40 | descriptions of graphs in a simple text language, and creates diagrams in
41 | several useful formats such as images and SVG for web pages, Postscript for
42 | inclusion in PDF or other documents, or as objects displayed in an
43 | interactive graph browser. (Graphviz also supports GXL, an XML dialect.) In
44 | practice, graphs are usually generated from external data sources, but they
45 | can also be created and edited manually, either as raw text files or within
46 | a graphical editor. (Graphviz was not intended to be a
47 | <application>Visio</application> replacement, so it would probably be
48 | frustrating to try to use it that way.)</para>
49 |
50 | <para>This package is useful for automatic graph drawing which has many
51 | important applications in software engineering, database and web design,
52 | networking, and in visual interfaces for many other domains. Graphviz has
53 | many useful features for concrete diagrams, such as options for colors,
54 | fonts, tabular node layouts, line styles, hyperlinks, and custom
55 | shapes.</para>
56 |
57 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
58 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
59 | <listitem>
60 | <para>Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&graphviz-download-http;"/></para>
61 | </listitem>
62 | <listitem>
63 | <para>Download (FTP): <ulink url="&graphviz-download-ftp;"/></para>
64 | </listitem>
65 | <listitem>
66 | <para>Download MD5 sum: &graphviz-md5sum;</para>
67 | </listitem>
68 | <listitem>
69 | <para>Download size: &graphviz-size;</para>
70 | </listitem>
71 | <listitem>
72 | <para>Estimated disk space required: &graphviz-buildsize;</para>
73 | </listitem>
74 | <listitem>
75 | <para>Estimated build time: &graphviz-time;</para>
76 | </listitem>
77 | </itemizedlist>
78 |
79 | <!-- <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Additional Downloads</bridgehead>
80 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
81 | <listitem>
82 | <para>Required patch: <ulink
83 | url="&patch-root;/graphviz-&graphviz-version;-gd_fixes-1.patch"/></para>
84 | </listitem>
85 | </itemizedlist> -->
86 |
87 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Graphviz Dependencies</bridgehead>
88 |
89 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
90 | <para role="optional"><!-- <xref linkend="pkgconfig"/>, -->
91 | <xref linkend="expat"/>,
92 | <xref linkend="freetype2"/>,
93 | <xref linkend="fontconfig"/>,
94 | <xref linkend="freeglut"/>,
95 | <xref linkend="libpng"/>,
96 | <xref linkend="x-window-system"/>,
97 | <xref linkend="pango"/> (built with <application>cairo</application> support),
98 | <xref linkend="gtk2"/>,
99 | <xref linkend="libglade"/>,
100 | <xref linkend="librsvg"/>,
101 | <xref linkend="gs"/>,
102 | <xref linkend="tcl"/>,
103 | <xref linkend="tk"/>,
104 | <ulink url="http://openil.sourceforge.net/projects.php">DevIL</ulink>,
105 | <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lasi/">libLASi</ulink>,
106 | <ulink url="http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/glitz">glitz</ulink>,
107 | <ulink url="http://www.libgd.org/">GD Library</ulink>,
108 | <xref linkend="libjpeg"/> (only if using the internal source code copy
109 | of the GD Library), and
110 | <ulink url="http://www.perens.com/FreeSoftware/ElectricFence/">Electric Fence</ulink></para>
111 |
112 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional
113 | (to Build Language Bindings)</bridgehead>
114 | <para role="optional"><ulink url="http://www.swig.org/">SWIG</ulink>
115 | (<application>SWIG</application> must be installed or no bindings will be
116 | built),
117 | <xref linkend="guile"/>,
118 | <xref linkend="icedtea6"/><!-- or <xref linkend="jdk"/>-->,
119 | <xref linkend="php"/>,
120 | <xref linkend="python2"/>,
121 | <xref linkend="ruby"/>,
122 | <xref linkend="tcl"/>,
123 | C# (<ulink url="http://www.southern-storm.com.au/portable_net.html">DotGNU Portable.NET</ulink>
124 | or <ulink url="http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page">Mono</ulink>),
