1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY gcc-download-http "&gnu-http;/gcc/gcc-&gcc-version;/gcc-&gcc-version;.tar.xz">
8 | <!ENTITY gcc-download-ftp "&gnu-ftp;/gcc/gcc-&gcc-version;/gcc-&gcc-version;.tar.xz">
9 | <!ENTITY gcc-md5sum "3818ad8600447f05349098232c2ddc78">
10 | <!ENTITY gcc-size "67 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY gcc-buildsize "9.9 GB (2.4 GB installed with all listed languages; add 930 MB for tests)">
12 | <!ENTITY gcc-time "25 SBU (with parallelism=4, add 62 SBU for tests with parallelism=4)">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="gcc" xreflabel="GCC-&gcc-version;">
16 | <?dbhtml filename="gcc.html" ?>
17 |
18 | <sect1info>
19 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
20 | <date>$Date$</date>
21 | </sect1info>
22 |
23 | <title>GCC-&gcc-version;</title>
24 |
25 | <indexterm zone="gcc">
26 | <primary sortas="a-gcc-5-0">GCC-&gcc-version;</primary>
27 | </indexterm>
28 |
29 | <sect2 role="package">
30 | <title>Introduction to GCC</title>
31 |
32 | <para>
33 | The <application>GCC</application> package contains the GNU Compiler
34 | Collection. This page describes the installation of compilers for the
35 | following languages: C, C++, D, Fortran, Objective C, Objective C++, and Go.
36 | <!--One additional language, Ada, is available in the collection. It has
37 | a binary bootstrap requirement for the first installation, so it is
38 | described on a separate page (<xref linkend="gcc-ada"/>) but can be added
39 | here if you are performing a rebuild or upgrade. Since C and C++ are
40 | installed in LFS, this page is either for upgrading C and C++, or for
41 | installing additional compilers.-->
42 | </para>
43 |
44 | &lfs90_checked;
45 |
46 | <caution>
47 | <para>
48 | If you are upgrading <application>GCC</application> from any other
49 | version prior to &gcc-version;, then you must be careful compiling 3rd
50 | party kernel modules. You should ensure that the kernel and all its
51 | native modules are also compiled using the same version of
52 | <application>GCC</application> that you use to build the 3rd party module.
53 | This issue does not affect native kernel (and kernel modules) updates,
54 | as the instructions below are a complete reinstallation of
55 | <application>GCC</application>. If you have existing 3rd party modules
56 | installed, ensure they are recompiled using the updated version of
57 | <application>GCC</application>. As always, never update the kernel
58 | headers from the ones used when <application>Glibc</application> was
59 | compiled during LFS.
60 | </para>
61 |
62 | <para>
63 | Some system headers need to be fixed to be used with GCC. This is done
64 | during the installation of GCC, and the <quote>fixed</quote> headers
65 | are installed in <filename class="directory">
66 | /usr/lib/gcc/<machine triplet>/<GCC version>/include-fixed
67 | </filename>. This is harmless if GCC is built during the LFS stage. But
68 | if you reinstall GCC in BLFS, some of the BLFS packages may be
69 | <quote>fixed</quote>. If one of those packages is reinstalled
70 | afterwards, the <quote>fixed</quote> headers are not updated, which may
71 | lead to version mismatches. In case that happens, the
72 | <quote>fixed</quote> headers must be updated by running (as
73 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>):
74 | <command>
75 | /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/&gcc-version;/install-tools/mkheaders
76 | </command>. The machine triplet may be different on a 32bit system.
