%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Poppler-&poppler-version; Poppler Introduction to Poppler The Poppler package contains a PDF rendering library and command line tools used to manipulate PDF files. This is useful for providing PDF rendering functionality as a shared library. &lfs65_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &poppler-md5sum; Download size: &poppler-size; Estimated disk space required: &poppler-buildsize; Estimated build time: &poppler-time; Additional Downloads Poppler Encoding Data: The additional package consists of encoding files for use with Poppler. The encoding files are optional and poppler will automatically read them if they are present. When installed, they enable Poppler to render CJK and Cyrillic properly. Poppler Dependencies Required Recommended , , , and OpenJPEG Optional , , and If you're installing Poppler to support , you will need to have installed so that the libpoppler-qt library is built. User Notes: Installation of Poppler Poppler will overwrite command-line utilities and man pages previously installed by the Xpdf package. If you prefer to keep the Xpdf versions of these files, pass the parameter to the configure command below. ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --enable-zlib && make This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install && install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/poppler-&poppler-version; && install -v -m644 README* /usr/share/doc/poppler-&poppler-version; If you downloaded the additional encoding data package, install it by issuing the following command after unpacking the tarball and changing into the newly-created package source directory (as the root user): make prefix=/usr install Command Explanations --enable-zlib: This parameter forces the build to link with the system-installed libz library to enable compressed PDF functionality. --disable-cairo-output: This parameter disables building the cairo graphics backend. --disable-poppler-glib and --disable-gtk-test: These parameters disable building the GLib wrapper and GTK+ test program. --disable-static: Prevent static libraries being built and installed. --enable-xpdf-headers: Install old Xpdf headers required by certain programs. These are unsupported by Poppler. Configuring Poppler Config Files /etc/xpdfrc /etc/xpdfrc Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories libpoppler.{so,a}, libpoppler-glib.{so,a}, libpoppler-qt.{so,a} and libpoppler-qt4.{so,a} /usr/include/poppler, /usr/share/doc/poppler-&poppler-version;, /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/poppler and /usr/share/poppler Short Descriptions libpoppler.{so,a} contains the API functions to render PDF files. libpoppler.{so,a} libpoppler-glib.{so,a} is a wrapper library used to interface the PDF rendering functions with GTK+. libpoppler-glib.{so,a} libpoppler-qt.{so,a} is a wrapper library used to interface the PDF rendering functions with Qt. libpoppler-qt.{so,a} libpoppler-qt4.{so,a} is a wrapper library used to interface the PDF rendering functions with Qt-4. libpoppler-qt4.{so,a}