125 | <ulink url="http://www.iolanguage.com/about/">Io</ulink>,
126 | <ulink url="http://www.r-project.org/">R</ulink>,
127 | <ulink url="http://www.lua.org/">Lua</ulink>, and
128 | <ulink url="http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/index.en.html">Objective Caml</ulink></para>
129 |
130 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
131 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/graphviz"/></para>
132 |
133 | </sect2>
134 |
135 | <sect2 role="installation">
136 | <title>Installation of Graphviz</title>
137 |
138 | <para>Install <application>Graphviz</application> by running the following
139 | commands:</para>
140 |
141 | <screen><userinput>./configure --prefix=/usr &&
142 | make</userinput></screen>
143 |
144 | <para>This package does not come with a test suite that provides
145 | meaningful results.</para>
146 |
147 | <para>Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:</para>
148 |
149 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install</userinput></screen>
150 |
151 | <para>If desired, create a symbolic link in the system documents directory
152 | to the documentation installed in
153 | <filename class='directory'>/usr/share/graphviz/doc</filename> using the
154 | following command as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>
155 | user:</para>
156 |
157 | <screen role="root"><userinput>ln -v -s /usr/share/graphviz/doc \
158 | /usr/share/doc/graphviz-&graphviz-version;</userinput></screen>
159 |
160 | </sect2>
161 |
162 | <sect2 role="configuration">
163 | <title>Configuring Graphviz</title>
164 |
165 | <sect3 id="graphviz-config">
166 | <title>Config Files</title>
167 | <para><filename>/usr/lib/graphviz/config</filename></para>
168 |
169 | <indexterm zone="graphviz graphviz-config">
170 | <primary sortas="e-usr-share-graphviz-config">/usr/share/graphviz/config</primary>
171 | </indexterm>
172 |
173 | </sect3>
174 |
175 | <sect3><title>Configuration Information</title>
176 |
177 | <para>There are no specific configuration requirements for
178 | <application>Graphviz</application>. You may consider installing the
179 | additional plugins and tools available from the download page at
180 | <ulink url="http://www.graphviz.org/Download_source.php"/> for additional
181 | capabilities. If additional plugins are installed, you can run
182 | <command>dot_static -c</command> (as the
183 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user) to update the
184 | <filename>config</filename> file in
185 | <filename class='directory'>/usr/lib/graphviz</filename>.</para>
186 |
187 | </sect3>
188 |
189 | </sect2>
190 |
191 | <sect2 role="content">
192 | <title>Contents</title>
193 |
194 | <segmentedlist>
195 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
196 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
197 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
198 |
199 | <seglistitem>
200 | <seg>acyclic, bcomps, ccomps, circo, dijkstra, dot, dot2gxl,
201 | dot_static, dotty, fdp, gc, gvcolor, gvpack, gvpr, gxl2dot, lefty,
202 | lneato, nop, prune, sccmap, tred, twopi and unflatten</seg>
203 | <seg>libagraph.{so,a}, libcdt.{so,a}, libexpr.{so,a}, libgraph.{so,a},
204 | libpack.{so,a}, libpathplan.{so,a}, additional support libraries
205 | and language bindings</seg>
206 | <seg>/usr/include/graphviz, /usr/lib/graphviz and
207 | /usr/share/graphviz</seg>
208 | </seglistitem>
209 | </segmentedlist>
210 |
211 | <variablelist>
212 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
213 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
214 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
215 |
216 | <varlistentry id="acyclic">
217 | <term><command>acyclic</command></term>
218 | <listitem>
219 | <para>is a filter that takes a directed graph as input and outputs a
220 | copy of the graph with sufficient edges reversed to make the graph
221 | acyclic. The reversed edge inherits all of the attributes of the
222 | original edge.</para>
223 | <indexterm zone="graphviz acyclic">
224 | <primary sortas="b-acyclic">acyclic</primary>
225 | </indexterm>
226 | </listitem>