77 | </para>
78 | </caution>
79 |
80 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
81 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
82 | <listitem>
83 | <para>
84 | Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&gcc-download-http;"/>
85 | </para>
86 | </listitem>
87 | <listitem>
88 | <para>
89 | Download (FTP): <ulink url="&gcc-download-ftp;"/>
90 | </para>
91 | </listitem>
92 | <listitem>
93 | <para>
94 | Download MD5 sum: &gcc-md5sum;
95 | </para>
96 | </listitem>
97 | <listitem>
98 | <para>
99 | Download size: &gcc-size;
100 | </para>
101 | </listitem>
102 | <listitem>
103 | <para>
104 | Estimated disk space required: &gcc-buildsize;
105 | </para>
106 | </listitem>
107 | <listitem>
108 | <para>
109 | Estimated build time: &gcc-time;
110 | </para>
111 | </listitem>
112 | </itemizedlist>
113 |
114 | <!-- <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Additional Downloads</bridgehead>
115 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
116 | <listitem>
117 | <para>
118 | Required patch:
119 | <ulink url="&patch-root;/gcc-&gcc-version;-upstream_fixes-1.patch"/>
120 | </para>
121 | </listitem>
122 | </itemizedlist>
123 | -->
124 |
125 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">GCC Dependencies</bridgehead>
126 |
127 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended</bridgehead>
128 | <para role="recommended">
129 | <xref linkend="dejagnu"/>, for tests
130 | </para>
131 |
132 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
133 | <para role="optional">
134 | <xref linkend="gdb"/>,
135 | <xref linkend="valgrind"/> (for tests), and
136 | <ulink url="https://repo.or.cz/isl.git">ISL</ulink> (to enable graphite optimization)
137 | </para>
138 |
139 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">
140 | User Notes: <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/gcc"/>
141 | </para>
142 |
143 | </sect2>
144 |
145 | <sect2 role="installation">
146 | <title>Installation of GCC</title>
147 |
148 | <important>
149 | <para>
150 | Even if you specify only languages other than C and C++ to the
151 | <command>./configure</command> command below, the
152 | installation process will overwrite your existing
153 | <application>GCC</application> C and C++ compilers and libraries.
154 | Having the <application>Tcl</application>,
155 | <application>Expect</application> and <application>DejaGnu</application>
156 | packages installed before beginning the build is highly recommended so
157 | you can run the full suite of tests.
158 | </para>
159 |
160 | <para>
161 | Do not continue with the <command>make install</command> command
162 | until you are confident the build was successful. You can compare your
163 | test results with those found at <ulink
164 | url="http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-testresults/"/>. You may also want to
165 | refer to the information found in the <application>GCC</application>
166 | section of Chapter 6 in the LFS book (<ulink
167 | url="&lfs-root;/chapter06/gcc.html"/>).
168 | </para>
169 | </important>
170 |
171 | <para>
172 | The instructions below are intentionally performing a
173 | <quote>bootstrap</quote> process. Bootstrapping is needed for robustness
174 | and is highly recommended when upgrading the compilers version. To disable
175 | bootstrap anyways, add <parameter>--disable-bootstrap</parameter> to the
176 | <command>./configure</command> options below.
177 | </para>
178 |
179 | <para>
180 | Install <application>GCC</application> by running the following commands:
181 | </para>
182 |
183 | <screen><userinput>case $(uname -m) in
184 | x86_64)
185 | sed -e '/m64=/s/lib64/lib/' \
186 | -i.orig gcc/config/i386/t-linux64
187 | ;;
188 | esac
189 |
190 | mkdir build &&
191 | cd build &&
192 |
193 | ../configure \
194 | --prefix=/usr \
195 | --disable-multilib \
196 | --with-system-zlib \
197 | --enable-languages=c,c++,d,fortran,go,objc,obj-c++ &&
198 | make</userinput></screen>
199 |
200 | <para>
201 | If you have installed additional packages such as
202 | <application>Valgrind</application> and <application>GDB</application>,
203 | the <application>GCC</application> part of the testsuite will run more
204 | tests than in LFS. Some of those will report FAIL and others XPASS
205 | (pass when expected to FAIL). As of gcc-9.2.0, about 100 FAIL occur
206 | in the <quote>guality</quote> suite, as well as miscellaneous failures
207 | throughout the rest of the test suite. If all the compilers above are
208 | built, there will be slightly over 120 unexpected failures out of over
