%general-entities; ]> libtiff-&libtiff-version; Introduction to <application>libtiff</application> The libtiff package contains the tiff libraries and associated utilities. The libraries are used by many programs for reading and writing tiff files and the utilities are useful for general work with tiff files. Package information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download size: &libtiff-size; Estimated Disk space required: &libtiff-buildsize; Estimated build time: &libtiff-time; Additional downloads LZW compression support: <application>libtiff</application> dependencies Optional Installation of <application>libtiff</application> If you wish to allow the creation of compressed TIFF images, download the LZW Compression Kit and copy the provided tif_lzw.c file to the libtiff subdirectory of the libtiff source tree. Install libtiff by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr --noninteractive \ --with-DIR_MAN=/usr/share/man \ --with-ZIP=yes --with-DIR_GZLIB=/usr/lib && make && make install Command explanations : This switch is used to avoid the configuration routine asking for confirmation of the installation directories (which is passed to configure). --with-DIR_MAN=/usr/share/man: This is used because even though --prefix=/usr is specified, the configure routine tries to install the man pages in /usr/local/man instead of the correct place. --with-ZIP=yes --with-DIR_GZLIB=/usr/lib: This enables support for the handling of TIFF images with deflate-encoded data. : Use these switches to enable support for the handling of TIFF images with JPEG-encoded data. Configuring <application>libtiff</application> Configuration Information Contents The libtiff package contains fax2ps, fax2tiff, gif2tiff, pal2rgb, ppm2tiff, ras2tiff, raw2tiff, rgb2ycbcr, thumbnail, tiff2bw, tiff2pdf, tiff2ps, tiff2rgba, tiffcmp, tiffcp, tiffdither, tiffdump, tiffinfo, tiffmedian, tiffset, tiffsplit and libtiff libraries. Description fax2ps fac2ps converts a TIFF facsimile to compressed PostScript file. fax2tiff fax2tiff creates a TIFF Class F fax file from raw fax data. gif2tiff gif2tiff creates a TIFF file from a GIF87 format image file. pal2rgb pal2rgb converts a palette color TIFF image to a full color image. ppm2tiff ppm2tiff creates a TIFF file from a PPM image file. ras2tiff ras2tiff creates a TIFF file from a Sun rasterfile. raw2tiff raw2tiff converts a raw byte sequence into TIFF. rgb2ycbcr rgb2ycbcr converts non-YCbCr TIFF images to a YCbCr TIFF image. thumbnail thumbnail creates a TIFF file with thumbnail images. tiff2bw tiff2bw converts a color TIFF image to grayscale. tiff2pdf tiff2pdf converts a TIFF image to a PDF document. tiff2ps tiff2ps converts a TIFF image to a PostScript file. tiff2rgba tiff2rgba converts a wide variety of TIFF images into an RGBA TIFF image. tiffcmp tiffcmp compares two TIFF files. tiffcp tiffcp copies (and possibly converts) a TIFF file. tiffdither tiffdither converts a grayscale image to bilevel using dithering. tiffdump tiffdump prints verbatim information about TIFF files. tiffinfo tiffinfo prints information about TIFF files. tiffmedian tiffmedian applies the median cut algorithm to data in a TIFF file. tiffsplit tiffsplit splits a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files. tiff libraries The tiff libraries are used by many programs to read and write tiff files.