%general-entities; ]> Perl modules Introduction to <application>Perl</application> modules The Perl module packages add useful objects to the Perl language. Modules utilized by packages throughout BLFS are listed here, along with their dependencies. Perl Packages PDL-&PDL-version; Astro-FITS-Header-&Astro-FITS-Header-version; Gtk-Perl-&Gtk-Perl-version; XML-Writer-&XML-Writer-version; XML-Parser-&XML-Parser-version; Parse-RecDescent-&Parse-RecDescent-version; Installation of <application>Perl</application> modules Install Perl modules by running the following commands: perl Makefile.PL && make && make install The module listed below requires a modification in order to install successfully. Gtk-Perl-&Gtk-Perl-version;: perl Makefile.PL --without-guessing && make && make install (Alternate) Auto installation of <application>Perl</application> modules. There is an alternate way of installing the modules using Perl's built-in install command. The command automatically downloads the source from the CPANarchive, extracts it, runs the commands mentioned above, and removes the build tree. Start the perl shell with the commands: perl -MCPAN -e shell Each module may now be installed from this shell with the command: install <moduleName> For additional commands and help, type help.