209 | 390,000 tests. To run the tests, issue:
210 | </para>
211 |
212 | <screen><userinput>ulimit -s 32768 &&
213 | make -k check</userinput></screen>
214 | <!-- The command above may error out, so using && may prevent the summary
215 | to be run. -->
216 |
217 | <para>
218 | The tests are very long, and the results may be hard to find in the
219 | logs, specially if you use parallel jobs with make. You can get a summary
220 | of the tests with:
221 | </para>
222 |
223 | <screen><userinput>../contrib/test_summary</userinput></screen>
224 |
225 | <para>
226 | Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
227 | </para>
228 |
229 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install &&
230 |
231 | mkdir -pv /usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib &&
232 | mv -v /usr/lib/*gdb.py /usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib &&
233 |
234 | chown -v -R root:root \
235 | /usr/lib/gcc/*linux-gnu/&gcc-version;/include{,-fixed}
236 |
237 | rm -rf /usr/lib/gcc/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/&gcc-version;/include-fixed/bits/</userinput></screen>
238 |
239 | <para>
240 | Some packages expect to find the C preprocessor in
241 | <filename class="directory">/lib</filename> or may refer to the C compiler
242 | under the name <command>cc</command>. The following symbolic links are not
243 | needed if you have followed the LFS instructions, since they
244 | have been already created. If you do not have them on your system, issue
245 | as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
246 | </para>
247 |
248 | <screen role="root"><userinput>ln -v -sf ../usr/bin/cpp /lib &&
249 | ln -v -sf gcc /usr/bin/cc &&
250 | install -v -dm755 /usr/lib/bfd-plugins &&
251 | ln -sfv ../../libexec/gcc/$(gcc -dumpmachine)/&gcc-version;/liblto_plugin.so /usr/lib/bfd-plugins/</userinput></screen>
252 |
253 | </sect2>
254 |
255 | <sect2 role="commands">
256 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
257 |
258 | <para>
259 | <command>mkdir build; cd build</command>: The
260 | <application>GCC</application> documentation recommends
261 | building the package in a dedicated build directory.
262 | </para>
263 |
264 | <para>
265 | <parameter>--disable-multilib</parameter>: This parameter ensures
266 | that files are created for the specific architecture of your computer.
267 | </para>
268 |
269 | <para>
270 | <parameter>--with-system-zlib</parameter>: Uses the system
271 | <application>zlib</application> instead of the bundled one.
272 | <application>zlib</application> is used for compressing
273 | and uncompressing <application>GCC</application>'s intermediate
274 | language in LTO (Link Time Optimization) object files.
275 | </para>
276 |
277 | <para>
278 | <parameter>--enable-languages=c,c++,d,fortran,go,objc,obj-c++</parameter>:
279 | This command identifies which languages to build. You may modify
280 | this command to remove undesired languages. Two other languages can be
281 | added, besides ADA (see introduction above): BRIG (add
282 | <parameter>brig</parameter> to the list of enabled languages), a binary
283 | format for HSAIL (Heterogeneous System Architecture Intermediate
284 | Language), and JIT (add <parameter>jit</parameter> to the list of enabled
285 | languages), a library which can be linked into interpreters that want to
286 | generate machine code <quote>on the fly</quote> at run-time. They have not
287 | been tested by the BLFS developers.
288 | </para>
289 | <!-- It's been three major versions now, and many years.
290 | Commenting out unless needed somewhere. -renodr
291 | <para>
292 | <option>- -with-default-libstdcxx-abi=gcc4-compatible</option>: Use this
293 | switch if you are upgrading from a <application>GCC</application>
294 | version prior to 5.1.0, and you do not want to recompile all the
295 | libraries written in C++.
296 | </para>
297 | -->
298 |
299 | <para>
300 | <command>ulimit -s 32768</command>: This command prevents several
301 | tests from running out of stack space.
302 | </para>
303 |
304 | <para>
305 | <command>make -k check</command>: This command runs the test suite
306 | without stopping if any errors are encountered.
307 | </para>
308 |
309 | <para>
310 | <command>../contrib/test_summary</command>: This command will produce
311 | a summary of the test suite results. You can append <command>| grep
312 | -A7 Summ</command> to the command to produce an even more condensed
313 | version of the summary. You may also wish to redirect the output
314 | to a file for review and comparison later on.
