%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Guile-&guile-version; Guile Introduction to Guile The Guile package contains the Project GNU's extension language library. Guile also contains a stand alone Scheme interpreter. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &guile-md5sum; Download size: &guile-size; Estimated disk space required: &guile-buildsize; Estimated build time: &guile-time; Guile Dependencies Optional User Notes: Installation of Guile Install Guile by running the following commands: sed -i -e '20,$ d' \ -e 's|slib)|&)\n(load-from-path "slib/guile.init")|' \ ice-9/slib.scm && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make If you have installed and wish to build alternate formats of the documentation, issue the following commands: for DIRNAME in goops r5rs ref tutorial do make -k -C doc/$DIRNAME pdf ps html done && makeinfo --plaintext -o doc/goops/goops.txt doc/goops/goops.texi && makeinfo --plaintext -o doc/r5rs/r5rs.txt doc/r5rs/r5rs.texi && makeinfo --plaintext -o doc/ref/guile.txt doc/ref/guile.texi && makeinfo --plaintext -o doc/tutorial/guile-tut.txt \ doc/tutorial/guile-tut.texi && unset DIRNAME To test the results, issue: make check. Now, as the root user: make install && find examples -name "Makefile*" -exec rm {} \; && install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version; && cp -v -R examples /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version; If you built the alternate formats of the documentation, install them using the following commands issued by the root user: for DIRNAME in goops r5rs ref tutorial do install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version;/$DIRNAME/html install -v -m644 doc/$DIRNAME/*.{pdf,ps,dvi,txt} \ /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version;/$DIRNAME if [ -d doc/$DIRNAME/$DIRNAME.html ]; then install -v -m644 doc/$DIRNAME/$DIRNAME.html/* \ /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version;/$DIRNAME/html fi done && install -v -m644 doc/goops/hierarchy.{eps,png} \ /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version;/goops && install -v -m644 doc/ref/guile.html/* \ /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version;/ref/html && install -v -m644 doc/tutorial/guile-tut.html/* \ /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version;/tutorial/html Command Explanations sed -i -e '20,$ d' -e '...' ice-9/slib.scm: This command is used to modify the Guile SLIB initialization script. There are incompatibilities with newer versions of SLIB and this command modifes the script to use the installed SLIB script. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories guile, guile-config, guile-snarf, and guile-tools libguile.{so,a}, libguile-srfi-srfi-*.{so,a} and /libguilereadline-v-17.{so,a} /usr/include/guile, /usr/include/libguile, /usr/share/doc/guile-&guile-version; and /usr/share/guile Short Descriptions guile is a stand-alone Scheme interpreter for Guile. guile guile-config is a Guile script which provides the information necessary to link your programs against the Guile library, in much the same way does. guile-config guile-snarf is a script to parse declarations in your C code for Scheme visible C functions, i Scheme objects to be used by C code, etc. guile-snarf guile-tools is a wrapper program installed along with guile which knows where a particular module is installed and calls it passing its args to a program. guile-tools