227 | </varlistentry>
228 |
229 | <varlistentry id="bcomps">
230 | <term><command>bcomps</command></term>
231 | <listitem>
232 | <para>decomposes graphs into their biconnected components, printing
233 | the components to standard output.</para>
234 | <indexterm zone="graphviz bcomps">
235 | <primary sortas="b-bcomps">bcomps</primary>
236 | </indexterm>
237 | </listitem>
238 | </varlistentry>
239 |
240 | <varlistentry id="ccomps">
241 | <term><command>ccomps</command></term>
242 | <listitem>
243 | <para>decomposes graphs into their connected components, printing the
244 | components to standard output.</para>
245 | <indexterm zone="graphviz ccomps">
246 | <primary sortas="b-ccomps">ccomps</primary>
247 | </indexterm>
248 | </listitem>
249 | </varlistentry>
250 |
251 | <varlistentry id="circo">
252 | <term><command>circo</command></term>
253 | <listitem>
254 | <para>draws graphs using a circular layout. The tool identifies
255 | biconnected components and draws the nodes of the component on a
256 | circle. The block-cutpoint tree is then laid out using a recursive
257 | radial algorithm. Edge crossings within a circle are minimized by
258 | placing as many edges on the circle's perimeter as possible. In
259 | particular, if the component is outerplanar, the component will have
260 | a planar layout.</para>
261 | <indexterm zone="graphviz circo">
262 | <primary sortas="b-circo">circo</primary>
263 | </indexterm>
264 | </listitem>
265 | </varlistentry>
266 |
267 | <varlistentry id="dijkstra">
268 | <term><command>dijkstra</command></term>
269 | <listitem>
270 | <para>reads a stream of graphs and for each computes the distance of
271 | every node from sourcenode.</para>
272 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dijkstra">
273 | <primary sortas="b-dijkstra">dijkstra</primary>
274 | </indexterm>
275 | </listitem>
276 | </varlistentry>
277 |
278 | <varlistentry id="dot">
279 | <term><command>dot</command></term>
280 | <listitem>
281 | <para>draws directed graphs. It works well on DAGs and other graphs
282 | that can be drawn as hierarchies. It reads attributed graph files and
283 | writes drawings. By default, the output format dot is the input file
284 | with layout coordinates appended.</para>
285 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dot">
286 | <primary sortas="b-dot">dot</primary>
287 | </indexterm>
288 | </listitem>
289 | </varlistentry>
290 |
291 | <varlistentry id="dot2gxl">
292 | <term><command>dot2gxl</command></term>
293 | <listitem>
294 | <para>converts between graphs represented in GXL and in the DOT
295 | language. Unless a conversion type is specified using a flag,
296 | <command>gxl2dot</command> will deduce the type of conversion from
297 | the suffix of the input file, a
298 | <filename class='extension'>.dot</filename> suffix causing a
299 | conversion from DOT to GXL, and a
300 | <filename class='extension'>.gxl</filename> suffix causing a
301 | conversion from GXL to DOT.</para>
302 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dot2gxl">
303 | <primary sortas="b-dot2gxl">dot2gxl</primary>
304 | </indexterm>
305 | </listitem>
306 | </varlistentry>
307 |
308 | <varlistentry id="dot_static">
309 | <term><command>dot_static</command></term>
310 | <listitem>
311 | <para>is a version of <command>dot</command>that has all the
312 | <application>Graphviz</application> libraries compiled
313 | statically.</para>
314 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dot_static">
315 | <primary sortas="b-dot_static">dot_static</primary>
316 | </indexterm>
317 | </listitem>
318 | </varlistentry>
319 |
320 | <varlistentry id="dotty">
321 | <term><command>dotty</command></term>
322 | <listitem>
323 | <para>is a graph editor for the X Window System. It may be run as a
324 | standalone editor, or as a front end for applications that use
325 | graphs. It can control multiple windows viewing different
326 | graphs.</para>
327 | <indexterm zone="graphviz dotty">
328 | <primary sortas="b-dotty">dotty</primary>
329 | </indexterm>
330 | </listitem>
331 | </varlistentry>
332 |
