1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY jdk-download-source "http://java.sun.com/j2se/jrl_download.html">
8 | <!ENTITY jdk-download-binary "http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp">
9 | <!ENTITY jdk-source-md5sum "http://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/sources/BLFS/SVN/I-K/jdk/jdk-&jdk-src-version;.md5sums">
10 | <!ENTITY jdk-bin-md5sum "562d9797af801bfbe2b5e44417d8ccc4">
11 | <!ENTITY jdk-bin-size "45 MB">
12 | <!ENTITY jdk-src-size "65.7 MB (three .zip files)">
13 | <!ENTITY jdk-src-buildsize "1444 MB">
14 | <!ENTITY jdk-time "33.06 SBU">
15 | ]>
16 |
17 | <sect1 id="jdk" xreflabel="JDK-&jdk-src-version;">
18 | <?dbhtml filename="jdk.html" ?>
19 |
20 | <sect1info>
21 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
22 | <date>$Date$</date>
23 | </sect1info>
24 |
25 | <title>JDK-&jdk-src-version;</title>
26 |
27 | <indexterm zone="jdk">
28 | <primary sortas="a-JDK">JDK</primary>
29 | </indexterm>
30 |
31 | <sect2 role="package">
32 | <title>Introduction to JDK</title>
33 |
34 | <para>The <application>JDK</application> package contains
35 | Sun's <application>Java</application> development environment. This is useful
36 | for developing <application>Java</application> programs and provides the
37 | runtime environment necessary to run <application>Java</application> programs.
38 | It also includes a plug-in for browsers so that they can be
39 | <application>Java</application> aware.</para>
40 |
41 | <para>The <application>JDK</application> comes in two flavors, a precompiled
42 | binary and a source package. Previously, the plugin included in the
43 | <application>JDK</application> binary package was unusable on LFS
44 | owing to incompatibilities with <application>GCC</application>-3 compiled browsers.
45 | This is not the case anymore.</para>
46 |
47 | <para>In order to use the source code and patches, you must read and agree
48 | to the Sun <ulink url="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/jrl_5.0-license.txt">
49 | Java Research License</ulink>. In addition, the source code cannot be
50 | downloaded from some countries, so for users from those countries, the binary
51 | is the only option.</para>
52 |
53 | <para>If you plan on compiling the <application>JDK</application> source, you
54 | will still need to download the binary version to bootstrap the
55 | <application>JDK</application> build. You will need to download a total of four
56 | files to complete the source build:
57 | <filename>jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.bin</filename>;
58 | <filename>jdk-1_5_0-src-jrl.zip</filename>;
59 | <filename>jdk-1_5_0-bin-jrl.zip</filename>;
60 | and <filename>jdk-1_5_0-mozilla_headers-unix.zip</filename>.</para>
61 |
62 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
63 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
64 | <listitem>
65 | <para>Binary download: <ulink url="&jdk-download-binary;"/></para>
66 | </listitem>
67 | <listitem>
68 | <para>Version used (binary): <ulink url="&jdk-bin-version;"/></para>
69 | </listitem>
70 | <listitem>
71 | <para>Download MD5 sum (binary): &jdk-bin-md5sum;</para>
72 | </listitem>
73 | <listitem>
74 | <para>Source download: <ulink url="&jdk-download-source;"/></para>
75 | </listitem>
76 | <listitem>
77 | <para>Download MD5 sum (source): &jdk-source-md5sum;</para>
78 | </listitem>
79 | <listitem>
80 | <para>Download size (binary): &jdk-bin-size;</para>
81 | </listitem>
82 | <listitem>
83 | <para>Download size (source): &jdk-src-size;</para>
84 | </listitem>
85 | <listitem>
86 | <para>Estimated disk space required: &jdk-src-buildsize;</para>
87 | </listitem>
88 | <listitem>
89 | <para>Estimated build time: &jdk-time;</para>
90 | </listitem>
91 | </itemizedlist>
92 |
93 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Additional Downloads</bridgehead>
94 |
95 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required Patches</bridgehead>
96 | <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
