%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ mx-&mx-version; mx Introduction to mx Mx is a traditional GUI toolkit, built upon Clutter technology. This enables smooth animations and special effects through hardware accelerated graphics (OpenGL). &lfs70_built; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &mx-md5sum; Download size: &mx-size; Estimated disk space required: &mx-buildsize; Estimated build time: &mx-time; mx Dependencies Required , , , , , and User Notes: Installation of mx Install mx by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr && make This package's testsuite is only intended to be used by the maintainer to check i18n files. Now, as the root user: make install Contents Installed Program Installed Libraries Installed Directories mx-create-image-cache libmx-1.0.so and libmx-gtk-1.0.so /usr/{include/mx-1.0/mx-gtk,share/{gtk-doc/html/mx-gtk,mx/style}} Short Descriptions mx-create-image-cache does this ..... mx-create-image-cache libmx-1.0.so contains functions that ..... libmx-1.0.so libmx-gtk-1.0.so contains functions that ..... libmx-gtk-1.0.so