333 | <varlistentry id="fdp">
334 | <term><command>fdp</command></term>
335 | <listitem>
336 | <para>draws undirected graphs using a <quote>spring</quote> model. It
337 | relies on a force-directed approach in the spirit of Fruchterman and
338 | Reingold.</para>
339 | <indexterm zone="graphviz fdp">
340 | <primary sortas="b-fdp">fdp</primary>
341 | </indexterm>
342 | </listitem>
343 | </varlistentry>
344 |
345 | <varlistentry id="gc-graphviz">
346 | <term><command>gc</command></term>
347 | <listitem>
348 | <para>is a graph analogue to <command>wc</command> in that it prints
349 | to standard output the number of nodes, edges, connected components
350 | or clusters contained in the input files. It also prints a total
351 | count for all graphs if more than one graph is given.</para>
352 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gc-graphviz">
353 | <primary sortas="b-gc">gc</primary>
354 | </indexterm>
355 | </listitem>
356 | </varlistentry>
357 |
358 | <varlistentry id="gvcolor">
359 | <term><command>gvcolor</command></term>
360 | <listitem>
361 | <para>is a filter that sets node colors from initial seed values.
362 | Colors flow along edges from tail to head, and are averaged (as HSB
363 | vectors) at nodes. The graph must already have been processed by
364 | <command>dot</command>.</para>
365 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvcolor">
366 | <primary sortas="b-gvcolor">gvcolor</primary>
367 | </indexterm>
368 | </listitem>
369 | </varlistentry>
370 |
371 | <varlistentry id="gvpack">
372 | <term><command>gvpack</command></term>
373 | <listitem>
374 | <para>reads in a stream of graphs, combines the graphs into a single
375 | layout, and produces a single graph serving as the union of the input
376 | graphs. The input graphs must be in <command>dot</command> format, and
377 | must have all necessary layout information.</para>
378 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvpack">
379 | <primary sortas="b-gvpack">gvpack</primary>
380 | </indexterm>
381 | </listitem>
382 | </varlistentry>
383 |
384 | <varlistentry id="gvpr">
385 | <term><command>gvpr</command></term>
386 | <listitem>
387 | <para>is a graph stream editor inspired by <command>awk</command>. It
388 | copies input graphs to its output, possibly transforming their
389 | structure and attributes, creating new graphs, or printing arbitrary
390 | information.</para>
391 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gvpr">
392 | <primary sortas="b-gvpr">gvpr</primary>
393 | </indexterm>
394 | </listitem>
395 | </varlistentry>
396 |
397 | <varlistentry id="gxl2dot">
398 | <term><command>gxl2dot</command></term>
399 | <listitem>
400 | <para>converts between graphs represented in GXL and in the DOT
401 | language. Unless a conversion type is specified using a flag,
402 | <command>gxl2dot</command> will deduce the type of conversion from
403 | the suffix of the input file, a
404 | <filename class='extension'>.dot</filename> suffix causing a
405 | conversion from DOT to GXL, and a
406 | <filename class='extension'>.gxl</filename> suffix causing a
407 | conversion from GXL to DOT.</para>
408 | <indexterm zone="graphviz gxl2dot">
409 | <primary sortas="b-gxl2dot">gxl2dot</primary>
410 | </indexterm>
411 | </listitem>
412 | </varlistentry>
413 |
414 | <varlistentry id="lefty">
415 | <term><command>lefty</command></term>
416 | <listitem>
417 | <para>is a two-view graphics editor for technical pictures.</para>
418 | <indexterm zone="graphviz lefty">
419 | <primary sortas="b-lefty">lefty</primary>
420 | </indexterm>
421 | </listitem>
422 | </varlistentry>
423 |
424 | <varlistentry id="lneato">
425 | <term><command>lneato</command></term>
426 | <listitem>
427 | <para>is a graph editor for the X Window System. It may be run as a
428 | standalone editor, or as a front end for applications that use
429 | graphs. It can control multiple windows viewing different
430 | graphs.</para>
431 | <indexterm zone="graphviz lneato">
432 | <primary sortas="b-lneato">lneato</primary>
433 | </indexterm>
434 | </listitem>
435 | </varlistentry>
436 |