97 | <listitem>
98 | <para><ulink
99 | url="&patch-root;/jdk-&jdk-src-version;-gcc_3.4.2+-3.patch"/></para>
100 | </listitem>
101 | <listitem>
102 | <para><ulink
103 | url="&patch-root;/jdk-&jdk-src-version;-motif_mkmsgcat-1.patch"/></para>
104 | </listitem>
105 | <listitem>
106 | <para><ulink
107 | url="&patch-root;/jdk-&jdk-src-version;-nptl-1.patch"/></para></listitem>
108 | <listitem>
109 | <para><ulink
110 | url="&patch-root;/jdk-&jdk-src-version;-remove_broken_demo-1.patch"/></para>
111 | </listitem>
112 | <listitem>
113 | <para><ulink
114 | url="&patch-root;/jdk-&jdk-src-version;-remove_fixed_paths-1.patch"/></para>
115 | </listitem>
116 | </itemizedlist>
117 |
118 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended Patches</bridgehead>
119 | <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
120 | <listitem>
121 | <para><ulink
122 | url="&patch-root;/jdk-&jdk-src-version;-remove_debug_image-1.patch"/>
123 | (Skips compiling of the <application>JDK</application> debug image)</para>
124 | </listitem>
125 | <listitem>
126 | <para><ulink
127 | url="&patch-root;/jdk-&jdk-src-version;-static_cxx-1.patch"/>
128 | (Forces dynamic linking to gcc libs)</para></listitem>
129 | <listitem>
130 | <para><ulink
131 | url="&patch-root;/jdk-&jdk-src-version;-xorg-6.8.1-1.patch"/>
132 | (Only required if building agianst <xref linkend="xorg"/>)</para>
133 | </listitem>
134 | </itemizedlist>
135 |
136 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">JDK Dependencies</bridgehead>
137 |
138 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required (to Build JDK from Source)</bridgehead>
139 | <para>X (<xref linkend="xfree86"/> or <xref linkend="xorg"/>),
140 | <xref linkend="zip"/>,
141 | <xref linkend="unzip"/>,
142 | <xref linkend="cpio"/>,
143 | <xref linkend="alsa"/>, and
144 | <xref linkend="tcsh"/></para>
145 |
146 | </sect2>
147 |
148 | <sect2 role="installation">
149 | <title>Installation of JDK</title>
150 |
151 | <para>Both versions will be installed in parallel. You may choose to keep
152 | either or both.</para>
153 |
154 | <para>Install the precompiled <application>JDK</application> with the
155 | following commands:</para>
156 |
157 | <screen><userinput>export VERSION=&jdk-bin-version; &&
158 | export MV=`echo $VERSION | cut -d "_" -f 1,1` &&
159 | export V=`echo ${VERSION} | sed -e "s/\./_/g"` &&
160 | sed -i "s:^PATH=.*::" jdk-${V}-linux-i?86.bin &&
161 | chmod -v +x jdk-${V}-linux-i?86.bin &&
162 | mkdir -v -p bin &&
163 | ln -v -sf /bin/true bin/more &&
164 | yes | PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH ./jdk-${V}-linux-i?86.bin &&
165 | cd jdk${VERSION}</userinput></screen>
166 |
167 | <para>Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:</para>
168 |
169 | <screen role="root"><userinput>install -v -d /opt/jdk/jdk-precompiled-${MV} &&
170 | mv -v * /opt/jdk/jdk-precompiled-${MV}
171 | chown -v -R root:root /opt/jdk/jdk-precompiled-${MV}</userinput></screen>
172 |
173 | <para>The binary version is now installed.</para>
174 |
175 | <para>If you don't want to compile the source or are not in a position to
176 | download the source owing to license restrictions, skip ahead to the
177 | configuration section.</para>
178 |
179 | <para>Add the recently installed <application>JDK</application>
180 | to the path.</para>
181 |
182 | <screen><userinput>export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk/jdk-precompiled-${MV} &&
183 | export PATH=$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin</userinput></screen>
184 |
185 | <para>Unzip the sources:</para>
186 |
187 | <screen><userinput>mkdir jdk-build &&
188 | cd jdk-build &&
189 | VERSION=&jdk-src-version; &&
190 | V=`echo $VERSION | sed -e "s/\./_/g"` &&
191 | unzip ../jdk-${V}-src-jrl.zip &&
192 | unzip ../jdk-${V}-bin-jrl.zip &&
193 | unzip ../jdk-${V}-mozilla_headers-unix.zip</userinput></screen>
194 |
195 | <para>Apply all the patches downloaded above.</para>
196 |
197 | <screen><userinput>for PATCH in ../jdk-&jdk-src-version;*.patch
