%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ giflib-&giflib-version;.tar giflib giflib-&giflib-version; Giflib Introduction to giflib The giflib package contains libraries for reading and writing GIFs as well as programs for converting and working with GIF files. The libraries are useful for any graphics program wishing to deal with GIF files while the programs are useful for conversion purposes as well as cleaning up images. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download (HTTP) MD5 sum: &giflib-http-md5sum; Download (HTTP) size: &giflib-http-size; Download (FTP) MD5 sum: &giflib-ftp-md5sum; Download (FTP) size: &giflib-ftp-size; Estimated disk space required: &giflib-buildsize; Estimated build time: &giflib-time; giflib Dependencies Optional Installation of giflib Install giflib by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr && make This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install && install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/giflib-&giflib-version;/html && install -v -m644 doc/*.{png,html} \ /usr/share/doc/giflib-&giflib-version;/html && install -v -m644 doc/*.txt \ /usr/share/doc/giflib-&giflib-version; Contents Installed Programs Installed Library Installed Directory gif2epsn, gif2ps, gif2rgb, gif2x11, gifasm, gifbg, gifburst, gifclip, gifclrmp, gifcolor, gifcomb, gifcompose, giffiltr, giffix, gifflip, gifhisto, gifinfo, gifinter, gifinto, gifovly, gifpos, gifrotat, gifrsize, gifspnge, giftext, gifwedge, icon2gif, raw2gif, rgb2gif, and text2gif libgif.[so,a] /usr/share/doc/giflib-&giflib-version; Short Descriptions gif2epsn dumps images saved as GIF files on Epson type printers. gif2epsn gif2ps prints GIF files on laser printers supporting PostScript. gif2ps gif2rgb converts images saved as GIF to 24-bit RGB images. gif2rgb gif2x11 displays images saved as GIF files under X Window System. gif2x11 gifasm assembles multiple GIFs into one, or burst a multiple-image GIF. gifasm gifbg generates a single-color test pattern GIF. gifbg gifburst bursts a GIF image into subrectangles. gifburst gifclip clips or crops a GIF image. gifclip gifclrmp modifies GIF image colormaps. gifclrmp gifcolor generates color test patterns. gifcolor gifcomb combines two GIF images of exactly the same size into one. gifcomb gifcompose uses giflib tools to compose images. gifcompose giffiltr is a template for filtering a GIF sequentially. gifiltr giffix clumsily attempts to fix truncated GIF images. gifix gifflip flips a GIF image along the X or Y axis or rotates an image by 90 degrees. gifflip gifhisto generate a color-frequency histogram from a GIF. gifhisto gifinfo gives information about a GIF file. gifinfo gifinter converts between interlaced and non-interlaced images. gifinter gifinto is an end-of-pipe fitting for GIF-processing pipelines. gifinto gifovly generates one composite GIF from a multiple-image GIF. gifovly gifpos changes a GIF's screen size or reconditions it. gifpos gifrotat rotates a GIF through any desired angle. gifrotat gifrsize resizes a GIF by deletion or duplication of bits. gifrsize gifspnge is a template for filtering a GIF with in-core operations. gifspnge giftext prints (text only) general information about a GIF file. giftext gifwedge creates a test GIF image resembling a color monitor test pattern. gifwedge icon2gif is a converter/deconverter to/from an editable text format. icon2gif raw2gif converts raw 8-bit image data into GIF files. raw2gif rgb2gif converts 24 bit images to a GIF image using color quantization. rgb2gif text2gif generates GIF images out of regular text in 8x8 font. text2gif libgif.[so,a] contains API functions required by the giflib programs and any other programs needing library functionality to read, write and manipulate GIF images. libgif.[so,a]