%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Tk-&tk-version; Introduction to <application>Tk</application> The Tk package contains a TCL GUI Toolkit. Package information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download size: &tk-size; Estimated Disk space required: &tk-buildsize; Estimated build time: &tk-time; <application>Tk</application> dependencies Required X ( or ) and Installation of <application>Tk</application> Install Tk by running the following commands: VERSION=&tk-version; && V=`echo $VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1,2` && DIR=$PWD && cd unix && ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-threads && make && sed -i "s:${DIR}/unix:/usr/lib:" tkConfig.sh && sed -i "s:${DIR}:/usr/include/tk${V}:" tkConfig.sh && make install && install -d /usr/include/tk${V}/unix && install -m644 *.h /usr/include/tk${V}/unix/ && install -d /usr/include/tk${V}/generic && install -m644 ../generic/*.h /usr/include/tk${V}/generic/ && rm -f /usr/include/tk${V}/generic/{tk,tkDecls,tkPlatDecls}.h && ln -nsf ../../include/tk${V} /usr/lib/tk${V}/include && ln -sf libtk${V}.so /usr/lib/libtk.so && ln -sf wish${V} /usr/bin/wish If you build the package as an ordinary user and then switch to root to install the package, ensure you set the environment variables V and VERSION before running the installation commands. Command explanations --enable-threads: This switch forces the package to build with thread support. sed -i ...: The Tk package assumes that the source that is used to build Tk is always kept around for compiling packages that depend on Tk. These sed's remove the reference to the build directory and replace them by saner system wide locations. install ...: These commands install the internal headers into a system-wide location. ln -sf ...: These commands create compatibility symbolic links. Contents The Tk package contains wish, the libtk library and miscellaneous tools and scripts. Description wish wish is a simple shell containing the Tk toolkit that creates a main window and then processes Tcl commands.