198 | do patch -Np1 -i ${PATCH}
199 | done</userinput></screen>
200 |
201 | <para>Set/unset some variables which affect the build:</para>
202 |
203 | <screen><userinput>export ALT_BOOTDIR="$JAVA_HOME" &&
204 | unset JAVA_HOME &&
205 | unset CLASSPATH
206 | unset CFLAGS
207 | unset CXXFLAGS
208 | unset LDFLAGS
209 | export ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH="/usr/bin" &&
210 | export BUILD_NUMBER="blfs-&blfs-version;" &&
211 | export DEV_ONLY=true &&
212 | export ALT_MOZILLA_PATH=$PWD &&
213 | export INSANE=true &&
214 | export MAKE_VERBOSE=true &&
215 | export ALT_CACERTS_FILE=${ALT_BOOTDIR}/jre/lib/security/cacerts</userinput></screen>
216 |
217 | <warning>
218 | <para>Setting CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS is guaranteed to make the build
219 | fail. If you are interested in optimizing the build, set
221 | </warning>
222 |
223 | <para>Additionally, if you would like to make in parallel, add the
224 | following:</para>
225 |
226 | <screen><userinput>export HOTSPOT_BUILD_JOBS=<replaceable>[3]</replaceable></userinput></screen>
227 |
228 | <para>Build the <application>JDK</application> with the following
229 | commands. There will be a lot of messages about missing files that look like
230 | errors. These are caused by not meeting the expected build environemnt
231 | (Red Hat). As long as the build doesn't stop, the messages
232 | are harmless.</para>
233 |
234 | <screen><userinput>cd control/make &&
235 | make &&
236 | cd ../build/linux-i?86</userinput></screen>
237 |
238 | <para>Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user,
239 | install the <application>JDK</application>:</para>
240 |
241 | <screen role="root"><userinput>cp -v -a j2sdk-image /opt/jdk/jdk-&jdk-src-version; &&
242 | chown -v -R root:root /opt/jdk/jdk-&jdk-src-version;</userinput></screen>
243 |
244 | <para>Restore the environment using the following commands:</para>
245 |
246 | <screen><userinput>unset VERSION &&
247 | unset MV &&
248 | unset V &&
249 | unset ALT_BOOTDIR &&
250 | unset ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH &&
251 | unset BUILD_NUMBER &&
252 | unset DEV_ONLY &&
253 | unset ALT_MOZILLA_PATH &&
254 | unset INSANE &&
255 | unset MAKE_VERBOSE &&
256 | unset ALT_CACERTS_FILE</userinput></screen>
257 |
258 | </sect2>
259 |
260 | <sect2 role="commands">
261 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
262 |
263 | <para><command>export ALT_BOOTDIR="$JAVA_HOME"</command>: This var sets
264 | the location of the bootstrap <application>JDK</application>.</para>
265 |
266 | <para><command>export ALT_MOZILLA_PATH=$PWD</command>: This tells the build
267 | where to find the base directory of the plugin path (which contains the
268 | <application>Mozilla</application> headers).</para>
269 |
270 | <para><command>export ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH="/usr/bin"</command>: This
271 | changes the location where the build finds the needed executables.</para>
272 |
273 | <para><command>export BUILD_NUMBER="blfs-&blfs-version;"</command>:
274 | This will help you identify the compiled version of the runtime environment
275 | and virtual machine by appending this information to the version
276 | string.</para>
277 |
278 | <para><command>export DEV_ONLY=true</command>: This command
279 | skips compiling the documentation and eliminates a dependency on
280 | <application>rpm</application>.</para>
281 |
282 | <para><command>unset JAVA_HOME</command>: This clears the
283 | <envar>JAVA_HOME</envar> variable as recommended by the build
284 | instructions.</para>
285 |
286 | <para><command>unset CLASSPATH</command>: This clears the
287 | <envar>CLASSPATH</envar> variable as per the recommendations in the build
288 | instructions.</para>
289 |
290 | <para><command>unset CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS...</command>: These variables cause
291 | miscompilation of the build. Never set them.</para>
292 |
