Configuring <application>J2SDK</application> Configuration Information We have two Java 2 SDK's installed in /opt/j2sdk. Decide on which one you would like to use as the default. For example if you decide to use the source compiled J2SDK, do the following: ln -nsf j2sdk-&j2sdk-src-version; /opt/j2sdk/j2sdk Add the following lines to your shell startup file (e.g. /etc/profile). export JAVA_HOME=/opt/j2sdk/j2sdk export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin Add $JAVA_HOME/man to your MANPATH variable or to /etc/man.conf The Java plugin is in the directory $JAVA_HOME/jre/plugin/i?86/ns610/. Make a symbolic link to the file in that directory from your plugins directory.