437 | <varlistentry id="nop">
438 | <term><command>nop</command></term>
439 | <listitem>
440 | <para>reads a stream of graphs and prints each in pretty-printed
441 | (canonical) format on stdout. If no files are given, it reads from
442 | stdin.</para>
443 | <indexterm zone="graphviz nop">
444 | <primary sortas="b-nop">nop</primary>
445 | </indexterm>
446 | </listitem>
447 | </varlistentry>
448 |
449 | <varlistentry id="prune">
450 | <term><command>prune</command></term>
451 | <listitem>
452 | <para>reads directed graphs in the same format used by
453 | <command>dot</command> and removes subgraphs rooted at nodes
454 | specified on the command line via options. These nodes themselves
455 | will not be removed, but can be given attributes so that they can be
456 | easily located by a graph stream editor such as
457 | <command>gpr</command>. <command>prune</command> correctly handles
458 | cycles, loops and multi-edges.</para>
459 | <indexterm zone="graphviz prune">
460 | <primary sortas="b-prune">prune</primary>
461 | </indexterm>
462 | </listitem>
463 | </varlistentry>
464 |
465 | <varlistentry id="sccmap">
466 | <term><command>sccmap</command></term>
467 | <listitem>
468 | <para>decomposes digraphs into strongly connected components and an
469 | auxiliary map of the relationship between components. In this map,
470 | each component is collapsed into a node. The resulting graphs are
471 | printed to standard out. The number of nodes, edges and strongly
472 | connected components are printed to standard error.
473 | <command>sccmap</command> is a way of partitioning large graphs into
474 | more manageable pieces.</para>
475 | <indexterm zone="graphviz sccmap">
476 | <primary sortas="b-sccmap">sccmap</primary>
477 | </indexterm>
478 | </listitem>
479 | </varlistentry>
480 |
481 | <varlistentry id="tred">
482 | <term><command>tred</command></term>
483 | <listitem>
484 | <para>computes the transitive reduction of directed graphs, and
485 | prints the resulting graphs to standard output. This removes edges
486 | implied by transitivity. Nodes and subgraphs are not otherwise
487 | affected. The <quote>meaning</quote> and validity of the reduced
488 | graphs is application dependent. <command>tred</command> is
489 | particularly useful as a preprocessor to <command>dot</command> to
490 | reduce clutter in dense layouts.</para>
491 | <indexterm zone="graphviz tred">
492 | <primary sortas="b-tred">tred</primary>
493 | </indexterm>
494 | </listitem>
495 | </varlistentry>
496 |
497 | <varlistentry id="twopi">
498 | <term><command>twopi</command></term>
499 | <listitem>
500 | <para>draws graphs using a radial layout. Basically, one node is
501 | chosen as the center and put at the origin. The remaining nodes are
502 | placed on a sequence of concentric circles centered about the origin,
503 | each a fixed radial distance from the previous circle.</para>
504 | <indexterm zone="graphviz twopi">
505 | <primary sortas="b-twopi">twopi</primary>
506 | </indexterm>
507 | </listitem>
508 | </varlistentry>
509 |
510 | <varlistentry id="unflatten">
511 | <term><command>unflatten</command></term>
512 | <listitem>
513 | <para>is a preprocessor to <command>dot</command> that is used to
514 | improve the aspect ratio of graphs having many leaves or disconnected
515 | nodes. The usual layout for such a graph is generally very wide or
516 | tall. <command>unflatten</command> inserts invisible edges or adjusts
517 | the minlen on edges to improve layout compaction.</para>
518 | <indexterm zone="graphviz unflatten">
519 | <primary sortas="b-unflatten">unflatten</primary>
520 | </indexterm>
521 | </listitem>
522 | </varlistentry>
523 |
524 | <varlistentry id="libagraph">
525 | <term><filename class='libraryfile'>libagraph.{so,a}</filename></term>
526 | <listitem>
527 | <para>supports graph programming by maintaining graphs in memory and
528 | reading and writing graph files. Graphs, nodes and edges may be
529 | attributed with programmer-defined records and string name-value
530 | pairs. Graphs are composed of nodes, edges, and nested subgraphs.