293 | <para><command>export INSANE=true</command>: The certified platform for the
294 | build is Redhat Enterprise Advanced Server 2.1. This variable ensures that
295 | all the errors related to compiling on a non-certified platform will be
296 | displayed as warnings instead of errors.</para>
297 |
298 | <para><command>export MAKE_VERBOSE=true</command>: Allows the compiler
299 | commands to be displayed on the console.</para>
300 |
301 | <para><command>export ALT_CACERTS_FILE...</command>: Specifies the
302 | certificate file to use (from the installed binary
303 | <application>JDK</application>).</para>
304 |
305 | </sect2>
306 |
307 | <sect2 role="configuration">
308 | <title>Configuring JDK</title>
309 |
310 | <sect3>
311 | <title>Configuration Information</title>
312 |
313 | <para>There are now two Java 2 SDK's installed in
314 | <filename>/opt/jdk</filename>. You should decide on which one you
315 | would like to use as the default. For example if you decide to use the source
316 | compiled <application>JDK</application>, do the following:</para>
317 |
318 | <screen><userinput>ln -v -nsf jdk-&jdk-src-version; /opt/jdk/jdk</userinput></screen>
319 |
320 | <para>Add the following <filename>jdk.sh</filename> shell startup file to
321 | the <filename>/etc/profile.d</filename> directory with the following
322 | commands:</para>
323 |
324 | <screen><userinput>cat > /etc/profile.d/jdk.sh << "EOF"
325 | <literal># Begin /etc/profile.d/jdk.sh
326 |
327 | # Set JAVA_HOME directory
328 | JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk/jdk
329 | export JAVA_HOME
330 |
331 | # Adjust PATH
332 | pathappend ${JAVA_HOME}/bin PATH
333 |
334 | # Auto Java Classpath Updating
335 | # Create symlinks to this directory for auto classpath setting
336 | AUTO_CLASSPATH_DIR=/usr/lib/classpath
337 | if [ -z ${CLASSPATH} ]; then
339 | else
341 | fi
342 |
343 | # Check for empty AUTO_CLASSPATH_DIR
344 | ls ${AUTO_CLASSPATH_DIR}/*.jar &> /dev/null &&
345 | for i in ${AUTO_CLASSPATH_DIR}/*.jar
346 | do CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:"${i}"
347 | done
348 | export CLASSPATH
349 |
350 | # End /etc/profile.d/jdk.sh</literal>
351 | EOF</userinput></screen>
352 |
353 | <para>The <application>Java</application> plugin is loacated in
354 | <filename class="directory">$JAVA_HOME/jre/plugin/i?86/ns7/</filename>.
355 | Make a symbolic link to the file in that directory from your browser
356 | plugins directory.</para>
357 |
358 | <note>
359 | <para>The plugin must be a symlink for it to work. If not, the browsers
360 | just crash when you attempt to load a <application>Java</application>
361 | application.</para>
362 | </note>
363 |
364 | </sect3>
365 |
366 | </sect2>
367 |
368 | <sect2 role="content">
369 | <title>Contents</title>
370 |
371 | <segmentedlist>
372 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
373 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
374 | <segtitle>Installed Directory</segtitle>
375 |
376 | <seglistitem>
377 | <seg>appletviewer, extcheck, idlj, jar, jarsigner, java, javac, javadoc,
378 | javah, javap, javaws, jdb, keytool, native2ascii, orbd, policytool, rmic, rmid,
379 | rmiregistry, serialver, servertool, and tnameserv</seg>
380 | <seg><envar>$JAVA_HOME</envar>/lib/*, <envar>$JAVA_HOME</envar>/jre/lib/*,
381 | and libjavaplugin_oji.so</seg>
382 | <seg>/opt/jdk</seg>
383 | </seglistitem>
384 | </segmentedlist>
385 |
386 | <variablelist>
387 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
388 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
389 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
390 |
391 | <varlistentry id="appletviewer">
392 | <term><command>appletviewer</command></term>
393 | <listitem>
394 | <para>runs <application>Java</application> applets outside of the
395 | context of a browser.</para>
396 | <indexterm zone="jdk appletviewer">
397 | <primary sortas="b-appletviewer">appletviewer</primary>
398 | </indexterm>
399 | </listitem>
400 | </varlistentry>
401 |
402 | <varlistentry id="extcheck">
