%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ tracker-&tracker-version; tracker Introduction to tracker Tracker is a semantic data storage for desktop and mobile devices. &lfs70_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &tracker-md5sum; Download size: &tracker-size; Estimated disk space required: &tracker-buildsize; Estimated build time: &tracker-time; tracker Dependencies Required , , , , , , and Recommended , , , , and User Notes: Installation of tracker Install tracker by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib/tracker-0.12 \ --enable-miner-evolution=no \ --enable-miner-firefox=no \ --enable-miner-thunderbird=no \ --disable-unit-tests && make This package does not have a working testsuite. Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations --sysconfdir=/etc: the XDG files are installed in /etc instead of /usr/etc. --libexecdir=/usr/lib/tracker-0.12: This parameter is used so that the files are installed in /usr/lib/tracker-0.12 instead of /usr/libexec. --enable-miner...=no: These miners have been reported to cause problems, so we turn them off. --disable-unit-tests: The testsuite fails, so we do not waste time building it. Configuring tracker If you wish to use gnome-documents to look at local PDF and PS files, you will need to index your disk by starting tracker with tracker-control -s. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories tracker-control, tracker-explorer, tracker-extract, tracker-import, tracker-info, tracker-miner-flickr, tracker-miner-fs, tracker-needle, tracker-preferences, tracker-search, tracker-search-bar, tracker-sparql, tracker-stats, tracker-store, tracker-tag, and tracker-writeback libextract-abw.so, libextract-epub.so, libextract-gstreamer.so, libextract-html.so, libextract-icon.so, libextract-jpeg.so, libextract-mp3.so, libextract-msoffice-xml.so, libextract-msoffice.so, libextract-oasis.so, libextract-pdf.so, libextract-png.so, libextract-ps.so, libextract-text.so, libextract-tiff.so, libextract-xmp.so, libnautilus-tracker-tags.so, libtracker-common.so, libtracker-data.so, libtracker-extract-0.12.so, libtracker-miner-0.12.so, libtracker-sparql-0.12.so, and libwriteback-xmp.so /usr/{include/tracker-0.12/{libtracker-extract,libtracker-miner,libtracker-sparql},lib/tracker-0.12/{extract-modules,writeback-modules},share/tracker/{extract-rules,icons,languages,miners,ontologies}} Short Descriptions tracker-control does this ..... tracker-control tracker-explorer does this ..... tracker-explorer tracker-extract does this ..... tracker-extract tracker-import does this ..... tracker-import tracker-info does this ..... tracker-info tracker-miner-flickr does this ..... tracker-miner-flickr tracker-miner-fs does this ..... tracker-miner-fs tracker-needle does this ..... tracker-needle tracker-preferences does this ..... tracker-preferences tracker-search does this ..... tracker-search tracker-search-bar does this ..... tracker-search-bar tracker-sparql does this ..... tracker-sparql tracker-stats does this ..... tracker-stats tracker-store does this ..... tracker-store tracker-tag does this ..... tracker-tag tracker-writeback does this ..... tracker-writeback libextract-abw.so contains functions that ..... libextract-abw.so libextract-epub.so contains functions that ..... libextract-epub.so libextract-gstreamer.so contains functions that ..... libextract-gstreamer.so libextract-html.so contains functions that ..... libextract-html.so libextract-icon.so contains functions that ..... libextract-icon.so libextract-jpeg.so contains functions that ..... libextract-jpeg.so libextract-mp3.so contains functions that ..... libextract-mp3.so libextract-msoffice-xml.so contains functions that ..... libextract-msoffice-xml.so libextract-msoffice.so contains functions that ..... libextract-msoffice.so libextract-oasis.so contains functions that ..... libextract-oasis.so libextract-pdf.so contains functions that ..... libextract-pdf.so libextract-png.so contains functions that ..... libextract-png.so libextract-ps.so contains functions that ..... libextract-ps.so libextract-text.so contains functions that ..... libextract-text.so libextract-tiff.so contains functions that ..... libextract-tiff.so libextract-xmp.so contains functions that ..... libextract-xmp.so libnautilus-tracker-tags.so contains functions that ..... libnautilus-tracker-tags.so libtracker-common.so contains functions that ..... libtracker-common.so libtracker-data.so contains functions that ..... libtracker-data.so libtracker-extract-0.12.so contains functions that ..... libtracker-extract-0.12.so libtracker-miner-0.12.so contains functions that ..... libtracker-miner-0.12.so libtracker-sparql-0.12.so contains functions that ..... libtracker-sparql-0.12.so libwriteback-xmp.so contains functions that ..... libwriteback-xmp.so