531 | Internally, <filename class='libraryfile'>libagraph</filename>
532 | depends extensively on
533 | <filename class='libraryfile'>libcdt</filename> (formerly
534 | <filename class='libraryfile'>libdict</filename>) for set
535 | representation.</para>
536 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libagraph">
537 | <primary sortas="c-libagraph">libagraph.{so,a}</primary>
538 | </indexterm>
539 | </listitem>
540 | </varlistentry>
541 |
542 | <varlistentry id="libcdt">
543 | <term><filename class='libraryfile'>libcdt.{so,a}</filename></term>
544 | <listitem>
545 | <para>manages run-time dictionaries using standard container data
546 | types: unordered set/multiset, ordered set/multiset, list, stack,
547 | and queue.</para>
548 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libcdt">
549 | <primary sortas="c-libcdt">libcdt.{so,a}</primary>
550 | </indexterm>
551 | </listitem>
552 | </varlistentry>
553 |
554 | <varlistentry id="libexpr">
555 | <term><filename class='libraryfile'>libexpr.{so,a}</filename></term>
556 | <listitem>
557 | <para>is a C-like expression library.</para>
558 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libexpr">
559 | <primary sortas="c-libexpr">libexpr.{so,a}</primary>
560 | </indexterm>
561 | </listitem>
562 | </varlistentry>
563 |
564 | <varlistentry id="libgraph">
565 | <term><filename class='libraryfile'>libgraph.{so,a}</filename></term>
566 | <listitem>
567 | <para>maintains directed and undirected attributed graphs in memory
568 | and reads and writes graph files. Graphs are composed of nodes,
569 | edges, and nested subgraphs. A subgraph may contain any nodes and
570 | edges of its parents, and may be passed to any
571 | <filename class='libraryfile'>libgraph</filename> function taking a
572 | graph pointer, except the three that create new attributes (where a
573 | main graph is required).</para>
574 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libgraph">
575 | <primary sortas="c-libgraph">libgraph.{so,a}</primary>
576 | </indexterm>
577 | </listitem>
578 | </varlistentry>
579 |
580 | <varlistentry id="libpack">
581 | <term><filename class='libraryfile'>libpack.{so,a}</filename></term>
582 | <listitem>
583 | <para>supports the use of connected components in the context of
584 | laying out graphs using other <application>Graphviz</application>
585 | libraries. One set of functions can be used to take a single graph
586 | and break it apart into connected components. A complementary set of
587 | functions takes a collection of graphs (not necessarily components of
588 | a single graph) which have been laid out separately, and packs them
589 | together moderately tightly. The packing is done using the polyomino
590 | algorithm of K. Freivalds et al.</para>
591 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libpack">
592 | <primary sortas="c-libpack">libpack.{so,a}</primary>
593 | </indexterm>
594 | </listitem>
595 | </varlistentry>
596 |
597 | <varlistentry id="libpathplan">
598 | <term><filename class='libraryfile'>libpathplan.{so,a}</filename></term>
599 | <listitem>
600 | <para>contains functions to find the shortest path between two points
601 | in a simple polygon.</para>
602 | <indexterm zone="graphviz libpathplan">
603 | <primary sortas="c-libpathplan">libpathplan.{so,a}</primary>
604 | </indexterm>
605 | </listitem>
606 | </varlistentry>
607 |
608 | </variablelist>
609 |
610 | </sect2>
611 |
612 | </sect1>