403 | <term><command>extcheck</command></term>
404 | <listitem>
405 | <para>checks a specified <filename>JAR</filename> file for title
406 | and version conflicts with any extensions installed in the
407 | <application>JDK</application> software.</para>
408 | <indexterm zone="jdk extcheck">
409 | <primary sortas="b-extcheck">extcheck</primary>
410 | </indexterm>
411 | </listitem>
412 | </varlistentry>
413 |
414 | <varlistentry id="idlj">
415 | <term><command>idlj</command></term>
416 | <listitem>
417 | <para>generates <application>Java</application> bindings from a
418 | given IDL file.</para>
419 | <indexterm zone="jdk idlj">
420 | <primary sortas="b-idlj">idlj</primary>
421 | </indexterm>
422 | </listitem>
423 | </varlistentry>
424 |
425 | <varlistentry id="jar">
426 | <term><command>jar</command></term>
427 | <listitem>
428 | <para>combines multiple files into a single <filename>JAR</filename>
429 | archive file.</para>
430 | <indexterm zone="jdk jar">
431 | <primary sortas="b-jar">jar</primary>
432 | </indexterm>
433 | </listitem>
434 | </varlistentry>
435 |
436 | <varlistentry id="jarsigner">
437 | <term><command>jarsigner</command></term>
438 | <listitem>
439 | <para>signs <filename>JAR</filename> (Java ARchive) files and verifies the
440 | signatures and integrity of a signed <filename>JAR</filename>.</para>
441 | <indexterm zone="jdk jarsigner">
442 | <primary sortas="b-jarsigner">jarsigner</primary>
443 | </indexterm>
444 | </listitem>
445 | </varlistentry>
446 |
447 | <varlistentry id="java">
448 | <term><command>java</command></term>
449 | <listitem>
450 | <para>launches a <application>Java</application> application by
451 | starting a <application>Java</application> runtime environment, loading a
452 | specified class and invoking its main method.</para>
453 | <indexterm zone="jdk java">
454 | <primary sortas="b-java">java</primary>
455 | </indexterm>
456 | </listitem>
457 | </varlistentry>
458 |
459 | <varlistentry id="javac">
460 | <term><command>javac</command></term>
461 | <listitem>
462 | <para>reads class and interface definitions, written in the
463 | <application>Java</application> programming language, and compiles
464 | them into bytecode class files.</para>
465 | <indexterm zone="jdk javac">
466 | <primary sortas="b-javac">javac</primary>
467 | </indexterm>
468 | </listitem>
469 | </varlistentry>
470 |
471 | <varlistentry id="javadoc">
472 | <term><command>javadoc</command></term>
473 | <listitem>
474 | <para>parses the declarations and documentation comments in a set of
475 | <application>Java</application> source files and produces a corresponding
476 | set of HTML pages describing the classes, interfaces,
477 | constructors, methods, and fields.</para>
478 | <indexterm zone="jdk javadoc">
479 | <primary sortas="b-javadoc">javadoc</primary>
480 | </indexterm>
481 | </listitem>
482 | </varlistentry>
483 |
484 | <varlistentry id="javah">
485 | <term><command>javah</command></term>
486 | <listitem>
487 | <para>generates <application>C</application> header and source files
488 | that are needed to implement native methods.</para>
489 | <indexterm zone="jdk javah">
490 | <primary sortas="b-javah">javah</primary>
491 | </indexterm>
492 | </listitem>
493 | </varlistentry>
494 |
495 | <varlistentry id="javap">
496 | <term><command>javap</command></term>
497 | <listitem>
498 | <para>disassembles a <application>Java</application> class file.</para>
499 | <indexterm zone="jdk javap">
500 | <primary sortas="b-javap">javap</primary>
501 | </indexterm>
502 | </listitem>
503 | </varlistentry>
504 |
505 | <varlistentry id="javaws">
506 | <term><command>javaws</command></term>
507 | <listitem>
508 | <para>launches <application>Java </application>application/applets
509 | hosted on a network.</para>
510 | <indexterm zone="jdk javaws">
511 | <primary sortas="b-javaws">javaws</primary>
512 | </indexterm>
513 | </listitem>
514 | </varlistentry>
515 |
516 | <varlistentry id="jdb">
517 | <term><command>jdb</command></term>
518 | <listitem>
