%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ accerciser-&accerciser-version; accerciser Introduction to accerciser Accerciser is an accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks. &lfs70_built; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &accerciser-md5sum; Download size: &accerciser-size; Estimated disk space required: &accerciser-buildsize; Estimated build time: &accerciser-time; accerciser Dependencies Required , , and Additional Runtime Dependencies , , User Notes: Installation of accerciser Install accerciser by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=$GNOME_PREFIX \ && make The testsuite is intended for the package's maintainer to check the XML translations. Now, as the root user: make install Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories about_dialog.py, accerciser, accerciser.py, accessible_treeview.py, base_plugin.py, bookmarks.py, hotkey_manager.py, i18n.py, icons.py, main_window.py, message.py, node.py, plugin_manager.py, prefs_dialog.py, tools.py, ui_manager.py, and view.py None $GNOME_PREFIX/{lib/python2.7/site-packages/accerciser/plugin,share/{accerciser/{pixmaps/hicolor/22x22,plugindata/validate,plugins},gnome/help/accerciser/{C/figures,ca/figures,cs/figures,de/figures,el/figures,en_GB/figures,es/figures,fr/figures,gl/figures,it/figures,ja/figures,oc/figures,pt_BR/figures,sl/figures,sv/figures,uk/figures,zh_CN/figures}}} Short Descriptions about_dialog.py does this ..... about_dialog.py accerciser-prog does this ..... accerciser-prog accerciser.py does this ..... accerciser.py accessible_treeview.py does this ..... accessible_treeview.py base_plugin.py does this ..... base_plugin.py bookmarks.py does this ..... bookmarks.py hotkey_manager.py does this ..... hotkey_manager.py i18n.py does this ..... i18n.py icons.py does this ..... icons.py main_window.py does this ..... main_window.py message.py does this ..... message.py node.py does this ..... node.py plugin_manager.py does this ..... plugin_manager.py prefs_dialog.py does this ..... prefs_dialog.py tools.py does this ..... tools.py ui_manager.py does this ..... ui_manager.py view.py does this ..... view.py