Installation of j2sdk Both versions will be installed in parallel. You may choose to keep either or both. Install the binary version of the jdk by running the following commands: VERSION=&j2sdk-bin-version; && MV=`echo $VERSION | cut -d "_" -f 1,1` && V=`echo ${VERSION} | sed -e "s/\./_/g"` && T=`grep -a tail j2sdk-${V}-linux-i?86.bin | cut -f 2 -d " "` && tail $T j2sdk-${V}-linux-i?86.bin > install.sfx.$$ && chmod +x install.sfx.$$ && ./install.sfx.$$ && cd j2sdk${VERSION} && install -d /opt/j2sdk/j2sdk-precompiled-${MV} && mv * /opt/j2sdk/j2sdk-precompiled-${MV} The binary version is now installed. If you don't want to compile the source, skip ahead to the configuration section. Add the recently compiled JDK to the path. export JAVA_HOME=/opt/j2sdk/j2sdk-precompiled-${MV} && export PATH=$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin Unzip and patch the source: VERSION=&j2sdk-src-version; && V=`echo $VERSION | sed -e "s/\./_/g"` && unzip j2sdk-${V} && unzip j2sdk-${V} && patch -Np1 -i j2sdk-${VERSION}-fix-intl-files.patch && patch -Np1 -i j2sdk-${VERSION}-link-missing-libs.patch && patch -Np1 -i j2sdk-${VERSION}-remove-fixed-paths.patch && patch -Np1 -i j2sdk-${VERSION}-syntax-fixes.patch && patch -Np1 -i j2sdk-${VERSION}-use-included-motif.patch Set some vars which affect the build: export ALT_BOOTDIR="$JAVA_HOME" && unset JAVA_HOME && unset CLASSPATH && unset CFLAGS && unset CXXFLAGS && unset LDFLAGS && export ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH="/usr/bin" && export BUILD_NUMBER="blfs-`date +%s`" && export DEV_ONLY=true && export ALT_MOZILLA_PATH=$PWD && export INSANE=true && export MAKE_VERBOSE=true && export ALT_CACERTS_FILE=${ALT_BOOTDIR}/jre/lib/security/cacerts Make and Install j2sdk with the following commands: cd control/make && make && cd ../.. && cd control/build/linux-i?86 && cp -a j2sdk-image /opt/j2sdk/j2sdk-&j2sdk-src-version; &&