519 | <para>is a simple command-line debugger for
520 | <application>Java</application> classes.</para>
521 | <indexterm zone="jdk jdb">
522 | <primary sortas="b-jdb">jdb</primary>
523 | </indexterm>
524 | </listitem>
525 | </varlistentry>
526 |
527 | <varlistentry id="keytool">
528 | <term><command>keytool</command></term>
529 | <listitem>
530 | <para>is a key and certificate management utility.</para>
531 | <indexterm zone="jdk keytool">
532 | <primary sortas="b-keytool">keytool</primary>
533 | </indexterm>
534 | </listitem>
535 | </varlistentry>
536 |
537 | <varlistentry id="native2ascii">
538 | <term><command>native2ascii</command></term>
539 | <listitem>
540 | <para> converts files that contain non-supported character encoding
541 | into files containing Latin-1 or Unicode-encoded characters.</para>
542 | <indexterm zone="jdk native2ascii">
543 | <primary sortas="b-native2ascii">native2ascii</primary>
544 | </indexterm>
545 | </listitem>
546 | </varlistentry>
547 |
548 | <varlistentry id="orbd">
549 | <term><command>orbd</command></term>
550 | <listitem>
551 | <para>is used to enable clients to transparently locate and invoke
552 | persistent objects on servers in the CORBA environment.</para>
553 | <indexterm zone="jdk orbd">
554 | <primary sortas="b-orbd">orbd</primary>
555 | </indexterm>
556 | </listitem>
557 | </varlistentry>
558 |
559 | <varlistentry id="policytool">
560 | <term><command>policytool</command></term>
561 | <listitem>
562 | <para>creates and manages a policy file graphically.</para>
563 | <indexterm zone="jdk policytool">
564 | <primary sortas="b-policytool">policytool</primary>
565 | </indexterm>
566 | </listitem>
567 | </varlistentry>
568 |
569 | <varlistentry id="rmic">
570 | <term><command>rmic</command></term>
571 | <listitem>
572 | <para>generates stub and skeleton class files for remote objects
573 | from the names of compiled <application>Java</application> classes that
574 | contain remote object implementations.</para>
575 | <indexterm zone="jdk rmic">
576 | <primary sortas="b-rmic">rmic</primary>
577 | </indexterm>
578 | </listitem>
579 | </varlistentry>
580 |
581 | <varlistentry id="rmid">
582 | <term><command>rmid</command></term>
583 | <listitem>
584 | <para>starts the activation system daemon.</para>
585 | <indexterm zone="jdk rmid">
586 | <primary sortas="b-rmid">rmid</primary>
587 | </indexterm>
588 | </listitem>
589 | </varlistentry>
590 |
591 | <varlistentry id="rmiregistry">
592 | <term><command>rmiregistry</command></term>
593 | <listitem>
594 | <para>creates and starts a remote object registry on the specified
595 | port on the current host.</para>
596 | <indexterm zone="jdk rmiregistry">
597 | <primary sortas="b-rmiregistry">rmiregistry</primary>
598 | </indexterm>
599 | </listitem>
600 | </varlistentry>
601 |
602 | <varlistentry id="serialver">
603 | <term><command>serialver</command></term>
604 | <listitem>
605 | <para>returns the serialVersionUID for one or more classes in a
606 | form suitable for copying into an evolving class.</para>
607 | <indexterm zone="jdk serialver">
608 | <primary sortas="b-serialver">serialver</primary>
609 | </indexterm>
610 | </listitem>
611 | </varlistentry>
612 |
613 | <varlistentry id="servertool">
614 | <term><command>servertool</command></term>
615 | <listitem>
616 | <para>provides an ease-of-use interface for application programmers
617 | to register, unregister, startup and shutdown a server.</para>
618 | <indexterm zone="jdk servertool">
619 | <primary sortas="b-servertool">servertool</primary>
620 | </indexterm>
621 | </listitem>
622 | </varlistentry>
623 |
624 | <varlistentry id="tnameserv">
625 | <term><command>tnameserv</command></term>
626 | <listitem>
627 | <para>starts the <application>Java</application> IDL name server.</para>
628 | <indexterm zone="jdk tnameserv">
629 | <primary sortas="b-tnameserv">tnameserv</primary>
630 | </indexterm>
631 | </listitem>
632 | </varlistentry>
633 |
634 | </variablelist>
635 |
636 | </sect2>
637 |
638 | </sect1>