315 | </para>
316 |
317 | <para>
318 | <command>mv -v /usr/lib/*gdb.py ...</command>: The installation
319 | stage puts some files used by <application>gdb</application> under the
320 | <filename class="directory">/usr/lib</filename> directory. This generates
321 | spurious error messages when performing <command>ldconfig</command>. This
322 | command moves the files to another location.
323 | </para>
324 |
325 | <para>
326 | <command>chown -v -R root:root /usr/lib/gcc/*linux-gnu/...</command>:
327 | If the package is built by a user other than root, the ownership of the
328 | installed <filename class="directory">include</filename> directory (and
329 | its content) will be incorrect. This command changes the ownership to the
330 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user and group.
331 | </para>
332 |
333 | <para>
334 | <command>rm -rf .../include-fixed/bits/</command>: Remove an erroneous
335 | file in gcc added by the fixincludes process.
336 | </para>
337 |
338 | </sect2>
339 |
340 | <sect2 role="content">
341 | <title>Contents</title>
342 |
343 | <para>
344 | Some program and library names and descriptions are not listed here,
345 | but can be found at
346 | <ulink url="&lfs-root;/chapter06/gcc.html#contents-gcc"/> as they were
347 | initially installed during the building of LFS.
348 | </para>
349 |
350 | <segmentedlist>
351 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
352 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
353 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
354 |
355 | <seglistitem>
356 | <seg>
357 | gccgo, go, gofmt, gdc and gfortran, hard-linked to architecture
358 | specific names
359 | </seg>
360 | <seg>
361 | libgfortran.{so,a},
362 | libgdruntime.{so,a}, libgphobos.{so,a}
363 | libgo.{so,a}, libgobegin.a, libgolibbegin.a,
364 | libobjc.{so,a}, and numerous other run-time libraries and executables
365 | </seg>
366 | <seg>
367 | /usr/lib/go
368 | </seg>
369 | </seglistitem>
370 | </segmentedlist>
371 |
372 | <variablelist>
373 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
374 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
375 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
376 |
377 | <varlistentry id="gccgo">
378 | <term><command>gccgo</command></term>
379 | <listitem>
380 | <para>
381 | is a GCC-based compiler for the <application>Go</application>
382 | language.
383 | </para>
384 | <indexterm zone="gcc gccgo">
385 | <primary sortas="b-gccgo">gccgo</primary>
386 | </indexterm>
387 | </listitem>
388 | </varlistentry>
389 |
390 | <varlistentry id="go">
391 | <term><command>go</command></term>
392 | <listitem>
393 | <para>
394 | is a tool for managing <application>Go</application> source code.
395 | </para>
396 | <indexterm zone="gcc go">
397 | <primary sortas="b-go">go</primary>
398 | </indexterm>
399 | </listitem>
400 | </varlistentry>
401 |
402 | <varlistentry id="gofmt">
403 | <term><command>gofmt</command></term>
404 | <listitem>
405 | <para>
406 | is a tool for formatting <application>Go</application> source code.
407 | </para>
408 | <indexterm zone="gcc gofmt">
409 | <primary sortas="b-gofmt">gofmt</primary>
410 | </indexterm>
411 | </listitem>
412 | </varlistentry>
413 |
414 | <varlistentry id="gdc">
415 | <term><command>gdc</command></term>
416 | <listitem>
417 | <para>
418 | is a GCC-based compiler for the <application>D</application>
419 | language.
420 | </para>
421 | <indexterm zone="gcc gdc">
422 | <primary sortas="b-gdc">gdc</primary>
423 | </indexterm>
424 | </listitem>
425 | </varlistentry>
426 |
427 | <varlistentry id="gfortran">
428 | <term><command>gfortran</command></term>
429 | <listitem>
430 | <para>
431 | is a GCC-based compiler for the <application>Fortran</application>
432 | language.
433 | </para>
434 | <indexterm zone="gcc gfortran">
435 | <primary sortas="b-gfortran">gfortran</primary>
436 | </indexterm>
437 | </listitem>
438 | </varlistentry>
439 |
440 | </variablelist>
441 |
442 | </sect2>
443 |
444 | </sect1>